Wed October 23 2013, 08:55 AM
trackmasterSouthern wa
Does Eric ever do any schools in Southern Washington?
Thu October 24 2013, 06:23 PM
E.W. #849I used to go down to longview. It is difficult to get tracks to do quality schools on. I dont like to have schools at open practice days with a bunch of other riders riding. Way to many distractions takes away from a quality school. I've talked with elane about renting clark county but durring that time, I am really busy with schools at Monroe.
Do you have access to quality tracks?
Fri October 25 2013, 08:04 AM
trackmasterA couple friends of mine were working with pontious, but it looks like he is going to calif to train down there. Was just checking to see if you had anything regular down this way. I know riverdale is pretty much wide open during the week, clark county would be good if it was on mondays, always seems quiet on that day
Mon November 04 2013, 08:31 AM
E.W. #849I'm really on hold right now. I was planning on getting the rod out of my femur. The first attempt was botched so I will be going back for another surgery soon (hopefully this week).
Tue November 05 2013, 07:00 PM
trackmasterGood luck with that Eric. I imagine its not good to ride with that rod in there. I think whipple may have just had knee surgery
Thu November 07 2013, 09:39 AM
David Rose SR.May your surgery go well. Are we going snowmobiling this season?
Wed November 13 2013, 08:22 AM
E.W. #849Story of my life!
I had some tooling made to get the bolt out of my leg. Monday they gave it a try. Ended up not going good. The bolt is fused to the bone and will not come out.
Im stuck with it for life. Although it does hurt when its cold out. I will live. The price I pay for making a stupid choice.
Wed November 13 2013, 03:45 PM
David Rose SR.Sorry to here that. When will you be healed up?
Wed November 13 2013, 10:35 PM
trackmasterThat sucks bad! Hope you heal quickly
Sun November 17 2013, 06:13 PM
Paul 061Silly quacks, do they not know about Never Seize?

Mon November 18 2013, 07:25 AM
E.W. #849Never sieze or even how to really use an easy out/dap and die. UGG!!!!!
I will be ready to ride soon.
Mon November 18 2013, 02:50 PM
David Rose SR.Snowmobile? I just got a XM X 154
Mon November 25 2013, 06:39 AM
E.W. #849I will be ready to ride sleds soon. Just need to replace some bent up rails on my sled.....from jumping.....
Originally posted by David Rose SR.:
Snowmobile? I just got a XM X 154
Tue November 26 2013, 12:40 PM
David Rose SR.Sounds good and let me know