Tue March 12 2013, 07:43 PM
PIONEER1246WTB Alpinestar/Garne Boots size 7 or 8 and youth 3
Two of my kids need some boots, both preferably white or red/white. Adult size 7 or 8 and youth size 3. Alpinestar/Gaerne/Sidi brands.
Wed March 13 2013, 01:27 PM
mx298Gaerne's are great, they don't wear out! sg10's are simple, protective and fit well. %75 of the people I ride with (including my son's) wear Gaerne's and love them.
Thu March 14 2013, 06:01 PM
PIONEER1246Thank you mx298. I have a pair of Gaerne's lined up for my daughter, but still looking for some youth ones for my son