Tue February 09 2010, 09:28 AM
E.W. #849Wanted Asterisks knee brace parts
Does anyone have a right side inner hing for a Asterisks knee brace?
Or an extra brace I can borrow it off of?
The will not send me the part I need and I cant be down a weekend without them.
Wed February 10 2010, 11:58 AM
E.W. #849Does anyone have set of used mediums forsale?
Wed February 10 2010, 12:53 PM
Paul 061Eric I have a pair of larges you could borrow, but I'm not sure how you would get them.
Thu February 11 2010, 08:33 AM
E.W. #849Thanks everyone!
I think I found a pair of medium asteriks to borrow. Ive never had large braces on but Im sure they would just fall off my huge legs!
I called Asterisks and asked for the part. They would not sell it to me. I had to send them in.
BUT at big races you can buy the parts. What the hell??? Sounds like some money making scam to me!
Thanks again!
Thu February 11 2010, 09:32 AM
Paul 061I sent mine in to get refurbished. It was a week turn around.
Thu February 11 2010, 07:14 PM
ryan625Eric, i have sent Ryan's in uhhhh numerous times(hate to admit that), if you let them know you are racing just about every weekend, they have a fabulous turn around time. They are really great to work with, and if you send them in with what you only think the problem is, they check the whole brace out. I have been impressed with the price I paid for refurbishing them.
Alice(625 mom)
Fri February 12 2010, 01:08 PM
E.W. #849I dont have time to send them in right now. All I needed was one part. They wouldnt send me ANYTHING. I have to send them in.
Ohh well.... I will make it work. DUCTAPE!!!
Fri February 12 2010, 01:30 PM
Paul 061Hey Eric you could wrap each leg in a beach towel and use my larges

Fri February 12 2010, 01:37 PM
E.W. #849Im good for this weekend. Nathan Powers dropped a set of mediums off lastnight.
Hes so rad!!!!