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Sun May 29 2011, 10:25 PM
Justin Hawkins
Has anybody tried the Artrax SX1 tires from motorsport. I read some reviews on TT, but wanted to hear from North west guy's.
Geo MX51's and I are not having a good relationship.

Sun May 29 2011, 11:08 PM
Rays Dad
Did you find the mx51s wearing out too fast?
Mon May 30 2011, 07:06 AM
Paul 061
Hawk try the new prowheel tire. I need a guinea pig LOL. Looks like a michelin knock off.

If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Mon May 30 2011, 08:39 AM
At 12+lb my 51's were sketchy couldn't trust them, I was told try runnin 8-9lb and now they never seem to step out I can trust them, I have probably have four days of riding at low pressure at horn and no flats bent rims yet, but we don't have any rocks and I'm on a 250f, I want to try the m203/204? Next
Mon May 30 2011, 10:46 AM
Justin Hawkins
High PSI it does not hold, but at low PSI I spin the wheel and rip the valve. It does wear quickly just like the 756 but does not perform like the 756. I change the rear tire at 50% tread so thinking of a cheap tire to run.
I use to run a IRC IXO7S and loved that tire but word must have got out because now they cost $103.00 from the low $50's from a couple years ago.

Mon May 30 2011, 12:28 PM
Justin Hawkins
Talked to a couple guy's that ride MT View and Shougal allot and they run a M12XC so I went with that since Pro Caliber Bend had a Memorial Day SALE $ $70.00 for tire and tube.
I will let you know how it goes?

Mon May 30 2011, 04:50 PM
Paul 061
I'm going to try the prowheel tires when I need a new one. The geomax are OK but I'm looking for good and cheap :-0

If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Mon May 30 2011, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by Paul 061:
I'm going to try the prowheel tires when I need a new one. The geomax are OK but I'm looking for good and cheap :-0

Paul, I'm running them now. The rear is working good and the front is fine. The first time on the front I wasn't happy but I dropped the psi a little and they worked much better. Have 3 rides on them and still has a good edge.
Also Rory S. Won the last round of the Mega Crown running them. If there good enough for him us normal riders should be fine.


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Mon May 30 2011, 07:05 PM
Paul 061
I'm too slow to know the difference in performance.

If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Mon June 06 2011, 09:28 PM
Justin Hawkins
Rode at Mt View Sunday and the new M12XC hooked up great in both the morning mud and afternoon hard pack, did a total of 1.5 hours of riding out of the four hours that I was there and tire still has a square edge. Breaking bumps were harsh my hands just could not take it. Tire pressure 12psi rear and 15psi front. I hope to have my hand issues resolved by the next peactice on Saturday the 18th, and we will see how the tire holds again.

Mon June 06 2011, 10:02 PM
You could ride Mt. View with supermoto tires! You guys just need to do as I say, get some Starcrosses, and fuhgeddaboudit! Big Grin
Wed June 08 2011, 12:26 PM
I just ordered a set of M12XC front/rears... The unfortunate part is that I won't be able to try them on Mtn View dirt. Frown

Its all boulders and river bed silt for me...
Wed June 08 2011, 03:42 PM
I forgot to mention that I ordered a DEVOL skid plate as well!!!
Wed June 08 2011, 09:30 PM
I run bridgestone 403/404 and I was running 14 psi, then an MXA article recommended 12.5 psi, so I tried it, and wow sticks like glue in fast flat corners. I'm a big guy and I was worried about rim damage, but nope just awesome traction IMO.
Wed June 08 2011, 11:17 PM
Chaz... Those are the tires I swear by but now that I am up in AK they are chunking a little on the rocks. Never had any problems and loved them down there. Forced to try another...
Thu June 09 2011, 08:04 AM
Yeah those michelins wear like iron.
Sat June 25 2011, 06:56 PM
Justin Hawkins
M12 XC Tire sucks t 12psi today at MT View in a sweeping corner 4th pinned the tire de beeded the rim dug into the ground, dirt filled the tire, then the tire re-bonded some how and I ate SHIT. Tube did not pop it still had 12psi, so as I see it that tire cost me, bars, brake lever, grips, and a tire, because I huckes that pice of #%$&^$ ^^$&^$#&^ rubber. I am not in the greatest of moods so most likely should have done this tomorrow but I just felt like getting it off my pocket book.
I hope you all have a better ride weekiend then me.

Sat June 25 2011, 07:36 PM
If by the M12 you are referring to the Michelin, We used to use those with pretty good results in the woods. We would run S12's in the winter, and M12's in the summer. Worked pretty good. But when we switched to MX, I was not impressed with their performance. The Starcross has performed flawlessly if you ask me, and I have run Bridgestones, and of course the stock Dunflops. I steer clear of the Maxxis, but a guy I know blew just about every knobby off of one on his 450.

Starcross MH3 work excellent at Mt. View, and I plan to confirm what I already know down there next weekend. As for this weekend, we will be at Ward, where they also work exceptionally well.
Tue July 05 2011, 10:15 PM
x2 on the Michelin Starcross MH3, ran a brand new set on my 450 this weekend at Mountain View, they hooked up great. Rode there last fall with Dunflops and they did ok, but nothing like the Michelins.
Wed July 06 2011, 08:06 PM
So what dealership here in W. WA has the cheapest price for a 110-90-19 and a 90-100-21 Starcross?

I'm in dire need of a front tire prior to getting back to racing being mine has a HUGE gash I noticed the last time and it kind of makes me nervous so might as well put some new shoes on the scoot prior to "competing" again.