Wed July 06 2011, 08:43 PM
ggrreeat... I have a brand new set of M12s sitting in the shop... guess I am gonna have to be a trail rider
Tue July 12 2011, 12:14 AM
MX516K... Just put on my new m12's and my memory from 5+ years ago was correct... By far the hardest tire I've put on... There is no way they are coming off the bead at 12psi!

Gonna give them a try on some moto tomorrow, then I am gonna slap on my new devol skid plate and head for the hills this weekend!
Tue July 12 2011, 09:44 PM
BearmoreI've got two new tires on their way as I type (due at my doorstep tomorrow). Checked the tracking # and the weight is 23.8 lbs. I think I just found out a great way to shave some weight on my YZ250 2-smoker. I'm leaving the tires off from now on. Not to mention I won't have to bust my knuckles putting them on

WOO HOO...holeshot here I come.