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Crater, I was raised in a 2 income family as well. I'm not bashing people for doing that because you almost have to in order to pay the bills. I'm just saying now that I want to have kids I want to attempt to be able to have my wife stay home and take care of them at least until they get old enough to stay home alone and be consciously-responsible. Yeah, I bet getting "Obama Care" (or maybe we should just call it Hillary Care attempt #2) to pay for a knee surgery that resulted from MX racing would be a tough thing to accomplish. You would have to have a "regular job" and make up some BS story about hurting your knee at work. I doubt the system would be kind to privateer MXers in need of care but somehow I'm betting the top national pros that are "Rich" by comparison would still have no problem getting any medical procedures that they need or want. Even under universal health care I think the rich will still find a way to get anything they need done. Maybe it will just become a system of private health care facilities where everything comes out of pocket (sort of like a plastic surgeon is now). I'm sure they would pop up in the Hollywood area first and then trickle out to other major metropolitan areas in the country soon after. The rich seem to find a way to take care of their needs no matter what... but I can't really blame them ![]() | |||
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#1 We can't "Afford" anything.... period. We are broke as a nation so why should our nation behave differently than an individual who is broke. Oh, that's right broke people don't act broke anymore... they just bust our the Credit Card. The difference between someone being stupid with their own credit card and the government using the taxpayers as the nation's collective "credit card" (read: national debt) is this: Personal Credit Cards have credit limits on them so that even the dumbest person can only get themselves into a certain amount of debt with Credit cards. Our PAST and PRESENT recklessly spending administrations haven't been issued a "credit limit" on how far they can tax us to increase their spending. They have behaved like an individual that is unemployed and has a magic credit card with no limit. And they don't even have to worry about making payments because they are just going to pass the balance of the magic credit card on to their kids when they die and just tell their kids to go ahead and do the same with the grandchildren. #2 Liberals seem to have some sort of "socialism envy" and they put their blinders up where all the negative aspects are concerned. The closest example to any of us is Canada and the Canadians I've talked to about their system aren't big fans of it. I like your point about JFK. I'm not old enough to know anything about JFK other than what I learned in """HISTORY""" class so I have always been curious why people loved him so much?? Did he do great things politically or was he simply just a guy that people found to be charismatic and he happened to be better looking than past presidents so most women automatically agreed with him and thought he was just great.... fill me in because I'm too young to know anything about JFK. | |||
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There are at least five serious reasons why you need to call Congressman and Senators Murray and Cantwell and let them know how you feel about Government ran Health Care (aka socialized medicine). 1. Rationing. Government run healthcare always ends up rationing medical services. There are no exceptions. That's why medical clinics in Seattle and Buffalo are full of Canadians who can't get timely medical treatment in Canada. 2. Your Worth To Society. President Obama even admitted this when he told a lady with an elderly mother that "we can't make decisions on 'spirit' but only on hard facts and numbers". There is already a proposal that the government ration medical treatment by dividing the cost of a procedure by the age of the client. Younger folks automatically end up higher on the numbers list. If you're in your 70's take two aspirins and go to bed. 3. Technology. Today there are more MRI machines in Fairfax Co. Virginia than there are in the entire nation of Canada. Dr David Blumenthal, key Obama advisor, blames medical innovations for two-thirds of the rising cost of medical care. They seem to be aiming toward a limitation on medical innovations and new drugs. Thus, more rationing. 4. No Real Private Choice. The House version of Obama-care has a provision that says if you have private insurance you can keep it as long as you don't try to change companies. If you don't have it you aren't even allowed to purchase it. The government plan would be one third subsidized by the taxpayers. Clearly their intent is to kill off private health insurance. 5. No Real Private Choice. A government with Medicare on the brink of bankruptcy, with a Post Office that can't make ends meet, and with a Social Security System facing crushing taxes in order to remain solvent now proposes a universal health system with a minimum $1.5 Trillion ten year price tag? In the midst of a recession? This is utterly ridiculous. There are several obvious steps we could take to solve the health problems at the margin in our society: · Stop Punitive Legal Damages. Punitive legal damages are those awarded above and beyond actual, measurable damages for medical malpractice. They are awarded to punish the doctor. These are the damages that cause your doctor to spend $250,000 per year on malpractice insurance. You are the one who pays for that insurance. The cost of medical services you pay could be reduced dramatically if we would eliminate punitive legal damages. · Make Tax Deductibility Universal. If you receive health insurance from your employer, your insurance is tax deductible by your employer. But, if you purchase your own insurance it is not. This is unfair. Everyone should be able to deduct health insurance premiums from their taxable income. · Emergency Room Money. No-one in America is without health care. If you can't afford it, you go to the nearest emergency room. The US Government could throw a bunch of money at Emergency Rooms and do a lot of good, and it would still be a trifle amount compared to the amount that will be wasted on "universal health care". · Eliminate Insurance Mandates. You're no doubt paying for health care insurance that you will never need and don't want. Insurance companies are not allowed to offer you a policy that suits your particular needs. Change this and insurance costs will drop like a rock. A government insurer of last resort can provide for hard-case situations, but that's a small number of people only. · Medical Savings Accounts that don't go away. If you could purchase catastrophic only health insurance it would be dirt cheap by current standards. If you were allowed to have a Medical Savings Account which carried over from year to year you would be able to shop around for your normal medical needs. This would be a true marketplace in operation, and is estimated to dramatically reduce the cost of medical care. These are a few of the reasons you need to immediately contact your Congressman and Senators. Our Senators are: · Patty Murray; phone = 202-224-2621, fax:202-224-0238, email at www.murray.senate.gov · Maria Cantwell; phone = 202-224-3441, fax:202-228-0514, email at www.cantwell.senate.gov | |||
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MX516....done..... NaPalm: The history behind JFK is clouded at best. It is hard to find a good two sided factual debate on his polices. Vietnam is one of his claim to fames (the fact they try to hide) as well as the Cubin missile crisis....He embarrased America with his affair with Marilyn Monroe (now most people would just say oh well like with Bill Clinton) But back then it was a huge offence. He was the first President to dip into your social security funds. He talked alot about equal rights for minorities and started the ball rolling for their acceptance and so called fair labor practices (In that time it was needed). He fought tooth and nail for the space program and was bound and determined to put an American on the moon. Other than that, all you have to do is read about Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and now BOB, and it is all the same policies just a different twist here and there. | |||
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This healthcare bill is going nowhere. The big ole $$ lobbying $$ machine is in high gear. I would hate to even guess how much money is going through DC to stop this. Money always wins. You can't beat the insurance co and trail lawyers at this game. This squished Hillary care and soon Obama care. There is a small chance you might see a very very watered down version of whats out there. I do think we need some type of reform. We won't see anything signficant until we reach critical mass. | |||
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Please Read this: An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before, but had once failed an entire class. -------------------------------------------- That class had insisted that Obama's socialism worked and that no one would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer. The professor then said, "OK, we will have an experiment in this class on Obama's plan". All grades would be averaged and everyone would receive the same grade so no one would fail and no one would receive an A. After the first test, the grades were averaged and everyone got a B. The students who studied hard were upset and the students who studied little were happy. As the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride too so they studied little. The second test average was a D! No one was happy. When the 3rd test rolled around, the average was an F. The scores never increased as bickering, blame and name-calling all resulted in hard feelings and no one would study for the benefit of anyone else. All failed, to their great surprise, and the professor told them that socialism would also ultimately fail because when the reward is great, the effort to succeed is great but when government takes all the reward away, no one will try or want to succeed. Could not be any simpler than that. | |||
RIGHT ON. | ||||
Very good analogy! | ||||
where is ted on this one | ||||
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I heard that Ted was in Alaska for the Sarah Palin presidential run kickoff tour ! | |||
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NaPalm... when my nephews and my son signed up to play T-ball, they were really pumped to go out and win their first game..... to their dimay.. the found out that it has become "liberal T-ball"...they played hard and did their very best to win the game and they clearly did by a number of runs. But like I said it has become "liberal T- ball" and they were informed that there is no winners or loosers, they just played a game. The team was full of dissapointed young kids... they worked very hard to win their first game and that win was hollow. Well the next game we played at least 5 of the kids didnt even show up, and the ones that did, really didnt even try. By the third game my son didnt want to play nor my one remaining nephew on the team. No reward no effort. Even kids understand this ![]() | |||
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motodad, get your kid into wrestling...or stick with mx! they can't take away the winners and losers there! | |||
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-------------------------------------------- I am definetly not liberal and back Palin for President 100%. My boy started racing at three and the girls at five. I realy liked the fact that all the kids in the 50 class at that age starting out at almost all the races all got a trophy just for lining up and trying. Most of the parents were pretty cool and understood it was just about having fun playing a sport and losing or winning wasnt going to determine there future at that point in there lifes. There where always a few that took very serious and winning was the only option or your just a loser. I played every sport in school as do my three kids and have coached them in some. In the beginning it was about just the fundamentals and having fun playing a game. As they have became older 9-12-13 it has become mor important to win than having fun for them. I try to remind them as long as they play there very best win or loose that having fun is whats most important and not ever give up if your on a loosing streak because eventualy if you keep coming back working on your game you will win just like anything in life. There has been alot of great games played by proffesional athletes in many different sports I have read books about even some NFL superbowl games that have been lost that players have said after there careers that winning one would of been great but in the end it wasnt what was most inportant. Some of the funnest games they played and played there best they lost. Thats what fans liked so much about running back Barry Sanders who played for the Lions. Super freaky talented but was always a team player win or loose. The Lions lost alot of games while he broke alot of records and he is definetly not considered a looser. Very humble never even spiked the ball once in his career.. | |||
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MX516, my son is almost 18 now this was a few years back (notice i said a "few" years back lol)Wouldnt want to admit im getting OLD...... ![]() TRA... I do belive in good sportsmanship and not to get too wrapped up in winning and I do believe in the saying " Its not if you win or loose, but its how you play the game" That is what I have always tried to teach my kids. But kids do look for the reward for their efforts and adults as well. Taking away any and all rewards for busting your a$$ is a recipe for disaster. Just my thought. ![]() | |||
Holy crap, it must be the 7th sign of the impending apocalypse, I agree with TRA again(except for the Palin part and the not being liberal part). Ok so it's only the 3rd sign ![]() ------------------------------------ If you wanna live life on your own terms you Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ... | ||||
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