Northwest Motocross Forum
just wonderin...
Tue February 14 2012, 07:26 PM
Aaronjust wonderin...
I like it Klete. And I can assure you guys, were growing. I'm going to get some more stickers printed, hit me up if you see me turning practice lap after practice lap!
Tue February 14 2012, 07:58 PM
AaronBy the way Klete, can we borrow your saying for the Facebook page?

Tue February 14 2012, 08:00 PM
Originally posted by Aaron:
I like it Klete. And I can assure you guys, were growing. I'm going to get some more stickers printed, hit me up if you see me turning practice lap after practice lap!
Do you need to run numbers to be pro practicer? I just run numbers on the front plate and I get called poser a lot

Tue February 14 2012, 08:04 PM
Paul 061Aaron is the Grand Pubah of the MXPPA :-)
If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Tue February 14 2012, 08:13 PM
AaronJoin up guys! Just made a facebook profile. February 14 2012, 08:14 PM
AaronUp until last year, the rule was that you couldn't race. Then I rode an OTMX, so we had to amend the bylaws to allow a nominal amount of racing....LOL.
And numbers are good, gotta look factory you know..
Tue February 14 2012, 08:18 PM
TomstiI think the only official requirement of the MXPPA is that you are committed about bench racing under the ezup.
There could be more rules to acceptance however the rules committee was too drunk to finish them.
Tue February 14 2012, 08:24 PM
AaronTom, I can assure you that seat time is the number one requirement. Sharkey runs the "under easy up bull$hitting sub-committee.
Tue February 14 2012, 09:15 PM
Rays DadI'm sure hoping to qualify for the MXPPA this year once I win my first practice.
Tue February 14 2012, 09:39 PM
Workman #21I'd post a picture here but wouldn't wanna scare any posers away with it's magnificence. No posers in MXPPA just good timers. Effort is all that counts. Ones only gotta remember this "It aint how fast ya go, but how good ya look". My Podium Speech: "I'd like to thank all my sponsors and for Subway and their most magnificent Toasted Jalapeno, Onion and Olive Steak & Cheese topped with Chipotle sauce sandwich" without which I'd be ...
Tue February 14 2012, 09:55 PM
Kimball #126I think I might race one race this "Grandfather" me in on at least one.. MXPPA I'm down!
Wed February 15 2012, 07:48 AM
KinserMoto438Aaron, go for it. It's only the perfect quote. Shout out to Toby Keith for the inspiration.
*Let up for a second, and thats where you'll finish!*
-Klete #438
Wed February 15 2012, 08:04 AM
KinserMoto438I now realize I have to start saving my pennies so I can acquire the necessary bling for my ol' 2-smoke to shine and glisten as I turn laps at the local practice track. That is, when I make my return to serious moto-practice this spring.
*Let up for a second, and thats where you'll finish!*
-Klete #438
Wed February 15 2012, 02:02 PM
E.W. #849Hey Brian, Your topic got jacked by the MXPPA!
Whats the status of your hip?
Wed February 15 2012, 02:42 PM
McGinnis_339Haha yeah it did EW. I've been working with the physical therapist and they got me into a wheel chair yesterday which was nice to actually move around on my own. The last time I looked outside was when I was laying on the ground at toes so it was strange to see buildings and everything when I was wheeling around. If things keep going well I should be able to go home tomorrow sometime, then its just a quick 8 to 12 week no weight on my hips recovery and I should be set. Hopefully I'll be out of a chair by the time seattle sx rolls around. I was hoping mxppa could hook up some stickers for my new sweet bedside commode!
Sun February 19 2012, 02:50 PM
mxaniacI did a lot of thinking after September 17th and decided I wanted my kids off the track so we're hanging our boots up. We'll try to hit some vintage races in the NW and maybe an old timers race but that's it.
Sun February 19 2012, 03:34 PM
McGinnis_339Laying in the hospital bed I pretty much had it made up in my mind that I was done for good. Yesterday I wheeled into the garage and my dad straightened out the front of my bike for me. While looking at my bike I started thinking that if I could, I would have jumped up on it and rode it around that block. I think for most that ever throw a leg over a bike once, it becomes a way of life forever. I have to buy new gear and a new helmet but I'll be itching to ride again. Even if its just riding down my street. On another note... I was wearing a bell moto-8 helmet that was a closeout model that I had just recently got. It cracked in 4 places almost all the way thru but I didn't have even a minor concussion. It absolutely did its job and will buy another one and I recommend Bell Helmets to anyone. And I also just want to say that the only thing at fault for the crash was me. My suspension was set up great and motocross tracks get rough. I took a different line over a job than what I normally was taking and it had a little kicker on it that I failed to notice (or react to). Just wanted to get that out there...
Sun February 19 2012, 03:41 PM
McGinnis_339Took a different line over a jump* than what I usually was taking...
Sun February 19 2012, 05:41 PM
Court321Well I'm glad your not going to hang the boots up man! Your too good to give up! Things happen to all of us! I look forward to riding with you again! Take it easy bro!
Sun February 19 2012, 06:13 PM
race250rSorry to hear about your get off. We can all empathize with you, albeit some more than others

Get well soon!