Northwest Motocross Forum
SX/MX 2012
Wed December 21 2011, 07:00 AM
TRA-742SX/MX 2012
RD5 will be the sx/mx champ and the two kids will make the 350 shine on the east coast and then there will be gates full of orange bikes on the line like back in 93 with MC and the sea of cr250's! Go ahead place your bets now I will keep you posted of any changes..
Wed December 21 2011, 10:54 AM
Paul 061Dungey is my favorite rider but no one will touch Stewart (unless he implodes).
If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Wed December 21 2011, 12:32 PM
TRA-742Stewart is clearly not untouchable, he was touched a lot last year. Any one of them can implode..
Wed December 21 2011, 01:20 PM
Paul 061we shall see. My prediction
If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Wed December 21 2011, 02:16 PM
TRA-7422012 SX CHAMP
1-Dungey (if no mechanical dnf's)
2-Canard (If he starts A-1)
Wed December 21 2011, 06:33 PM
tedPoto will be the one to beat.
Stewart will not be able to focus.
Dungey is riding a KTM! ( did you see how bad it was at the SX a few months ago.)
I think there will be 2 new riders in the top 5 this year.
I also predict that the 2012 Professional Purse will be an imbarrassment to our sport.
Wed December 21 2011, 09:04 PM
HutchracerI'm thinking it will be a battle royal this year I hope for mixed results this year and nobody running away with it. I think it will be the same 4 as last year with Brayton and K-Dub in the mix at times as well. Can Alessi put the money where the mouth is I doubt it but who knows. Can Trey Cannard make it through the season without wading himself as has become normal. What about Barcia on a 450 in SX when he can oh the ????? time will tell
Thu December 22 2011, 01:42 AM
darius228My money is on RV1. I bet he sweeps it again this year. His bike works amazing now.
Thu December 22 2011, 07:35 AM
TomstiI hope JS7 doesn't implode but I wouldn't place money on it.
1 - RV1
2 - RD5
3 - JS7
4 - KW14 (I hope)

Thu December 22 2011, 11:01 AM
Osaka #627I saw the rep for Thor Professional Motocross @ the Apple Store at South Center Mall last night.
We talked about Ryan. He showed me some videos and pictures taken last week. I don't want to give to much away, but Ryan is looking really, really good. His bike this year is just plain sexy as well.
I'm a Stewart fan, but after watching videos of Stewart then a home video of Ryan. JS7 better be working hard!
The Asian Sensation - Stirring Sh** Since '89.
Fri December 23 2011, 06:07 PM
Originally posted by Paul 061:
Dungey is my favorite rider but no one will touch Stewart (unless he implodes).
I like stew
Fri December 23 2011, 10:50 PM
tom160James Stewart crashes? Since when? hahaaha
Sat December 24 2011, 09:09 AM
AaronI think that Stewart will be the fastest (at some times) but certainly not all the time. I think RV will be just fast enough to be consistent, and will win some motos (where Stewy falls) and will win the title.
There you go, my Nostrodamus moment.
Oh, and Dungey will get third just about every time, and get up there and say his canned podium speech with KTM inserted where Suzuki would have been last year.
Sat December 24 2011, 09:49 AM
Originally posted by Aaron:
I think that Stewart will be the fastest (at some times) but certainly not all the time. I think RV will be just fast enough to be consistent, and will win some motos (where Stewy falls) and will win the title.
There you go, my Nostrodamus moment.
Oh, and Dungey will get third just about every time, and get up there and say his canned podium speech with KTM inserted where Suzuki would have been last year.
That's very creative..based your prediction on Exactly what happened last year that's as boring as Dungeys podium speeches..I pedict the sun will come up tomorrow as well! Lol
Merry Christmas everybody!
Sat December 24 2011, 01:00 PM
AaronYou obviously don't live in Seattle Ted! Lol.
I'm just calling it the way I see it. I watch all kinds of racing, and the one I choose to do, MX, always seems boring at the pro level. Each year, its just more of the same. I predict this year to be no different.
Check out Motogp! Now that's some fun watch'n!
Sat December 24 2011, 01:32 PM
TRA-742I had to read the "you don't live in Seattle part" three times an read my post to finaly catch on..that's funny Aaron!
Sat December 24 2011, 03:58 PM
AaronThe sun will surely come up, July 5th!
Sat December 24 2011, 09:48 PM
J Mullquote:
Originally posted by Aaron:
The sun will surely come up, July 5th!
A little optimistic aren't you Aaron?
Mon December 26 2011, 06:09 PM
Workman #21I'm for a Canard-vs-Villopoto SX 2012 season. Reed 3rd, Stewart crashes.
Thu January 05 2012, 09:56 PM
devomx302think villopoto has a lot of momentum behind, sx champ, mx champ, des nations champ, 1 million richer. the guy seems to feed off of that!