Just wanted to meet as many local folks in the Snohomish area as I can to ride with wether it be trails or track, although I enjoy riding on tracks most i like to get seat time when ever I can.
My history, Im 28 in WA sine 2003 by way of the USAF, grew up in Sac. CA racing 125 novice at Hangtown and Sac speedway from 12-15 yrs old, couldnt ride after that due to family/money issues, fast forward to 19 yrs. old bought a street bike with my enlistment bonus meet a guy who was a "sportbike stunt rider" decided I would do that ended up tearing my Right ACL so I put that aside and got back on a MX bike, a 01 cr250 but had no where or one to ride with, so I sold that and set my sportbike up to dedicate it to freestyle, from 2003-2008 I did shows at local bike stores, monster jam and Formula D. Traveled and competed riding at a professional level placing top 5 amongst the worlds best sportbike freestyle riders, was in a few videos, super street bike magazine, created a new trick for the sport, I got burtn out with stunt riding and the fact that it could never be recogized as a legit sport I decided to focus on my home life, so I married my girl bought a home and have been bikeless for almost 2 years, recently decided to go back to my roots of MX and picked up an 01 kx 250 last month, have been driving every weekend to tracks all over WA and getting to the point where I want to try and ride locally and enhance my speed and skill which leads me here.