Sun August 14 2011, 11:11 AM
HutchracerLoretta Lynns
We just got back into town after comming home from Lorettas and I wanted to give a big shot out to all the NW racers that were there racing. It was super hot out there 100+ everyday and everyone just did great. My girl went 19-18-19 in girls 9-11 for 19th overall, which was better than I expected so no complaints there. I would do it all again in a heartbeat
Sun August 14 2011, 12:16 PM
Paul 061How did you guys do it? Did you drive there?
Sun August 14 2011, 08:19 PM
HutchracerYeah we did it on a budget hauled the enclosed trailer and camped at the track. I don't have a hotel on wheels like some of the other racer familys there. It took us 3 days and 2600+ miles to get there stopping 1 night on the way. It was not the cheapest race in the world but I'd do it again in a heartbeat if she made it next year.
Entry fee $375
Transponder $40
Gate fee $30
just a few of the costs
Like I said not the cheapest race in the world but worth every penny if you ask me.
Sun August 14 2011, 08:36 PM
Ivest4That's terrific Hutchracer! You've got to be proud of that. I'm working on a plan for next year to go to Loretta's. I have a friend that moved over there for work so there's no excuses now.
Mon August 15 2011, 08:49 PM
HutchracerIf you want to watch some killer racing it can't be beat. Racing this year started on Tuesday and went thru Saturday staring at 7:30am sharp and went till 7:00pm everyday when the last moto was done. What better way to get to see the stars of tommorow right in front of you and man some of these kids are blazingly fast. Adam Cianciarulo is a blast to watch he went 1-3-1 in supermini, but in moto 2 he crashed on lap 1 and was 42nd. He then started picking people off at a rate of 5-7 riders a lap and made it back up to finish 3rd and was catching 2nd at the end.