Thu April 02 2009, 08:43 PM
MX516EVO Testimonial
EVO Testimonial!!!
I was reluctant to drop some coin on some suspension thinking "the stock stuff is just that good" and after breaking my ankle (overshooting) and hearing it from some peeps, I finally pulled the trigger and sent my stuff out to DAN MOORE @ EVO. I must say, after some thorough testing, I am absolutely ECSTATIC about the way my bike is handling!!! I can't believe I waited this long to get my 08 crf450 done up and it is hard to believe that it is the same bike! I can't help but ask myself 'why did I beat myself up over the last year on the stock stuff'.
Thank you DAN MOORE and EVO!!! Before you do any other mods to your bike, get your suspension done! And give Dan a call. Its well worth it!
Thanks again Dan!
Tony Cotton #516
Thu April 02 2009, 08:59 PM
Workman #21(smile) That's good Tony but what are you doing on a 08 anyway. EVO's 08 werk was amazing but wait until you try their 09 stuff.
Hucked the big one (round-the-tree-double) at Toes and came up short. Wondered if this was it. Crushed the landing and no pain.
Huge smiles.
Thu April 02 2009, 09:56 PM
Justin AndersonI agree, I love the suspension, and its WELL worth the money. I havent had to go past 1 click each way so far at the different tracks around here, and my bike is SO much easier to ride.
Thu April 02 2009, 10:26 PM
MX516one of the reasons i was reluctant was that I thought I might get the 09'r and didn't want to waste the $$$. Think I'll wait to the 010 comes out or maybe if honda916 decides to part ways with his 250F (with "A" kit stuff)... I might drop down a class (unless I can convince my wife she needs a "big" bike too, Then I'll have 2 bikes!!!

(sssshhh... don't tell her my secret

Thu April 02 2009, 10:38 PM
Aaron The Tone Show's Evo TestimonialFri April 03 2009, 02:10 AM
716Thanks Guys! I'm really glad that you're happy!
I appreciate the feedback.
Aaron... That, is next level.
Fri April 03 2009, 07:41 AM
MX516Dam you Aaron!!! LOL!!!

. I thought about putting it in movie but I thought it would be a little over the top for me... You just made my week!!!! LOL!!!!
Fri April 03 2009, 10:35 AM
AaronMy pleasure....
You know if you could talk Mildert out of that A-kit suspended 250f that would be great. Might be grounds for another public episode of the Tone Show.
Fri April 03 2009, 12:07 PM
Ivest4Those movies are awesome. I was laughing my a@@ off! Aaron you never stop amazing me!

Fri April 03 2009, 01:10 PM
AaronYou should see the one "Tone Show" posted about me and all of my Honda riding buddies! Maybe he will post it. Funny as hell...
Fri April 03 2009, 03:53 PM
MX516by request...
Episode: Green Monster(can't believe I am participating in my own thread jacking)
Fri April 03 2009, 04:13 PM
AaronI think that one's the all time best Tony....I know that the five red riders I ride with are in the dark, but its still funny none the less! LOL!
Sun April 05 2009, 01:29 AM
TRA-742These movies are awsome! Hilarous!!
I told EVO I wanted my setup fairly stiff and just aliitle plush and thats exactly what I got- plus I like how it consistantly does the same thing everytime- my stock stuff had a mind of its own and I could not trust it.
Thanks Dan!
Sun April 05 2009, 10:48 PM
216's dadJust saw this thread and thought I would put in a word for Dan as well. If you just watch Dan ride it will tell you a lot about his experiance with suspensions. It really showed in arenacross especially when the track deteriorated mainly the whoops. Dan could pound them just as hard at the end of the day when they were all cupped out as if it was a freshly groomed whoop section. My son will only let Dan work on his suspension. I have seen the results of Dan working his magic on my sons suspension. I can call him any time with a question and Dan always knows the right thing to do to help us out. I refer everyone I know to him and will continue to do so. I have never heard him talk down on his competitors and he is always respectful on and off the track. Thanks a lot for everything you have helped us with Dan.