Thu March 03 2005, 03:02 PM
motokidsNaPalm's Air Filter Screw
It is in the new Transworld MX magazine, in the "Hook Up" section, things you need.
That should get you some International orders.
Fri March 04 2005, 10:04 AM
Things have been going well since that came out!! I should have more products out in a little over a month........some cools stuff coming!
Thanks for helping to spread the word!
Fri March 04 2005, 11:09 AM
motokidsNo problem. Maybe some day you will come out with something for the KTM 65 or 85, and I will need it.
If you are ever down at Horn Rapids (or other race), look me up. My kids are #5 and #292. I always like meeting new folks.
Chris Sittman
Sat March 05 2005, 10:18 AM
NaPalmYeah I will have some products out that you will be interested in shortly (about 6 weeks I hope!).
I'm in the process of buying a CNC Vertical Machining Center (mill). As soon as it's up and running I have 3 more products I will get out ASAP.
I haven't raced much lately and it doesn't look like I will have much time for racing this year unless I can grow my company enough to quit my regular job! That will be one happy day, and I know it's's just a matter of time.
My biggest problem with racing is since I have to ride the pro class it is very hard to just show up and race for fun. Not to say racing pro isn't fun, but you become a hazard to the other riders if you aren't in shape or up to speed.
I want to go out and get an early 90s 250, something like a 92 RM250 or something and start racing the beginner class under a fake name! Just kidding, but I think it would be funny to show people that you don't have to have the best bike to win the beginner class and that it's all about having fun at that level. Heck, when I started racing I was riding a 1984 YZ125 (yellow Yamaha) in the beginner class in 1996 and I placed as high as second place on that thing!
Anyway, I may see you at the track if I ever find the time to practice and I will surely let you know when my other products are coming out!
Mon March 14 2005, 10:07 PM
Lee LiveseyHey,
Congrats, Your new website is featured with a link on RacerX Illustrated's website.

Tue March 15 2005, 01:06 AM
NaPalmyeah, thanks Lee!!!
I wrote that and sent it in Monday morning and they posted it word for word a few hours later. They didn't even edit it! I should have thrown in a picture but I'm not sure if they would have posted it.
I got quite a bit of traffic on the site from that and better yet many sales!
Tue March 15 2005, 06:25 AM
Paul 061Hey Nate, have a look at the Milltronics 3 axis CNC. It has conversational programming for doing MDI type onezy twozy stuff. You can program easily with it for 2D things also but a CAM package is still best for 3 axis things. I run one a lot and work and it is great. I do most of my programming in SurfCAM and use CATIA or AutoCAD for drawing.
Tue March 15 2005, 08:38 AM
I worked with a Milltronics in College quite a bit. I wasn't having much luck finding a good used machine so I ended up purchasing a new SHARP brand CNC milling machine. It's the Sharp Mini Mill, model # SV-2412, that is the biggest machine I could fit in my shop without tearing down the door frame, (the house is a rental). My phase converter is on its way from Phoenix and the machine is here in town but it won't be delivered for a week or so.
Now I just have to finish wiring the garage and getting the getting the air comp. plumbing finished.