President Obama and his liberal followers are running the show now given us all kinds of CHANGE!!! You have to wonder if Bush would of signed this bill or Mcain-Palin? FK NO!! Whats next? Outlaw bull riden cuz its not nice to animals and unsafe so they need to protect us...lock and load-
Posts: 677 | Location: KENNEWICK | Registered: Sat November 22 2008
This is the letter I responded to Sen Murry about S22 being slipped into HR 146. These people are sooooo f,ed up. But if no one write and or calls..... I posted about this land grab before the vote... look 6 threads down.... 2 minutes out of your day people is all it takes... call and be heard.
That is total bias Senator. You know as well as I do this is about the sierra club and other lobbyist trying to push their agenda at the expense of the RIGHTS of the people of this country! Did you even read this bill? It is unbelievable to think that you even need to address this dribble during such tough times! Work on our problems that really matter……… lets get the country back on track …… you know , promote business and the RIGHTS of the people of this great country, not worry about stupid agenda driven dribble. Come on, really. Do you think this helped the economy ? NO! Look I’ve spent 30 years in the woods, hiking trails and climbing mountains through out this country and let me tell you the sierra club does nothing to address erosion on hiking and biking trails. I know this first hand! I’ve tried to get groups together to fix the problem and was laughed at. People cutting switch backs, trails in sensitive areas, walk bridges over streams. All addressed but never never taken care of! They are nothing but talk talk talk and never do. They just post stupid crap and rally their people without a clue and they follow like sheep. We need watch dogs for our wilderness!! But they need to be educated, not feeling driven morons. STOP PANDERING to this senseless group of people, they are not helping our wilderness areas in this country. Perfect example, in Auburn , 800+ acres are approved for development (Lakeland Hills) it WAS trails and wetlands, now over a 1000 homes and still growing. Humm was this land supposed to be protected…… money talks and the sierra club and affiliates walk. You need to get educated about these activists, if the trail stinks there is a reason. You are supposed to be a watch dog for our great state of Washington not sheep. Read the history of these activist. They support the people that will kill people and say it is for the animals and trees??? Since when does a tree have more value than a Human? This is how you wage a fight, you get involved write your letters and vote out those who forget who their constituents are and their RIGHTS. You Don’t KILL People! So why would you support them?
Posts: 276 | Location: Sumner Wa | Registered: Tue February 24 2009