Northwest Motocross Forum
Pacific Raceways update
Wed May 16 2012, 08:30 AM
17dadPacific Raceways update
Cool, 2 new tracks coming! Back to Pacific Raceways... They have posted on their Facebook page that the track is coming and should be ready this summer with Smail running the show.
Wed May 16 2012, 09:41 AM
Originally posted by 17dad:
Cool, 2 new tracks coming! Back to Pacific Raceways... They have posted on their Facebook page that the track is coming and should be ready this summer with Smail running the show.
I didn't hear smail say a word about it on his recent pulpmx podcast..or even on here..must still be super secret deal with just being posted on facebook
Wed May 16 2012, 10:55 AM
smailNothing secret here just happened fast. I recieved the call thursday and was hired monday. Here we go.
Wed May 16 2012, 05:10 PM
Paul 061This is great news. with a close track, I may not sell my 450 now
If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Wed May 16 2012, 05:25 PM
spin05paul i thought you were going to woodland last weekend????? Dont be sharkey......LOL
#329 40+ class
Wed May 16 2012, 07:41 PM
tedNot putting down Marc Peters but there are several track builders in the Northwest that Marc Peters has nothing on, at probably half the cost. And they would be around to modify, tweek and improve as needed. Steve would have easly been as good or better than any Marc Peters track.
Do some of these track owners do any research?
Wed May 16 2012, 08:23 PM
Rays DadI would love to see Pacific rebuilt just the way it was around 2005 or 06. Those where some great races and the track seemed to flow like magic. Super fun place to watch mx on a friday night.
Wed May 16 2012, 08:30 PM
trackmasterThanks ted, i have done a few different things with peters, john ayers said the same thing. Haha. If you need any helP lance, let me know, the pro truck shop i work out of sometimes is 2 miles away from pacific.
Wed May 16 2012, 10:22 PM
Osaka #627Bring Back The Track From 90-98.
Thank you goodnight. =D
The Asian Sensation - Stirring Sh** Since '89.
Wed May 16 2012, 10:32 PM
17dadIsn't the track going to be in a new location on the property? I thought they were going to reverse the direction of the dragstrip and use the old mx area for the drag pits? The site map shows the mx track in a new area also.
Thu May 17 2012, 12:11 AM
smailNew location won't happen for awhile but is a go for the future spot just a blank canvas. It looks kinda cool with grass growing over the entire place, gets the creative juices flowing. Rode my first design today(no jumps) was 1:43 at 80 % speed. 1:18 just the front (night) section. Work in progress but is there anything else when your making tracks?
Thu May 17 2012, 06:57 AM
Paul 061quote:
Originally posted by spin05:
paul i thought you were going to woodland last weekend????? Dont be sharkey......LOL
Gotta keep you guessing haha. I've been flying back and forth between East coast and West. Just too much stuff to get done on that weekend. When this gets going, I will be out thee hopefully a fair amount. Lance, please make it old man friendly

If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Thu May 17 2012, 08:51 AM
Originally posted by smail:
New location won't happen for awhile but is a go for the future spot just a blank canvas. It looks kinda cool with grass growing over the entire place, gets the creative juices flowing. Rode my first design today(no jumps) was 1:43 at 80 % speed. 1:18 just the front (night) section. Work in progress but is there anything else when your making tracks?
Cool! Any idea as to when you may be open for business?
Thu May 17 2012, 11:06 PM
Justin AndersonI cant wait... Im literally 5 minutes from the track, Ill probably be there every practice day... Katie is going to kill me for spending too much money!
Thu May 17 2012, 11:35 PM
Originally posted by Justin Anderson:
I cant wait... Im literally 5 minutes from the track, Ill probably be there every practice day... Katie is going to kill me for spending too much money!
How are you healing up bud?
Fri May 18 2012, 03:05 PM
153Ok everyone here is the deal. Smail is the MX track manager. We will be looking for volunteer help at some point in the near future. The track is flat right now and Lance is trying to just get things rolling right now. He would like to ask everyone to
STAY OUT OF THE FACILITY right now. He would like to keep people out until it is up and running unless you have talked to him and you are expected to be there. The road in is the only road for the Miles gravel people to use for the trucks and Lance can't stress enough how important it is to keep everyone happy down there right now. So again Lance and all the management at Pacific Raceways is asking that we stay out of there until the track is up and running. It is a work in progress and we need everyone to understand that it will not help at all to be out there nosing around. Thanks to everyone for the support and understanding on this subject.
Fri May 18 2012, 08:12 PM
tedSo we can't show up and ask "What are ya doin Lance?" "Where's the track gonna go?" Why don't ya build a jump like this?" "My 250 junior rider can ride Stadium whoops like the pros so are you gonna build real stadium whoops? "I done built a prefessional track fer my girl racer. Y'all should hire me!"
I think Greg needs to be hired as the security guard. He would be called"Smail Security" and he could run interferance for Lance so he can do the job.
Good luck Lance. It's gonna be tough, but you are. Yee Haa. Riding closer that $20.00 each way.
Sat May 19 2012, 05:56 AM
E.W. #849Bro, if its all flat. Can I bring my quad and bust some sick doughnuts?
Sat May 19 2012, 08:08 AM
Paul 061I think you should have intial test test riders to see if it meets everyones ability. I will volunteer my time to validate if all of the jumps are indeed rollable and the tip overness of the corners. Seriously I am really excited for this. One big question though is are they bringing in new good dirt?
If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Sat May 19 2012, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by E.W. #849:
Bro, if its all flat. Can I bring my quad and bust some sick doughnuts?
Haha! We actually saw that happen on top of a table there during open practice while bikes were on the track when the Quad guys were running it!