Northwest Motocross Forum
Pacific Raceways update
Sun July 22 2012, 11:16 AM
spin05Pacific Raceways update
Originally posted by Chaz#822:
Why such a limited schedule? No saturday's? Will there be more days as time goes on?
My guess is a road race or something going on the other track on saturdays
#329 40+ class
Sun July 22 2012, 07:13 PM
66blueguess they want to keep the crowds to a minimum...alot of work going to be missed i bet.
Mon July 23 2012, 03:41 PM
Osaka #627Asta La Vista Baby...
The Asian Sensation - Stirring Sh** Since '89.
Wed July 25 2012, 09:38 AM
HutchracerLook on the bright side a limited schedule is better than none at all.
Wed July 25 2012, 09:49 AM
smail7 practices in under 3 weeks isn't enough? Possibly add a happy hour deal on sats for less depending on response. Schools are on 11 and 25 so maybe those days. Racing was going on the other possible dates in Aug so...
We change hours of operation sept. 1 so we will have that ironed out soon.
Thanks Smaillee...braaaappppp
Wed July 25 2012, 07:16 PM
Paul 061Will you open the trails up also?
If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Fri July 27 2012, 02:52 PM
66blueLance, in case it hasn't been said enough, THANK YOU for your efforts and cant wait to drive 20 minutes to ride....
Fri July 27 2012, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by 66blue:
Lance, in case it hasn't been said enough, THANK YOU for your efforts and cant wait to drive 20 minutes to ride....
Yes, Thank you! Can't wait to support the track.
Sat July 28 2012, 08:22 AM
AaronI was down there last night go-carting, was hoping to take a peek and give a report but couldn't get back there. I'm looking forward to going though, that's for sure.
Sat July 28 2012, 10:23 AM
Chaz#822Ok you want to make me out to sound ungrateful, that's interesting. Most moto parks run both sat & sun and a couple even do 4 or 5 days a week practice schedules. So I was just wondering why not do the same or more? I would think due to the location that it would work. By the way whatever the schedule is, I will be there in full support of all the hard work you guys are doing. Can you blame me for wanting more? It's so close to home that I could ride there any day of the week. I'm so excited to have PR (SIR) back on the map! I have so many memories from that place from when I was a kid. And I am looking forward to making new one's. Having the track run by a local hero like Lance is super cool. I remeber watching lance on the old track when I was a kid lapping the pro class on a 125cc TWICE! The guy was unreal. Anyway Thank you for bringing the track back! I can hardly wait! BRAAAP!
Sat July 28 2012, 01:54 PM
E.W. #849Can anyone donate an old XR200 and coveralls for Smail to race with?
Ohhh man!!! The memories!!!
Sat July 28 2012, 05:24 PM
spin05I got ya covered on the coveralls Eric.. If you talking like the work on your car automotive mechanic ones..
#329 40+ class
Mon July 30 2012, 09:26 PM
B AndersonI got the XR200 and a brand new 17" rear knobby for it too...
"If life is the face of a rutted jump, will you pick the line that drags your footpegs?"
Mon July 30 2012, 09:39 PM
B AndersonIt's got pro-link back suspension but it's a 4 stroke so I think somebody stole the powerband off of it. I heard once you could climb a tree in first gear with one like mine though.
"If life is the face of a rutted jump, will you pick the line that drags your footpegs?"
Mon July 30 2012, 09:40 PM
B AndersonHey Lance, August 8th is my birthday...hint,hint
"If life is the face of a rutted jump, will you pick the line that drags your footpegs?"
Thu August 02 2012, 07:05 PM
tedSweeeet. We got an invite for the 8th. Now If we can get Lance to ride a clapped out XR 200 I might be able to stay in front of him. Or stay right behind him. Or stay on the same lap !
.......probably not! The whole DeVol crew will be out there roosting real non-bolder dirt.
Thu August 02 2012, 08:16 PM
Ivest4I wish I still had Lance's number!! I think the 8th should be a re-union ride. Remember... Scorcher, TBT, Smail, Strode, Steffey, EW, Whipple.. To name a few. I was rockin the Junior class in those days but I did loan my bike to Travis a few times to race for me

Good times! I remember the 125 class stacked with 35 riders on the gate.
Fri August 03 2012, 12:23 PM
LeeWhats this, Oliver Clothesoff returns????
Fri August 03 2012, 01:20 PM
Rays DadAugust 8th event invite only. What about spectators?
Fri August 03 2012, 07:56 PM
Fullerthanks Lance for getting the track going again. Looking forward to riding and racing at SIR/Pacific Raceways again.