Thu May 20 2010, 07:59 PM
E.W. #849Best of craigslist!!!!
yamaha tri zinger - $250 (Puyallup)
This 3 wheeler is in good shape. It is a 2 stroke but needs the oil tank resevoir to convert to a 4 stroke. (It is set up to change over) All it needs is the pull cord put back together and a new gas cap for the tank. It is a 60cc motor and starts every time on the first pull. PICTURES AS SOON AS I GET IT OUT OF THE SHED
This would be agreat starter for the kids. Also have to racing slicks that you can put on the back so the kids can do circles in the yard without tearing it up. The tires are in great condition but like I said My son wants something faster and of course it has to be a quad to him. please call me it is faster. 253-670-3747. May 20 2010, 08:17 PM
AaronI like this one.....
Iv got a really nice !986 lt 250r I just got bit back in a trade kid couldnt handel it so I got it back all redone powder coated frame fmf pipe and silencer kn filter extended axle swing arm douglas rims good rubber really fast eats 450s for lunch and 400s for dinner really fun and tight quad I want to trade for a dirt bike perferably a 4stroke but will take 2stoke and maby cash like a 125 and some cash if the bike isnt as clean as mine so hit me up call or txt 360 463 4545 keywords trx ltr kfx kx yzf crf cr rmz 250cc 450cc 40cc 125cc yamaha honda suzuki yz 250 r 450r 450 r lt rm dirtbike
Provided by hit counter website.
•Location: Wide open May 21 2010, 09:11 AM
E.W. #849I never knew this was all you had to do to make it a 4 stroke!!!
It is a 2 stroke but needs the oil tank resevoir to convert to a 4 stroke.
Fri May 21 2010, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by E.W. #849:
I never knew this was all you had to do to make it a 4 stroke!!!
It is a 2 stroke but needs the oil tank resevoir to convert to a 4 stroke.
slap a new torque chamber on er and it will be a 3 stroke!
Fri May 21 2010, 03:25 PM
motodrew295Punctuation is way overrated.
Sun May 23 2010, 11:43 AM
Vern#119Maybe he'll throw in some lithium batteries and drain cleaner. So yu'all be cranked up when you finally get it started
Mon May 24 2010, 11:54 AM
moderbike xdo not tell my wife its that easy to make a 2 stroke into a 4 stroke!