Mon June 18 2012, 06:40 PM
Justin AndersonBuilding a bike Suzuki never made....
So with the success of my 500AF, Ive been kicking around doing something with our 99' RM125. We bought the 99' off Vern about 10 years ago, and I raced it for a couple years until the 250F's took over. Vern Had the engine built by Tom Morgan, and it was one of the fastest 125's around. Eventually the bike started looking dated, and after we picked up some 4 strokes, it just sat in the corner for the last 6 or so years. Well last year I dug it out, I was going to fix it up just to have another bike, something my wife, or little brother could have fun on. I was going to do a little customizing to drag it out of the 90's, so nobody would be embarassed to ride it, including myself, but that turned out to be fairly difficult, because the aftermarket isnt as strong for these bike as it once was...
Plan B comes along... Since my 500 has been done, Ive been keeping my eye out for an aluminum framed RMZ to cut up and deposit the TMR 125 engine into... Basically building the 2008 RM125 that Suzuki never did... Well the other day I was surfing CL and came across a guy parting out a 2008 450, engine was long gone, as were the wheels... It was a gift a deceased buddy left him... Well I picked up the rest of the parts today, and they will become the RM125AF... And just so everybody knows, yes I have the title, the bike was not stolen.
Stay tuned, Im gonna get fabbing pretty soon...
Mon June 18 2012, 08:21 PM
E.W. #849SWEET!!!
Sat June 23 2012, 09:26 AM
BIG Dsorry it has already been done with an 06 rm250 motor in an 08 rmz 250 is pretty sweet..
Sun June 24 2012, 04:57 PM
153That would still not be a 125 AF there BIG D haha.
And I hate to do this to you justin but ..... Here ya go.
2013 RM 125 Might not be real though. Who knows.
Sun June 24 2012, 07:38 PM
ryan625that will be a sweet ride!
I want to do that with my 06 KX250 eventually
Sun June 24 2012, 08:43 PM
Justin AndersonGreg, I dont mind, I figured there was conversions out there and who knows, like you say? Those 2 bikes sure look like photoshops though, the pipes and engines look just like the 01+ ones.
I had seen that 250 conversion...
My goal with this bike will be to make it as light as possible, good wheels, good suspension. I think its going to handle pretty damn good with the LCG and being as light as I think it will be, the engine doesnt weigh anything.
I got a couple of things to get out of the way first, and then I can start tearing into this project. In looking at it though, it looks like its going to be as easy, if not easier than my 500... Ill some pics up soon..
Mon June 25 2012, 11:29 AM
joe439Those '13 RM's are photoshop and or homemade conversions.
I'm not sure if you know this but when the guy put the RM 250 motor into the '07 plus rmz 250 chassis. They found out that you must use the newer RM swingarm not the RMZ's because the sprocket allignment between the two is not the same. Not sure if this is the case with the 450 chassis but it could well be now.
Something about the RMZ motor based off the KXF chassis back in '04 when it was the kawasuzkie and that kawie designed the chassis they made it to thier spec's and so the sprocket sits out further then the RM motor.
Wed July 04 2012, 07:46 AM
BIG Dwe used the rmz swingarm,it lines up perfect..
Wed July 04 2012, 05:36 PM
Justin AndersonX2, I checked it...
Fri August 24 2012, 08:56 PM
comanAny new pics?
Fri August 24 2012, 10:32 PM
Justin AndersonNot yet, Ive had a couple other projects im catching up on, I just wanted to give a preview.
As soon as I bust into the project full on, Ill start posting some progress, it shouldnt be too long here...

Sun August 26 2012, 09:35 PM
comanNice,looking forward to seeing some pics.