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Great letter Ted sent out, I hope he dosent mind I post it .....no self control.... ![]() Dear Government folks. During this budget cycle the government stole over $9,000,000 from NOVA. A few years ago off-roaders offered to double our ORV tabs fees in order to boost the NOVA funds budget. It was done, and areas we use bennefit from our money. The state Constitution says YOU can not steal money that is dedicated for a specific purpose. YOU did and most of you know it is illegal yet you again gave the taxpayers the middle finger and are on your merry way. It is quite astonishing how the democrats can pull this off with most of the media remaining silent. If this were the republicans doing this it would be front page news on one of the last of the liberal rags that is still in business selling papers to the 50% of the people who want liberal bent news. Ted DeVol | ||
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Heres my little letter to them theifs...... Not sure where to start, I am appalled at the blatant disregard of our State Constitution. I cant understand how anyone in there right mind (BIG ASSUMPTION) could possible think to steal money from tax payers. Have you all lost your minds????? You are aware that taking the tax money allocated for the ORV parks (NOVA) is illegal right? We as tax payers allocate this money for the NOVA fund, not for you to just grab and spend because you over spent somewhere else. WOW some reps you are!! Well your little theft is now going out around the country through forums and emails to anyone and everyone, radio stations, TV stations, news papers. Hell you all are going to be famous! I bet you all are just proud little peacocks.... well good luck and remember I vote and so does all those people that will be getting a copy of your little theft ring. Thanks. Mark Soper | |||
Perfect Mark. How about all you others send letters to the those in Olympia. Lets get this shit changed. Aaron, Paul, Alex and everyone else lets see you put some effort into OUR fight against these people who are breaking the law. | ||||
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Alright Ted, here you go. The following message was sent to Rep's Berkey, Sells and McCoy. Berkey and Sells voted Yea. Also sent to the Governor. (how do you like the part where I consider becoming a Republican??? ![]() HB 1244 (Against) MESSAGE: I am writing to you to express my anger at the fact that this bill will take money from off road enthusiasts. We continue to lose area after area. We only seek to ride our ORV's in a safe and LEGAL manner, but find ourselves constantly under attack. If it is not the environmentalists attacking us for not treading lightly or polluting the air, it is our government trying to take money from the funds that keep these areas open for our use. I have had enough of this constant attack. I have been a career Democrat, but at times I find myself looking at how the conservatives allow the use of public land for the things I want to do. Do NOT redistribute funds intended for the Non Highway and Offroad Vehicle Activities account! As I am sure you already know, these funds are protected by the Washington State Constitution, Pursuant to Article II, Section 40 these monies must be used for their intended purpose or refunded. Vote against this bill. RESPONSE: Mr. Bailey has requested a response to this message. | |||
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Maaaaaaan, ya got to give it up for Arron! Now if you are going to write your Reps, use the control Arron used...... Not like my letter that after finishing writing, half the keys on my keyboard dont work...... nice work Arron.. | |||
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How about lets not make this a political ,dems VS repubs,liberal VS conservitve thing? It seems to me that this should be a pretty black and white issue. Does anyone have a link to the original bill when it was passed years ago?I seem to remember that the money had to go for dirt bikes,ORV type stuff. Who decides how this money gets spent? How is the money accouted for? Is there a committe for this to oversee the money and how it gets spent? These are the things that I really don't know,but would like to understand. If a percentage is supposed to go to the ORV park,who decides who runs the park and makes the rules and decisions? It seems like there should be a group of people in the industry that make these decisions. I would like to have the facts before I fire off letters to people. How about taking some of that $$ and paying the owners of Pacific Raceway to maintain a nice MX park? | |||
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Mattu's got an unfortunate point, the gov does only react to lawsuits... Where do I send my $50? | |||
Sorry Alex it is a democrat problem. Open your eyes just on this one matter. I personally called all the members on the Ways and Means commitee. All the republicans knew that stealing the money was wrong. All the Democrats I called asked if I was from their district. Every single one. The Democrats do not realize that they do represent the entire state when they are on a commitee whether it be the Budget (Ways and Means) or any other M F commitee. Alex. All the republicans were against the stealing of this money because they DID KNOW it was wrong. Get off the high hourse and write a letter to the folks in Olympia. Post what you send. Thank you | ||||
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Sorry Ted,but I don't own a horse,and this is not a democrat problem,it is a ORV,dirtbike problem. I am not getting sucked into the left/right thing. I found this on the internet,it is a good historical read on the issue. This appears to be a fight with the Sierra Club and thier lobbiests that they pay for. Hell,they proably get paid with the diverted ORV tab fund! message has been edited. Last edited by: Alex, | |||
Let's see the voting record and see how the rebubs voted ------------------------------------ If you wanna live life on your own terms you Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ... | ||||
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Let's see the voting record and see how the rebubs voted[/QUOTE] ESHB 1244 Operating 2007-09 & 2009-11 Senate vote on 3rd Reading & Final Passage 4/25/2009 Yeas: 29 Nays: 20 Absent: 0 Excused: 0 Voting Yea: Senators Berkey, Brown, Eide, Fairley, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hobbs, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McDermott, Murray, Oemig, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Rockefeller, Shin, and Tom Voting Nay: Senators Becker, Benton, Brandland, Carrell, Delvin, Hewitt, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, King, McCaslin, Morton, Parlette, Pflug, Roach, Schoesler, Sheldon, Stevens, Swecker, and Zarelli Absent: Excused: | |||
Alex. There is the list of votes. Show me a Democrat that voted against stealing the money. And Visa Versa. Have you sent a letter yet? | ||||
Here is what I got back and what I replied: Hi Bruce Partisanship aside How could this budget pass if the transferring of the NOVA funds to the general fund is against the state constitution? Am I misinformed? In a message dated 4/15/2009 8:40:18 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, Dammeier.Bruce@leg.wa.gov writes: Hi Paul! Thank you for your message. I share your frustration and oppose the "raiding" of funds set up for specific purposes and funded directly by the users. Sadly, this is huge tactic by the majority this year, with $1.1 billion in transfers in the House Budget, from accounts like NOVA and even capital funds. I will try to get the funding for NOVA restored, but am not confident in the likelihood of my success. Again, thank you for writing me. If you have any comments or concerns in the future, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Bruce Dammeier Representative 25th Legislative District Washington State House Dammeier.Bruce@leg.wa.gov ------------------------------------ If you wanna live life on your own terms you Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ... | ||||
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Jacobsen and Sheldon. | |||
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My rep Sells voted no too. On the house version of course. He's a Dem too. Here is his response to me. Thanks for your e mail. I voted no on the Operating Budget bill, HB 1244 because of a number of concerns with it, including this one. Mike Sells, State Rep 38th Legislative District | |||
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ESHB 1244 Operating 2007-09 & 2009-11 Senate vote on 3rd Reading & Final Passage 4/25/2009 Yeas: 29 Nays: 20 Absent: 0 Excused: 0 Voting Yea: Senators (D)Berkey, (D)Brown, (D)Eide, (D)Fairley, (D)Franklin, (D)Fraser, (D)Hargrove, (D)Hatfield, (D)Haugen, (D)Hobbs, (D)Jarrett, (D)Kastama, (D)Kauffman, (D)Keiser, (D)Kilmer, (D)Kline, (D)Kohl-Welles, (D)Marr, (D)McAuliffe, (D)McDermott, (D)Murray, (D)Oemig, (D)Prentice, (D)Pridemore, (D)Ranker, (D)Regala, (D)Rockefeller, (D)Shin, and (D)Tom Voting Nay: (R)Senators Becker, (R)Benton, (R)Brandland, (R)Carrell, (R)Delvin, (R)Hewitt, (R)Holmquist, (R)Honeyford, (D)Jacobsen, (R)King, (R)McCaslin, (R)Morton, (R)Parlette, (R)Pflug, (R)Roach, (R)Schoesler, (D)Sheldon, (R)Stevens, (R)Swecker, and (R)Zarelli [/QUOTE] Just in case you were wondering (like I was)... Two D's on the list said "Nay"... Pretty overwhelming on who's with us and whos against us. | |||
I would bet that the reasons the (R)'s voted against it had nothing to do with the NOVA money. ------------------------------------ If you wanna live life on your own terms you Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ... | ||||
WOHVA and the NMA are investigating our options regarding a suite now. I encourage anyone wishing to help to become a member (25 bucks) and/or donate not just money, but talent. We especially need people who are good at promoting and organizing to help get our membership and fundraising going. WOHVA is 100% volunteer and 100% of your membership fees and donations go directly to motorized recreation. Visit www.wohva.org to help or become a member. You can also contact me directly with any questions or ideas.
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Done, (I ment to right after the rally) | |||
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