Sun December 02 2007, 07:05 PM
AaronR.I.P. Aaron Erickson
I am so shocked to read this on Motodrive today. A lot of you guys on this board have probably "chewed the fat" at the track with Aaron. We have definitely lost a great person at the track. My utmost prayers and condolences go out to the Erickson family and especially to his young children.
Link to storySun December 02 2007, 08:34 PM
tedWho is he? Someone tell us about him.
Sun December 02 2007, 08:36 PM
AaronTed, I didn't know him super well, just that I met him at the Childrens Hospital Charity Ride at Burnt Ridge two years ago. I crashed and broke a bunch of parts, and he came up to me and started offering me parts. I have talked to him here and there, no differently than all of us talk, just trying to hook up to go riding. He would call and tell me to make sure to let him know when we all come south to ride.
Sure seems to hit close to home. I hate to read things like this.
Sun December 02 2007, 08:45 PM
bwiseHe was MX145 on here and Thumpertalk.
Was a really nice guy. Godspeed.
Mon December 03 2007, 10:55 AM
E.W. #849WOW......
I knew Aaron from the track. He rode a BBR150 also. He was a nice guy!
Mon December 03 2007, 06:28 PM
tedGod bless you Aaron.
Mon December 03 2007, 07:08 PM
Workman #21He rode a good ride. Last saw him at the RMC's inside track where I always noted that dude on the 150. We talked. Gonna miss'em
Thu December 27 2007, 11:44 AM
FERD285Aaron was the definition of the nice guy. Dropped any and everything to lend a helping hand to anyone who needed it. Aaron was born premature and was dubbed his moms "miracle baby" he had a heart condition that was estimated to live the life span of 19 years, but he beat that all the way up to nearly 40. He loved motocross and was just starting to get his son into it. He was a great guy and the northwest mx community has lost an awesome fellow rider.
Keith Ford 285
Thu December 27 2007, 12:23 PM
Kimball #126Wow cardiac arrhythmia. I hate hearing this kind of news, just like anyone...So young and with a family...What a horrible memory for this family every Christmas time...My thoughts and prayers are with them..
Sun January 13 2008, 05:58 PM
TressaI didnt know him but sounds like he was a great guy.
I dont like hearing about this kind of stuff!
It's always the good people