Northwest Motocross Forum
Pacific Raceways
Thu December 29 2011, 08:50 AM
mx510Pacific Raceways
Originally posted by Hutchracer:
I feel that there has to be steps taken sooner rather than later in regards to the noise. I'm not trying to knock any promoters on this but you have got to take the first step even if the AMA is not willing to. If PRO or others say this is how it is we as racers have no choice but to conform. My ears would welcome the reduction in noise 100% because as is the 4 strokes are way to loud.
Who knows if we take small step maybe we will start see ride areas come back to us and less problems with the land issues
Agreed. I hope Ted doesnt take my question as a shot because it is not. This is just an issue that I feel pretty strongly about.
Thu December 29 2011, 05:50 PM
tedNo shot taken. I agree 100% with you guys.
But not having my own track makes it difficult to force my customers to spend money to make their bikes quiet at just our series events.
If Washougal would implement a noise limit, and if anyone needs to do this Washougal does because we all need Washougal to stay, then other would follow. If Washougal set a lower limit, P.R.O. will be the first to stand side by side with them. Others will follow for sure. I'm sure Ward Creek, Port Angeles, Bellingham, Cady Ranch and Burnt Ridge would all benefit from less noise.
Thu December 29 2011, 07:20 PM
J Mullquote:
Originally posted by ted:
No shot taken. I agree 100% with you guys.
But not having my own track makes it difficult to force my customers to spend money to make their bikes quiet at just our series events.
If Washougal would implement a noise limit, and if anyone needs to do this Washougal does because we all need Washougal to stay, then other would follow. If Washougal set a lower limit, P.R.O. will be the first to stand side by side with them. Others will follow for sure. I'm sure Ward Creek, Port Angeles, Bellingham, Cady Ranch and Burnt Ridge would all benefit from less noise.
Just curious why someone needs to own a track before you enforce a sound limit? Why can't you lead the battle and start with your P.R.O. series? Maybe others will follow? It's not "If anyone needs to do this" it's EVERYONE needs to do this.
Of course everyone will benefit with lower noise so everyone is waiting for someone to step up and enforce. However it appears no track or promoter will due to the possible loss in revenue. Of course this should not start with tracks or promoters, it needs to start with US, the individuals.
Thu December 29 2011, 07:54 PM
Workman #21I equate mx sound limits to monday-night-quaterback'n, easy-talk no-pay. My only question is when will parents finally figure out that the $gabillion dollar exhaust system is only worth a few $pennys. Want to make an investment in yer child's future? may I suggest you make it in suspension.
Thu December 29 2011, 08:07 PM
J Mullquote:
Originally posted by Workman #21:
I equate mx sound limits to monday-night-quaterback'n, easy-talk no-pay. My only question is when will parents finally figure out that the $gabillion dollar exhaust system is only worth a few $pennys. Want to make an investment in yer child's future? may I suggest you make it in suspension.
Or lessons from EW

Thu December 29 2011, 10:16 PM
Originally posted by Workman #21:
I equate mx sound limits to monday-night-quaterback'n, easy-talk no-pay. My only question is when will parents finally figure out that the $gabillion dollar exhaust system is only worth a few $pennys. Want to make an investment in yer child's future? may I suggest you make it in suspension.
Workman, how DARE you bring logic into this.

Fri December 30 2011, 12:16 PM
Steve DI hate to be negative, but sound is an issue they have taken up to combat dirt bikes period. If you have quieter bikes then they would say you are polluting the dirt or something else. This will be a constant battle with "do gooder liberals no matter how you "cow-tohw" to them!Sorry Guys!
Fri December 30 2011, 12:33 PM
J Mullquote:
Originally posted by Steve D:
I hate to be negative, but sound is an issue they have taken up to combat dirt bikes period. If you have quieter bikes then they would say you are polluting the dirt or something else. This will be a constant battle with "do gooder liberals no matter how you "cow-tohw" to them!Sorry Guys!
Are you suggesting we as a group shouldn't worry about sound since 'they' will just get us shut down through other avenues?? Yeah, NO. Thinking that[not trying] is not a good idea.
Fri December 30 2011, 05:16 PM
tedSteve is probably right. If we rode electric bikes the Greenie/Progressives would come up with bullcrap like,"dirt bikes are killing mommy earth". Or. "They can't work hard earning more than me and have fun with their toys while I'm a lazy bitchman with only Keystone beer."
We still need to make the bikes quieter so fewer people know we exist.
I hope everyone has a better year than 2011. 2011. The year from hell brought to us by B.O.B..
Sat December 31 2011, 12:05 AM
Originally posted by ted:
Steve is probably right. If we rode electric bikes the Greenie/Progressives would come up with bullcrap like,"dirt bikes are killing mommy earth". Or. "They can't work hard earning more than me and have fun with their toys while I'm a lazy bitchman with only Keystone beer."
We still need to make the bikes quieter so fewer people know we exist.
I hope everyone has a better year than 2011. 2011. The year from hell brought to us by B.O.B..
Ted, while I will stay WAY away from politcs in this. I am asking you to try and come up with something for sound. I have an idea as to a way that sound reduction at a series like yours could work. My suggestion is, how about implementing the sound reduction at whatever db you feel appropriate to start with. Then at the first round do testing for everyone there. Let them know where they are then and give them 1 or 2 rounds to come into compliance. This could go for anyone that even wants to just do a couple rounds of your series as well. If they go to rounds 3 and 4 for example, you could give them until rounds 5,6,7, or 8 to get the sound down. That way everyone is not shocked and cant race at the first round they go to, and will give them a little time to get the sound down so that the money issue becomes less. I know it would be more difficult to track and keep than just a simple pass or fail system like the nationals have, but I really think this could work on the local level.
Sat December 31 2011, 08:01 AM
Originally posted by mx510:
Originally posted by ted:
Steve is probably right. If we rode electric bikes the Greenie/Progressives would come up with bullcrap like,"dirt bikes are killing mommy earth". Or. "They can't work hard earning more than me and have fun with their toys while I'm a lazy bitchman with only Keystone beer."
We still need to make the bikes quieter so fewer people know we exist.
I hope everyone has a better year than 2011. 2011. The year from hell brought to us by B.O.B..
Ted, while I will stay WAY away from politcs in this. I am asking you to try and come up with something for sound. I have an idea as to a way that sound reduction at a series like yours could work. My suggestion is, how about implementing the sound reduction at whatever db you feel appropriate to start with. Then at the first round do testing for everyone there. Let them know where they are then and give them 1 or 2 rounds to come into compliance. This could go for anyone that even wants to just do a couple rounds of your series as well. If they go to rounds 3 and 4 for example, you could give them until rounds 5,6,7, or 8 to get the sound down. That way everyone is not shocked and cant race at the first round they go to, and will give them a little time to get the sound down so that the money issue becomes less. I know it would be more difficult to track and keep than just a simple pass or fail system like the nationals have, but I really think this could work on the local level.
Give the riders a bigger purse for every DB their bikes come in under the max set DB limit. The fast guys will win on any bike loud or quiet. Leaders create followers.
B.O.B.? Big Offensive Bitches?
Have a P.R.O New Year everyone!
Sat December 31 2011, 09:09 AM
Originally posted by mx510:
Originally posted by ted:
Steve is probably right. If we rode electric bikes the Greenie/Progressives would come up with bullcrap like,"dirt bikes are killing mommy earth". Or. "They can't work hard earning more than me and have fun with their toys while I'm a lazy bitchman with only Keystone beer."
We still need to make the bikes quieter so fewer people know we exist.
I hope everyone has a better year than 2011. 2011. The year from hell brought to us by B.O.B..
Ted, while I will stay WAY away from politcs in this. I am asking you to try and come up with something for sound. I have an idea as to a way that sound reduction at a series like yours could work. My suggestion is, how about implementing the sound reduction at whatever db you feel appropriate to start with. Then at the first round do testing for everyone there. Let them know where they are then and give them 1 or 2 rounds to come into compliance. This could go for anyone that even wants to just do a couple rounds of your series as well. If they go to rounds 3 and 4 for example, you could give them until rounds 5,6,7, or 8 to get the sound down. That way everyone is not shocked and cant race at the first round they go to, and will give them a little time to get the sound down so that the money issue becomes less. I know it would be more difficult to track and keep than just a simple pass or fail system like the nationals have, but I really think this could work on the local level.
Great idea, but I believe Ted needs to not discourage customers at this point. When money is more available, then people can try and comply. I say, just ask that people try for the first year, maybe give a $5 gate discount for those who have the stock mufflers on their bikes. Plus, who is going to monitor the riders all year long? You? Ted probably has more than enough going on during the event to worry about every riders exhaust and who complies.
Sat December 31 2011, 09:19 AM
spin05Great idea, but I believe Ted needs to not discourage customers at this point. When money is more available, then people can try and comply. I say, just ask that people try for the first year, maybe give a $5 gate discount for those who have the stock mufflers on their bikes. Plus, who is going to monitor the riders all year long? You? Ted probably has more than enough going on during the event to worry about every riders exhaust and who complies.[/QUOTE]
Im not sur stock mufflers meet the sound limit....
#329 40+ class
Sat December 31 2011, 09:26 AM
joe439Really?! who cares if they are a customer if they are loud and they don't care about the sport and the issue's with the sport - then I don't care about them and we don't need them around. Right now it's like who cares about sound noise cause nobody is enforcing it so there's no worry about getting asked to leave and people know this! Untill something actually happens it won't change.
I forget what track it is we went to in cali but before you could even ride you had to get sound tested at 96db! and given a sticker saying you passed no charge to you. I think the sticker was good for a month.
Sat December 31 2011, 12:47 PM
Rays DadCan anyone point out a particular track that is at risk of closing due to noise levels? I don't think Horn, Riverdale or Toes could be put on the list. Straddleline and the indoor events should be ok but not to sure about Washougal and Caddy.
Sat December 31 2011, 10:53 PM
HutchracerI for one would welcome quieter bikes I run a FMF turbine core 2 with a S/A its so long It makes it hard to lift my bike at times. As there is no where to grab but I will do what it takes to get it quieter.
I'm thinking of trying the DB snorkels for a 2 stroke they claim less than 92 Db.
In my opinion this is what the greenies want for us a a group to drag our feet and do nothing but make excuses as to why we as racers won't try to make our bikes quieter. I can't even fathom a local track with the bikes at 96 db that would be nice you could talk to each other not have to yell
Sun January 01 2012, 09:43 AM
J Mullquote:
Originally posted by Rays Dad:
Can anyone point out a particular track that is at risk of closing due to noise levels? I don't think Horn, Riverdale or Toes could be put on the list. Straddleline and the indoor events should be ok but not to sure about Washougal and Caddy.
Caddy Ranch already had this issue and from what I have heard (this is not facts) Washougal's neighbors have been complaining for years. Spokane's Extreme has had some since the housing developments keep creeping in on them.
What is the big deal?? Really, put a quiet pipe on and ride. You don't want a quiet bike then don't ride. Quit ruining it for the people that are trying to keep places open and keep 'non' riders happy. If you have money to own a bike and take trips to ride, then a $300+ silencer should be attainable.
So, in order to keep places from closing AND as this thread is about help places OPEN!! (yeah OPEN, when is the last time you heard that?) we as individual's need to do our part.
Sun January 01 2012, 01:44 PM
spin05Do stock pipes even meet the 96db limit coming strait from the factory????
#329 40+ class
Sun January 01 2012, 05:28 PM
J Mullquote:
Originally posted by spin05:
Do stock pipes even meet the 96db limit coming strait from the factory????
Don't know about any others but the Honda...
It comes with a 94dB exhaust. January 01 2012, 09:05 PM
HutchracerHave you heard some of the new bikes there is no chance for most of them unless they test to the FIM wide open throttle test and the factorys make changes.
Last time I went out there was a new Kawi450 racing and damn that thing was super loud not sure if it was a 2011 or a 2012 but it was way to loud with stock exhaust. I would doubt many new 4 strokes with stock exhaust would pass a 96db wide open throttle test.