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what wrong with MX tracks?

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Mon May 02 2011, 01:14 AM
MX Family
what wrong with MX tracks?
I went to a "FREE SKI" day up on Mt.Hood. GREAT time blubird weather. Large turnout of NON or first time ski/board people. Made the news locally, HAPPY people everywhere!
On way home stoped at a track to visit local Pro rider I knew would be there. Get to track around 1;30 owner meets me at the gate ,tell her my story"there is two of you that will be $20 to watch the racing!" I chat and get to park for "NO MORE THEN 15 MINUTES!!" Find the rider,bump into OT guys look at scoreing to see who is there. Spend maybe 20 minutes there,on way back to truck hear the PA! "THE OWNER OF THE CHEV PICK_UP YOUR TIME HAS EXPIRED!!!" Chat with the owner,we both have same links back to Scotland and tell her a few of my thoughts on how we represent that heritage . Was a funny experence to me BUT I have a very strange idea of what is funny,to most normal people this would have sent a much more NEG. image of what MC racing is like VS how much FUN sking is,maybe thats why I don't own a MC shop or MX track anymore? JR

Enjoy Racing & Riding for Fun!
Be a Good Sportsmen (or women)!
Mon May 02 2011, 06:36 AM
Paul 061
The all mighty dollar. The thing about your story that makes me mad is it cost the track owner nothing for you to be there, it did cost him some goodwill for being making you pay though. When I go to the golf course, I can practice on the putting and chipping greens all day for nothing, they don't charge me to come into the gate. Track owners and promoters have to idea about economics. Make the customer happy and feel good and he will return. Not, get every penny out of him up front. It's kinda like the casinos, they let you win some, make you feel good,then take your money. They will get it in the end.

If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Mon May 02 2011, 07:10 AM
E.W. #849
The Ski resort understands the concept of building the sport and giving back. Many of the motocross tracks/shops do not get that concept.
Im sure it cost the ski resorts thousands of dollars to offer a free day like that. BUT... the press time and happy faces were priceless advertisment.
I said something about this in a past topic. Making your 50cc/entry level class cheep. Think about the future not the moment.

Yesterday was an awesome sunny day. My track was dry enough to ride. I invited some kids out to ride. Even though Im unable to ride, that track needed to be rode! I didn't want any money to ride. These were riders that come to schools thoughout the years, I was happy to give them a place to ride!

Building this sport is key!
Mon May 02 2011, 08:07 AM
Do you three live on fantasy island?
1- MotoX doesn't even come close to pulling the number of people as ski resorts or golf courses.

2- It doesn't cost to have spectator there? Of course it does, the promoter spent money on holding event so he can try make profit or at least break even, spectators are part of it, he/she held event on total Speculation that he makes money, money is what pays bills.

3- People outside the sport really don't mind spending $10 to get in they understand that there is nothing really out there that you don't have to pay, most sports a lot more! Amazingly it's generally the people within the sport that bitch, do they not have vision or any sense of business? Open your eye look around it clearly cost big money, it all cost money.

4- This is not no inner city sport. I am NOT a whealthy man. My three kids raced a lot for five years and probaly bought 25 bikes for them, a ton of gear and zillion gate fees. It wouldn't mattered if the gate fee was free or not we were still going to race! I never thought somebody should give poor me a why would a mini dad get a discount over intermediate dad? If anything the intermediate dad should get the break he's been around longer paying his dues in the sport. Free 50cc gate fees will not promote/build anything. You either have it or you don't and if you don't and you want it, get off your ass and go get it.

5- I want to say "Thank you" to our US soldiers for killing that sand?$&@#% obl yesterday it really made my day.
Mon May 02 2011, 11:18 AM
Paul 061
Ted, it costs the same for the promoter to run the event whether or not the spectators come. I agree, spectators should be charged but some business saavy says give someone a break that has a special circumstance. That was my point. JR wanted to come in a talk to some friends for a bit, not spectate the whole event.

If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Mon May 02 2011, 11:44 AM
Paul how come you brought me in on this. I don't own a track. I don't have any background or business experiance in the industry for any government agency to allow me to own a track, or run a track, or start a track or lease a track. People who don't ride or don't race or can't run equipment or don't design new tracks are given the chance to actually own a track or riding area.

Sorry. Just a little venting.
Mon May 02 2011, 12:43 PM
Paul 061
Wrong Ted, Ted :-)

If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Mon May 02 2011, 12:56 PM
they only have a couple races a year ther jr, i would at least charged you a quarter for el bano
Mon May 02 2011, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by Paul 061:
Ted, it costs the same for the promoter to run the event whether or not the spectators come. I agree, spectators should be charged but some business saavy says give someone a break that has a special circumstance. That was my point. JR wanted to come in a talk to some friends for a bit, not spectate the whole event.

My bad Paul I didnt realize JR has special circumstances.. Sounds like he was kindly let in for "Free" and when he was told to go his feelings were hurt becuase she anounced it, probaly she couldnt win either way. It might be easier for JR to just pay next time, not waste her time and consider it a donation to the track.
EW having people ride for free at his track thats awesome but I wonder what his overhead is like employees, insurance, land lease and the list goes on. I would say thats two completely different situations or special circumstances as its called on here. Confused
Mon May 02 2011, 02:24 PM
Paul 061
Perhaps that's why I'm not in business. I would be broke and my customers would be happy :-)

If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Mon May 02 2011, 04:23 PM
Originally posted by Paul 061:
Perhaps that's why I'm not in business. I would be broke and my customers would be happy :-)

They be happy until you went broke and then they have no place to ride then they be mad! Its delicate dance but you gotta realize some clients you just cant make happy everybody owes them... Okay Paul Vote Trump!
Mon May 02 2011, 05:02 PM
Paul 061
Hahahah the best line I heard all week was when the guy said he heard Trump was running as a Republican and he said he thought Trump was running as a joke. The Donald did not look too happy about the jokes.

If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Mon May 02 2011, 05:31 PM

Mon May 02 2011, 05:34 PM
I liked it when he went on his rant about fk this fk that, thats the guy we need (honest say it like it is) not another jackass polished lieng lawyer running the country, it will never happen we will just keep voting in proffesional legal crooks and wonder why this country is going down hill like a run away freight train, these are crazy times we need a crazy bastard (which is actualy normal) to run this country.
Mon May 02 2011, 06:41 PM
B Sharkey
Originally posted by ted:
Paul how come you brought me in on this. I don't own a track. I don't have any background or business experiance in the industry for any government agency to allow me to own a track, or run a track, or start a track or lease a track. People who don't ride or don't race or can't run equipment or don't design new tracks are given the chance to actually own a track or riding area.

Sorry. Just a little venting.
ted are you still butthurt over the straddline deal
Mon May 02 2011, 08:20 PM
Mon May 02 2011, 08:58 PM
MX Family
BIG GAP on this subject!
Track stop was really a 20 min say hi to a friend I knew would be racing,that simple.
We talked (owner and I) befor and after both with smiles,something you can get away with in you 60's,No I don't get my feelings hurt over this stuff.
Totally get EW take but look at it more from smart bussness. Get a family hooked on racing at 6 and you have income from them for 10 years maybe a little less maybe more. Lots of riders I know spend the time from when they start at whatever years of age till they drop out normally just after high school. If you get them racing at the age of 6 you get 10 years of return on "loss" of allowing a PW rider to race for CHEAP lets saw $5. Most promoters would tell me your nuts,stupid,you don't know how much it costs me to put on a race.
We are pricing racing out of reach for most familys. Rather then adding cost for watching practice,camping fees to park on their dirt overnight,gate fees for riders,all the way to paying to race at a stadium "SOLD OUT" with the hope of sort of breaking even. We/they should be looking at gettin young kids started however possible.
Try to have some balance on this so should point out positives. Like what the Devol kids are doing. We go to their races and come away with smiles and grinns from how they do their races! Elain is the most positive overly hyper promoter I have ever meet. Looking forward to seeing good results with her at Straddle line.
PIR in portland Or has been having a successful run in MX for ,well as long as I can remember. Think the next gen is taking over there and moving their program forward,sure there are more but those come to mind. JR

Enjoy Racing & Riding for Fun!
Be a Good Sportsmen (or women)!
Tue May 03 2011, 07:03 AM
I need to re-tract my statement of "freight train runnin out of control" and replace it with...
"5th gear swap" like I said Confused
Tue May 03 2011, 07:51 PM
I kind of agree with EW on the subject of hooking up the "true beginner" 50 class riders. I don't buy into the fact that the promoter will go broke on giving say $5 off a entry fee to these riders to try and get the parents to start bringing them to the races. When we as racers go to the races most of us will spend a few extra dollars on thinks be it a t-shirt or food or whatever. I think to be profitable you sometimes need to think outside of the box a little more. I have a business selling fireworks and can't even count the amount of times that I have made sales from taking care of the customers kids needs and wants. I think sometimes you give a little to gain it back in the future I think this can apply with racing as well.
Wed May 04 2011, 10:29 PM
I just read what all I posted on this topic, I swore I would never talk politics or business on hear ever again, very stressful week plus haven't rode in a over a month equals jerk mode, I'm going riding this weekend, I believe the older you are the wiser you are because youve seen and done more, at 60 JR definetly knows way more than me..

- - - - - -I call truths on the politics Paul----!