Sat July 28 2012, 10:20 PM
E.W. #849Get well spin05
Spin05 wadded up this week and cracked his pelvis and some other stuff.
I didn't ever get the whole story on what happened though.
Whats the real story spin?
Sun July 29 2012, 10:23 AM
spin05aaahhhha...Well not as cool as being airlifted off MT Baker ,but.. We were at Dales and Kyle Wood had just passed me and i thought i may try to keep up for 1 or 2 corner..LOL Big mistake. anyway the only way i could gain any ground i figured was to go far inside entering the rollers.So i did but was on the leftside were all the loose stuff and the ruts where.Next thing i know my back end got kicked sideways and started swapping.On the 3rd swap the bike launched me and i think the seat hit the inside of my thigh.After i stopped rolling i knew it wasnt good since i could not get up.I was thinking a dislocated hip. Ended up being a broken Pelvis in 3 places and a broken hip. Knee is also swelled up to twice its size,but doctors where not worried about the knee yet since i cant walk on it for 6 weeks. So i guess we will find out on it later. Hopefully nothing torn to bad.Other then that bike is in need of some new bars and front plate, but looks ok otherwise. Here is one of the pelvic break x-rays

Sun July 29 2012, 03:32 PM
B Sharkeyi got a good view as i was taking a cool down lap. when scott did swap he did it all the way. that bike was 90 degrees to the roller. no way he was going to save it.
Sun July 29 2012, 04:27 PM
Paul 061Dude that sucks. Heal up quick. Did you ride in the big red truck or did someone take you to the hospital?
Sun July 29 2012, 05:47 PM
spin05A friend took me but we got tired of waiting so we went to another ER. They then sent me by ambulance to Harborview. And yea brian its funny you say that cause i remember looking down and seeing the back of my back. Kinda like a nac-nac only 12 inchs off the ground.hahahahaha
Sun July 29 2012, 06:36 PM
McGinnis_339Sorry to hear Spin, hope you're doing ok. I know your pain all too well. Feb 11th I dislocated my left hip and broke my right hip in 5 places. Almost 6 months after injury and almost walk without a limp now. Is surgery needed? If so, I hope all goes well.
Sun July 29 2012, 08:21 PM
Originally posted by Mc339:
Sorry to hear Spin, hope you're doing ok. I know your pain all too well. Feb 11th I dislocated my left hip and broke my right hip in 5 places. Almost 6 months after injury and almost walk without a limp now. Is surgery needed? If so, I hope all goes well.
thanks...nope no surgery due the break appear to all be stable and the breaks are not part of any load bearing surface in the joint.So hopeing that will cut down on recovery.Im curious to see what happens with my knee thou.
Fri September 07 2012, 04:51 PM
spin05just got back from the doctor. No torn ACL. I can start walking on it and start rehab next week.Back on the bike by december if all goes well....
Tue September 18 2012, 09:07 AM
Kimball #126Wow, u came out not too shabby. I mean considering you could have broken ur back and torn an ACL...Glad no surgery!!! GWS...