Mon April 29 2013, 09:01 AM
Auzzi152Seattle Supercross Canceled For 2014
So I was watching the Seattle Supercross and again the track conditions sucked, looking at the fans I wasn't sure if I was watching supercross or Duck Dynasty and then I realized those were Northwest Women in there natural habitat!
I'm simply proposing that they cancel the Seattle Supercross in the future and reschedule it in the supercross starved region of Sothern California, maybe give San Diego another round, any thoughts???
Tue April 30 2013, 09:41 AM
E.W. #849Hey Auzzi, When are you coming up here next to ride?? Please let the Washington riders know so they can knock you over in every corner!
You are not getting our Seattle SX. But you can keep your Kings!
Tue April 30 2013, 01:20 PM
Vetmx808LIKE!! ^^^^^^
Tue April 30 2013, 07:02 PM
mx298Where is Villapoto from Auzzi .. . . . ?!
Wed May 01 2013, 11:04 AM
KinserMoto438My vote is to re-ban Auzzi from the forums.
Wed May 01 2013, 06:08 PM
AaronI agree with Auzzie, the redneck and white trash quotients were off the chart this year. The Monster Truck cross over plan must be working.
Wed May 01 2013, 07:42 PM
Paul 061Too many drunks at Supercross. We had a 5 person brawl in front of us. Why would you fight at Supercross?
Wed May 01 2013, 10:24 PM
AaronMost of the fans I saw were embarrassing. Even Brendan asked "hey Dad, How many of these people actually ride?" I think I actually saw the entire Metal Mulisha in the industry section.
Wed May 01 2013, 11:32 PM
mx510Man I was really worried about having to deal with the drunks this year as my niece came with us, and we sat in tread head seats. I won the lotto though with seat selection and had nothing but families around and no one was drinking. Made for a great night. And, DONT GET ME STARTED ON THE KINGS!!!!!!!

Tue May 07 2013, 08:34 AM
Auzzi152Ahahahhhaaaaa yo Nipples ill be there for Washougal takin the number one spot just like last year

... I was gonna ask you to be my umbrella girl! Who's gonna take me out? Lappers??? Ya can't crash whatcha can't catch, I got you good o'l boys covered... Kinser, as far as getting booted of the forum goes, that hasn't happened in 2013 yet so it's gonna be a good year! Yea MX298, ya take 1 look at Villapotatoes back woods hair cut white trash beard and you could guess he is from the great state of Washington!