Northwest Motocross Forum
Trey Canard
Tue January 17 2012, 02:52 PM
Justin AndersonTrey Canard
Man Robert... Must feel great to be an instigator!
Tue January 17 2012, 07:07 PM
HutchracerI like Canard as well and he super fast but sometime I feel like I just got handed a issue of the "Watch Tower" if you know what I'm talking about
Tue January 17 2012, 07:19 PM
mx510Not an instigator, I am just stating the fact that you said you dont like talking about religion. Maybe I forgot a stupid smiley face or something??

There do I seem like I am instigating now?

Tue January 17 2012, 07:59 PM
Justin AndersonIts ok Robert... Ive been smiling this whole time, LOL
Threads like this entertain me

Tue January 17 2012, 08:00 PM
Justin Andersonquote:
Originally posted by Hutchracer:
I like Canard as well and he super fast but sometime I feel like I just got handed a issue of the "Watch Tower" if you know what I'm talking about
Yeah, its fun to take those people on too...

Tue January 17 2012, 08:20 PM
Paul 061quote:
Originally posted by Hutchracer:
I like Canard as well and he super fast but sometime I feel like I just got handed a issue of the "Watch Tower" if you know what I'm talking about
I love the Watch tower, that's my favorite Hendrix tune

If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Tue January 17 2012, 08:59 PM
HutchracerI asked the family that drops it by my house in the summer to come to my wifes church and to take in a Native shaker church service but no takers on that one. Go figure
They do however always ask if we ride like the 4-6 bikes on the trailer or being worked on don't give it away.
Wed January 18 2012, 11:48 AM
smailI thought this was about the Canard taking less chances and
Wed January 18 2012, 10:50 PM
Workman #21quote:
Originally posted by Hutchracer:
I asked the family that drops it by my house in the summer to come to my wifes church and to take in a Native shaker church service but no takers on that one. Go figure
They do however always ask if we ride like the 4-6 bikes on the trailer or being worked on don't give it away.
"Native shaker church..." - Hoyud-chuff, odd-do-be-cid-chud si?ab bukalshuth iished ... Native-speak for: See ya there chief. (smiles). Anybody, beside me, ever had "that" voice in their ear, as they were about to crash big time, say "it'll be ok, just stay calm"? Twas a pretty load voice, saved my bacon!
Thu January 19 2012, 06:35 AM
Paul 061The only voice I ever here is saying "abort abort"
If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Thu January 19 2012, 07:08 AM
TRA-742I wonder where that pussy EW has been haven't heard from him on here in along time, proly just scared..or maybe he's out trying to jump his sled over the tillamuck whoot whoot tribe canyon!
Thu January 19 2012, 08:14 AM
E.W. #849HEY TED KAZINSKI! I dont want to hear it from you! hahaha
Im tossin my gear and sled in the truck and going riding right now.
Little 6 pound 5 ounce baby Jesus, please keep me safe!
Originally posted by TRA-742:
I wonder where that pussy EW has been haven't heard from him on here in along time, proly just scared..or maybe he's out trying to jump his sled over the tillamuck whoot whoot tribe canyon!
Thu January 19 2012, 08:53 AM
TRA-742The roads are blown out over here from freezing rain so I ordered my Hanford nuke bomb building factory closed for of right now its not lookin good for hornmx this weekend unless we get a chanooook blowin through
Sun January 22 2012, 12:07 AM
HutchracerAlthough I don't read or speak any native language Workman I did want to see if they would even consider going to a Shaker church. While I am not shaker my wife is and we were married in the shaker church at Muckleshoot, boy did that open the eyes of alopt of family that have never seen that religion. It's always a eye opener to me
Sun January 22 2012, 10:48 AM
mx510I am bummed for Trey. Word on the street is broken back.
Sun January 22 2012, 12:47 PM
Kimball #126Did u see that! Holy cow..that was brutal.
Wed January 25 2012, 07:53 PM
Auzzi152Good point Paul... good point...
Originally posted by Paul 061:
Originally posted by Kimball #126:
Everybody has different beliefs, so yes Paul, they would have different responses. Boner.
No Brian my point was everyone wants to say let the person say what he believes. What if Weimer for example came out and said Allah be praised that I made it through and won the race. How would that go over. Not well I think.