Fri August 19 2011, 08:14 PM
AaronThe cost of crashing
I feel pretty fortunate to have a union negotiated health care plan similar to Paul's. Some folks call them a Cadillac Health Care Plan (like that's a bad thing.) Health care sure is expensive, but its nice to have a plan that covers 90%, with a HSA to cover the remainder.
Sun August 21 2011, 08:35 PM
B Sharkeyquote:
Originally posted by Auzzi152:
Its a great facility, a 50 track, 80 track, pit bike track, vet track and national track, they keep them all groomed and watered. My only complaint would be the huge man made obstacles on the lower national track... Built for pros for sure... The vet track is a little to easy and the national track is a little too hard, I either need to commit to getting faster or slower... seems like slower is the more likely of the two...
yeah everytime i see some transworld or racer x vid that place looks like a pro only track. at least you get to go to another national this year. did you go to hangtown also
Mon August 22 2011, 12:02 PM
Auzzi152Unfortunately didn't make it to Hangtown, couldn't get out of work... Made it to Washougal and on the Track crew for Pala so might be too busy working to watch the entire race but it's all good, still stoked I get to be there! Looks like I'll run the Pala amateur days on a fo-fiddy so I'm pretty stoked on that!!!
Mon August 22 2011, 09:43 PM
B Sharkeydid you get a new bike. tell ye mate chad reed to pull it together and ride like he was ealier this year. give him some vegemite
Tue August 23 2011, 12:24 AM
Auzzi152Finally got down with the dirty 4 strokes... First ride I figured out why I haven't got a hole shot since '04! Followed in your footsteps and got me a honda fo-fiddy!
I think Reed's career got a lot shorter when he had his big get off last month... Oh well it was a great supercross and half a great motocross series!
I meet Mrs. Terriaki Sauce at Pala yesterday... all I have to say is damn... damn...
Tue August 23 2011, 08:05 PM
Workman #21I jumped over here because I saw some internet action, twas curious. I read the thread thought it was about crashing and $cost of it ... cept for that Auzzi guy.
Imagine my surprise when on the same page (page #2) it was clear to me that Aaron appreciates the shared benefits of distributed wealth (ref: "Cadillac Health Care Plan") where Auzzi seems to be attributing the high $cost of crashing to "Mrs. Terriaki Sauce".
Now I can see both sides of the argument here with Aaron-and-his-more-Cautious-Safe-attitude but then again "Mrs. Terriaki Sauce" aint looking so bad either and so I gotta wonder who I will have more empathy for come time to share my insurance (shared $dollars) with when both are laying on the Hospital bed begging for the money to pay the $bill?
Tue August 23 2011, 08:09 PM
B Sharkeyhow you been ken? are you going to top gun this year. havent see n ya in awhile
Tue August 23 2011, 08:11 PM
Workman #21I've been lay'n a bit low. Lots of other activities have been taking up my time. Top-Gun? maybe just one day. Final Pro day maybe. I'm-a-mx-lover not so much a do'er anymore. Argh. I'll talk to Ted.
Tue August 23 2011, 09:13 PM
B Sharkeythats what i meant. its always good to see ya too
Wed August 24 2011, 11:22 AM
Auzzi152Yea I guess I kinda kidnapped this thread... sorry about that... oh wait now your talking about top gun...
Wed August 24 2011, 07:21 PM
Justin Andersonquote:
Originally posted by Aaron:
I feel pretty fortunate to have a union negotiated health care plan similar to Paul's. Some folks call them a Cadillac Health Care Plan (like that's a bad thing.) Health care sure is expensive, but its nice to have a plan that covers 90%, with a HSA to cover the remainder.
Extortion does have its benefits...

Wed August 24 2011, 07:24 PM
AaronHa! No extortion, just marketshare.