Mon February 01 2010, 06:46 PM
B Sharkeypics of horn rapids
anybody got pics of the track and the changes. just curious
Tue February 02 2010, 12:13 AM
spin05Jessy warton has some on her facebook she had taken from last weekend. dont know if she has a website but there probly on it
Tue February 02 2010, 07:52 AM
Wed February 03 2010, 07:13 AM
spin05I think we are going there this weekend. I will try and take some pics of the changes and post em up...
Wed February 03 2010, 01:16 PM
Ghost9Highly doubt that there are any changes. If there are any its maybe a couple of jumps or corners.
Fri February 05 2010, 08:59 AM
mx45I'm thinking of heading over myself for the weekend.
Sun February 07 2010, 10:29 PM
spin05Man the track sucked a$$ on saturday.It doesnt get that bad during Teds p.r.o. races. sunday was much better.........
Mon February 08 2010, 05:42 PM
Vetmx808So did they not groom for Saturday?
Mon February 08 2010, 06:19 PM
spin05I heard they had taken a drag over it friday and that was it
Mon February 08 2010, 07:01 PM
DawnBSuck Saturday--my kid didn't think so--rough and rutted-yeck ya-but he also needs to ride a rough track so when he gets to them he knows how to do it. Sunday--groomed nice, nice lips etc-saw more people trippling the rythms and scared they were going to wad it up-fortunately I didn't see any of that though.
Mon February 08 2010, 07:44 PM
B Sharkeysome people just want to ride a nice track thats all and not drive 4hrs to ride something just like at home
Mon February 08 2010, 10:02 PM
mx45Yes the track was rough on Saturday, but was awesome on Sunday. So those of us who stayed and rode instead of going home to watch the Superbowl had a great time....even with a gnarly get off...all tho I'm walking with a little limp today....just a good deep thigh bruise.
Mon February 08 2010, 11:08 PM
DawnBI'd love to have something like that close to home...we drive the 4 hours (well almost 4) to go there too. I guess I am just happy to have a place to ride.
Sunday was great, almost nobody there though. Glad you are ok Mx45.
Tue February 09 2010, 08:51 AM
Dogz450Fmx45 was dead on. rough as a cob on Saturday and great on Sunday. Speaking of the rythm section in the middle, I think they need to change it up as far as the approach to it, if you go double,double double how most everyone was doing it this weekend you pretty much have to be on the brakes to double thru it. only a handful of guys quaded and doubled out. Last year I think Ted put a little dog leg right before it for PRO race that slowed things up before it. That was cool. Just my thoughts!
Tue February 09 2010, 10:07 AM
E.W. #849The track Saturday was horrible! Rutted faces, big braking bumps and way to many lines in corners!
It was awesome practice!!!
The way a track should be. You had to pick lines and make choices. Some jumps had 10 deep ruts across the face.
I was tired and sore Sunday morning. I went to the track and did it all again!
Sunday the track was fast and smooth again.
Tue February 09 2010, 10:14 PM
B Sharkeyi heard its been awesome practice doing the ryan dungey superman seatgrab

Tue February 09 2010, 10:39 PM
motodrew295I heard its awesome just practicing

Wed February 10 2010, 05:44 PM
AaronI heard its awesome sitting around the track all day talking.
Thu February 11 2010, 08:38 AM
E.W. #849Is this some inside tree whispering joke?
There isn't many trees to talk too around the track.
Originally posted by Aaron:
I heard its awesome sitting around the track all day talking.
Thu February 11 2010, 10:59 AM
Originally posted by E.W. #849:
Is this some inside tree whispering joke?
There isn't many trees to talk too around the track.
Originally posted by Aaron:
I heard its awesome sitting around the track all day talking.
EW, Its not just trees , its tires, sanicans , motorhomes .... they all talk to him LOL ...