Northwest Motocross Forum
Horn open Feb 4 and 5th
Mon January 30 2012, 01:20 PM
Redline RacerHorn open Feb 4 and 5th
Yeah!!! the track is looking Epic for Feb 4, and 5th.
Hopefully we are done with this crazy weather and we can stay on our regular Schedule.
We have made some track layout changes with a few more to come in the following weeks.
Gates open @8:30am Sat and Sun.
Practice from 10am-4pm.
Track is groomed and ROCKIN!!! We will have full crew this weekend.
Weather is forecasted to be upper 40's low 50's.
Drive safe and looking forward to seeing you all this weekend.
All 2012 flyers and the practice calendars are in downloadable form on the front page of the web
Wed February 01 2012, 07:05 PM
tedThe DeVol Engineering Suspension Truck will be their Saturday to help our customers get dialed in for the Opener.
Thu February 02 2012, 07:10 AM
Greg726Is HRMC ever going to have more then one track running per day? Run the night track and the main track to split up all the riders. Or groom up the old quad track?
Just thought i would ask....
Thu February 02 2012, 08:33 AM
NewportFor 30 bucks I would hope they do more than one track. Funny you can go to socal and ride 3 or 4 tracks for 25. Not sure why the up in price this year. I know I will not pay 30 to ride for 15 minutes once an hour thats for sure. There gona have to figure something out when they start getting busy and a second track is really there only option.
Thu February 02 2012, 09:09 AM
tedIt seems like everywhere we go it's $35.00 to practice.
Businesses are being killed by 2 major factors right now. Taxes are going up far faster than private income. Insurance is going up about 20% a year, yet no one is making more money except those working in goverment. Our shop really needs to raise our prices but are not because we will price ourself out of the market.
HRMC is within market pricing.
Thu February 02 2012, 09:17 AM
Ausbun 324How busy is it in early february? I was there last year late february and it was crazy. Hopin I get to beat the big rush.
Thu February 02 2012, 09:32 AM
Redline RacerHI all,
This topic discussion would take more room than it has on this forum. I can touch on a few points.
Know that we all do this sport for the passion of it.
It seems that when a good facility has a run, it is the promoter fault for all the misdeed.
We as promoters have passion for the sport, or would not be doing what we do. Tracks cannot run for free.
We have considered many options and we are going to be opening a second track as time and money allow.
To sum things up.
Have patience, support your tracks, and do what you love.
In closing: This used to be in my era Oh the gold ol days and we complained then.
Gas used to be .30 a gallon
A movie used to be $1.00
A new car used to be $3,500.00
Minimum wage used to be $4.15 Now 2012 as of Jan 1st $9.07
Diesel used to be .15 a gallon
A motorcycle used to be $1,800.00
A house new was 45,000.00
Race moto $30.00 for 2 motos in a 10 hour day.
Practice, that was done in the woods or on a scheduled play day!!
Shall I go on.....? Yes it is frustrating costs keep going up. we are frustrated too!!
By the way what is gas cost from wa to Socal to ride. $5.00? I want that vehicle....
We are here for our riders best interest and fighting daily to keep it alive.
Thanks, HRMC
Thu February 02 2012, 11:34 AM
mbinky818This is rj on my dads profile. All I can say is that the houses and building getting built can wait until the tracks are up to par. We don't need a mansion in the middle of the track when there is talk that there is not enough money for two tracks. Good tracks bring riders. Pro trying to train for any race need more that 15 minute motos on a track.
Thu February 02 2012, 11:49 AM
Greg726I have no issue with paying the $30 bucks to ride and that is not what i wanted to bring up. But would be nice to have options to ride another track if the main track has a ton of bikes on it. This time of year before the first P.R.O race is just crazy with the amount riders.
What is your thinking behind not running the night track this time of year? The ground has a lot of moisture, sure the dirt would be perfect!
Things could be a lot worse and we wouldn't have a track to ride, that is the last thing i want. But CHANGE or something NEW would bring more riders in. Maybe?
Thu February 02 2012, 12:21 PM
NewportAll I'm saying is I don't mind paying 30 to ride but if I pay that much I'm not going to spen that much to wait around for an hour and a half then ride for 15 minutes. Most pros need at least a 30 minute moto to get in shape. The only way to solve that is open another track or just combine more people. 3 to 4 is the most classes you would really want.
Thu February 02 2012, 12:54 PM
mbinky818On those busy days we just want our monies worth of riding. With the one track we can't get that. To pay thirty dollars and only ride for a total of 45 minutes max in 3hours definitely isn't worth it. In SoCal every track has a vet and or a mini track.
Thu February 02 2012, 01:30 PM
Redline RacerGuys,
Just opening another track is not that easy nor the solution.
Things to consider:
Who will EMT this track, who will flag, who will groom, who will water, who will pay payroll,taxes, maintenance expense fuel for grooming.
We have asked every weekend for 2 years for riders to help flag the practices, we provide flags at the tower. Yet still no flaggers.
So we have to Schedule staff to work.
We cannot open another track with a significant amount of riders and expect it to be safe for folks to ride. The liabilities are huge. We have a track to protect for you all to ride at and we also have the city interest to protect.
We are working on those solutions, but it is not overnight or a turn of the hat decision.
The other tracks other than the night track are open to ride in between motos, they always have been, but that is at your risk and decision.
There is a saying on this forum in which is priceless "Are you part of the solution or the Problem"
Keep the suggestions coming
Thu February 02 2012, 02:24 PM
Greg726It was a few years back. But i think they would split up the quads and the bikes? Quads would be in the AM and bikes would be in the afternoon?
Maybe Split up the mini bikes and bike bikes? I believe star west does that. Mini bikes run in the AM and big bikes run in the afternoon. Just a thought to split up all the riders?
You think the night track would even need water this time of year? How many Flaggers do you use when the night track is running? Don't you have two EMT's on site during the weekends?
Why have the old quad track open but no the night track?
Don't you ride at your own risk all the time?
You guys do a very good job. Nothing against the HRMC group. These are just questions that i have wanted answers too.
Nothing against toes but they run two tracks and a ramp area with no flaggers. Seems like it runs fine?? Why can they do that but HRMC can't? But then again, i don't know anything about running a track. I'm just a punk kid who rides dirt bikes when I have time...
Thu February 02 2012, 03:17 PM
NewportBahahahahahaha let me get this straight we pay 30 bucks and you want us to flag really now how does this make sense. Im with Greg back in the day at horn it was a free for all and we never had no issues not sure if you guys can do that with your liability but big bikes and small bikes is awesome. Im not trying to Bash hrmc at all because there have been improvements and its been great. We the riders are trying to voice our opinions to help you guys out. I still really wish you would do a wendsday night or any night from 4 to dark. 5 is not long enough for us to ride during the week as most of us riders have day jobs and can not get off until after 4. Again all us riders are not trying to Bash you guys just voicing our opinions and trying to give you guys feedback and we do appriciate everything all you guys do at the track.
Thu February 02 2012, 04:37 PM
motodrew295GRRR I had a nice post written up and went to post it and EW's site had a problem and didnt post it.

Thu February 02 2012, 05:25 PM
B Sharkeyquote:
Originally posted by Newport:
All I'm saying is I don't mind paying 30 to ride but if I pay that much I'm not going to spen that much to wait around for an hour and a half then ride for 15 minutes. Most pros need at least a 30 minute moto to get in shape. The only way to solve that is open another track or just combine more people. 3 to 4 is the most classes you would really want.
you really only need 3 practices, big bike slow , big bike fast and little bikes. the really fast 85 kids can ride big bike slow with beg/jrs. tell the quads to go home. i hate seeing practice for 3 guys. what a waste
Thu February 02 2012, 05:37 PM
DanPI will gladly pay $30 and take my 15 minute practice, pay another $30 have my son get a safe 15 minute practice, and have to watch 2 other practices every hour (and then get to do this 4 or 5 times in a day) over a free for all system like most tracks have. It is not safe to mix different size bikes out on the track at the same time, period. I have seen some SCARY near misses at Airway and at this point won't let my son go there to practice (unless it is one of their organized practices). I think I speak for a lot of dads who also like to ride in that if my son can't ride safely, I don't go either...we go somewhere else. Most practice days at Airway (and many other tracks) are not broken into segements and there are no flaggers present. Kudos to Horn for having a safe system.
Also, remember that 95% of the people that go to tracks to practice are not pros...and don't need a 30 minute session to get a good workout in. In all my time at practice days at tracks, it seems the vast majority of guys ride a few laps and take a break anyway. Tracks have to cater to what the majority of their clients need...not the few. It is similar to the comment I hear often made by "fast guys" at many different tracks...the track is "too easy" or the jumps aren't big enough. Again, this may be true for the top 5% of riders, but it takes the other 95% to make a track go.
If you think these guys (or anyone) running a track up here where the season is shorter and the population base is way smaller than beloved SoCal is making a killing, you are sadly mistaken. I'm sure that they'd love to build a second track, and staff it appropriately with flaggers, and water it etc... but money doesn't grow on trees.
I just hope the weather holds and we can make it down to Horn next weekend. I'll pay the fees gladly and pat the ownership on the back for giving us a fun and safe place for my whole family to ride.
Thu February 02 2012, 05:38 PM
DanPI agree with Sharkey on that as well...if only a couple quads show...sorry. Do many show up at Horn? I don't think any even show up at Airway anymore...
Thu February 02 2012, 06:17 PM
B Sharkeyquote:
Originally posted by DanP:
I agree with Sharkey on that as well...if only a couple quads show...sorry. Do many show up at Horn? I don't think any even show up at Airway anymore...
we went to horn last winter and they had 3 practices and it went great. i thought it was perfect 20 min each time. most of the kids look out for each other so i dont mind if the 50s 65 and 85s are together and most of the fast 85s will ride the faster big bike practices because they can hold there own with those guys. i thought it went great. no neeed to have 5 practices and slow things down that much
Thu February 02 2012, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by B Sharkey:
Originally posted by Newport:
All I'm saying is I don't mind paying 30 to ride but if I pay that much I'm not going to spen that much to wait around for an hour and a half then ride for 15 minutes. Most pros need at least a 30 minute moto to get in shape. The only way to solve that is open another track or just combine more people. 3 to 4 is the most classes you would really want.
you really only need 3 practices, big bike slow , big bike fast and little bikes. the really fast 85 kids can ride big bike slow with beg/jrs. tell the quads to go home. i hate seeing practice for 3 guys. what a waste