Northwest Motocross Forum
Heading down on Feb 19-21 from the great white north...
Tue February 02 2010, 09:02 AM
Vetmx808Heading down on Feb 19-21 from the great white north...
Hey guys...
Finally got organized and will be heading for our annual trip to Horn from Montana. We have 5 of us. If you see the Hamlin Racing rig from Montana out there, come by and say hi! Would like to meet some fellow Northwesterners!
Now, hope the weather will just hold up!
Jason #808
Mon February 15 2010, 04:16 PM
wilcoxill be there this weekend .... looks like it might be good ... who else is going this weekend ?
Mon February 15 2010, 04:43 PM
AaronHeaded to Toes on Sunday.
Mon February 15 2010, 05:42 PM
motodrew295I might make it out one of the days. First time back on the bike in 6 weeks, pretty excited.
Tue February 16 2010, 11:10 AM
Vetmx808Cool guys! Its been 2 months without riding for us up here...can't wait to blow out some cob webbs!!! (And get pumped up in 2.3 seconds)
Tue February 16 2010, 01:34 PM
wilcoxyeah 2 weeks ago at Toes was the 1st time i have rode since thanksgiving and that wasnt really riding since i hate AX ...LOL cant wait for the weekend is looking good !!!
Tue February 16 2010, 07:34 PM
Vetmx80850's are going to feel soooo warm! Haha...vented gear for me! lol! See everyone down there!

Wed February 17 2010, 06:43 PM
Open ClassI am going to do my best to get out there Saturday.
Changing my name from Open Class to "Heavy D"
I will be the only guy that is making the best in class 450 motor look like it is struggling to move me forward

"You, you, and you: panic. The rest of you come with me"
Wed February 17 2010, 08:12 PM
Workman #21I phoned Crater problems ... cells?
Crater sees #: Reply, Suspension is over at EVO being reworked for #21 give a call.
Response: Hey, thanks, KW "I was wondering, How's that shoulder surgery thing"
Home: Olympics and Lindsy Von? gets Gold. Gotta go cause (according to radio) reminds me of a dream-ride-on-a-dust-pan. Some thread here on EW's NW Motocross forums.
Thu February 18 2010, 03:46 AM
Paul 061What's that Crater guy been up to? He's MIA
If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Thu February 18 2010, 09:33 AM
pacoteHe is recovering from shoulder surgery,good time to signup for his school of MX.
Thu February 18 2010, 09:59 AM
Paul 061Did he ever get a place to train at?
If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Thu February 18 2010, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by Open Class:
I am going to do my best to get out there Saturday.
Changing my name from Open Class to "Heavy D"
I will be the only guy that is making the best in class 450 motor look like it is struggling to move me forward
Nice year you will be on a 500 2-stoke bored out to a 549....lets do dinner a little LIVE SX too!
Fri February 19 2010, 12:44 PM
34's mechanicDoes Horn run open practice or split into classes?
Fri February 19 2010, 09:54 PM
E.W. #849Roger,
Yes they do split the practices.
Mon February 22 2010, 06:32 PM
Vetmx808Great weekend! 1st ride in 2 months...and man do I hurt in every nook and cranny of my body! Horn was awesome as usual, weather was perfect and got to talk with a lot of nice people.
I saw you down there as well on Sunday, but didn't get a chance to come over and say hi and tell you that us Montana guys enjoy your site.
Just one question did do a lot of "sitting" by the side of the track on your bike rather than riding...what gives???
Fri February 26 2010, 09:08 AM
E.W. #849What gives?
I was working with numerous riders at Horn Sunday. I rode many times thoughout the day. I talked with the Roberts racing Montana crew.
You should have hit me up for a moto!
I hammered out a 2 lap moto with that #18 kid on the YZ250. I WON!!! That kid is Ryan Secondi. My 35 year old self was stoked to beat that 14 year old kid. Damn kids!!!
Originally posted by Vetmx808:
Great weekend! 1st ride in 2 months...and man do I hurt in every nook and cranny of my body! Horn was awesome as usual, weather was perfect and got to talk with a lot of nice people.
I saw you down there as well on Sunday, but didn't get a chance to come over and say hi and tell you that us Montana guys enjoy your site.
Just one question did do a lot of "sitting" by the side of the track on your bike rather than riding...what gives???
Fri February 26 2010, 09:38 AM
Vetmx808I kinda figured you might have had a student you working with...
Haha...I raced him around a couple laps too...I could hold him off for 1 lap at a time...then he would get me! Little bugger is quick!! Feeling the age thing...just turned 37 myself! My 2003 2-stroke was no match!!! But it was sure fun on that track! We all had a blast...
Roberts Racing are good people...just don't let Dave corner ya, he gets a little long winded

Fri February 26 2010, 09:40 AM
Vetmx808I was going to ask...
Does anyone know what the lap times are for Int/Pro riders at Horn?
Thanks - Jason
Fri February 26 2010, 10:19 AM
TRA-742I think they average around two minutes flat.. I know the 40+ is closer to like four minutes;~}