Northwest Motocross Forum
Dirty riding or ???
Thu December 31 2009, 07:07 PM
E.W. #849Dirty riding or ???
Would you consider this dirty riding. Or a lesson of not leaving your inside line open AND when not to sqare a corner off. December 31 2009, 07:48 PM
NewportI dont think it was that bad just left the door open. It's arenax and its going to happen. I have seen the kid on the yamaha get taken out plenty this year. He just needs to work on his attitude and when it happens to him again just put his head down and and go get his position back. It's racing and your going to get takin out just dont hurt the guy keep it reasonable and that was fair game.
Thu December 31 2009, 08:37 PM
216's dadHa ha Its the junior class so I'd say both.
Fri January 01 2010, 04:24 AM
rad_mxer317Clearly a case of leaving the door open.
Fri January 01 2010, 06:38 AM
99c5pilotWas there a fight after the race?

It was a combination of being a little out of control and trying for the inside line. I applaud his move.
Fri January 01 2010, 07:11 AM
wilcoxi agree he left the door so wide open you could have drove a truck pass him!!! thats racing ...
Fri January 01 2010, 08:15 AM
spin05Looked to me to be a bad time to square off a corner.But yea he left the inside open too,but that didn't cause hia crash.....
#329 40+ class
Fri January 01 2010, 05:49 PM
mx510It wasnt dirty riding. I think the kid on the Yami just didnt downside the jump all the way, therefor he could stop or make the right move which would have been just run him out. Not a dirty move though.
Fri January 01 2010, 06:07 PM
Paul 061Looked ok to me, one of the downsides of going high and squaring off.
If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Fri January 01 2010, 07:24 PM
smailHa ha What would I say Waunch? Let me think...perfect attempt at a textbook monroe pass. Clipping the double made him bobble his approach to the turn is all. The dude on yellow shoulda stood it up. Good move really.
Sat January 02 2010, 09:45 AM
ParkerIs there any other way to pass inside Monroe?
Perfectly clean.
Yellow floundered in the corner. He will learn that there is a moment where you've blown it, the other guy has got you, and your instinct has to be to tap the brakes to avoid running into him and crashing. Or cut back inside HARD.
Or if it's Waunch and he stuffs you at Yakima in 2002, pin it and run into the back of him hard enough to make sure both of you go down. Then yell at eachother in the pits and have to buy a new Marzocchi fork tube for you 125 Husky from smashing into his footpeg.
Sat January 02 2010, 09:59 AM
716Yeah, if you let someone park in front of you, you may have left the door open.
Typical Jr class arenax race. They both learned something.
Sat January 02 2010, 10:10 AM
Originally posted by Parker:
Is there any other way to pass inside Monroe?
Perfectly clean.
Yellow floundered in the corner. He will learn that there is a moment where you've blown it, the other guy has got you, and your instinct has to be to tap the brakes to avoid running into him and crashing. Or cut back inside HARD.
Or if it's Waunch and he stuffs you at Yakima in 2002, pin it and run into the back of him hard enough to make sure both of you go down. Then yell at eachother in the pits and have to buy a new Marzocchi fork tube for you 125 Husky from smashing into his footpeg.
Boy would i like to hear the otherside of that story....haha
#329 40+ class
Sat January 02 2010, 04:14 PM
kodyeilers434this was a completley clean move.. I have had my fair share of encounterments with the kid on the yami, but he doesn have a bad attitude that needs to be changed. but its just the wa the kid rides. its arena x what do you expect.
Sun January 03 2010, 09:49 AM
Big EricCompared to some of EWs passes Ive seen over the years. That one was a gift to the kid on the Suzuki.
Sun January 03 2010, 04:54 PM
Workman #21I have to go with "completely clean" with the yellow dude taking the safe line (clear-last-remaining-double-and-forget-about-da-numbers (Pi*Dia) so the blue dude having is faith in his suspension and cuts-in.
I call it "smart" riding and woulda' chewed out the blue bike dude if he hadn't pulled it, I also woulda' chewed out the yellow bike dude for having made such an onerous move in the first place.
Sun January 03 2010, 07:55 PM
moderbike xthe only thing dirty about that is music over the sound of the bikes!
Sun January 03 2010, 11:11 PM
devomx302typical JR class racing! GRRRRRRR. ha ha ha. i have no argument
Originally posted by 716:
Yeah, if you let someone park in front of you, you may have left the door open.
Typical Jr class arenax race. They both learned something.
Mon January 04 2010, 04:26 PM
kawiracer945That was retarted! haha Suzuki man should have maybe not gone outside! or he should have made sure he was on the gas hard cause If he was I think yamaha man would have fallen and not him also if suzuki man was paying attention he could have gotten on the brakes and sqaured it up plus leaving that door open not good idea. BUTTTTTT yamaha man could have also slowed down a little more got on the brakes and stayed to the inside making a clean pass. bottom line not very smart riding on either hand
Mon January 04 2010, 10:54 PM
motokidsI remember a time in Brewster, WA at an EW School, where SOMEONE got parked pretty hard during instruction??
Can you explain what happend there Wesley?