Tue July 12 2011, 01:38 PM
PRDLadies class 7-10-11
I had to share how proud I am of my 13 year old daughter Kaitlin. On the 10th of July she took a women's only riding class at EW's track in Bothell.
Kaitlin has been riding motorcycles for a couple of years, mostly trails nothing to serious.
When I dropped Kaitlin of the morning of the 10th she was a well balanced but timid rider, never getting more than a couple of inches of air off of jumps, unable to wheelie over obstacles and unsure of her abilities.
When I returned to pick her up I was thrilled to see that she was now clearing doubles, hitting step downs and able to ride over logs, did I forget to say corners... Yep great form leg out, elbows up looking good.
The best part of all this for me was that I could hear her giggling as she cleared the jumps on the track. Big smiles peaking out of that helmet.
Thank you Eric, with in just a few hours of class time Kaitlin's riding abilities increased two fold, not to mention she can't wait to go riding with me


Tue July 12 2011, 07:51 PM
BearmoreSo that is Eric's top secret weapon = Giggling over jumps. I have to say I have NEVER giggled over a jump. I think I may try it this weekend. SOMETHING after ALL these years has got to work for me to get faster. I know expletives over jumps work somewhat but have not gotten me to the level I should be at. ***puts note taped to handlebars: "Remember to giggle over the jumps"***
Fri July 15 2011, 07:17 AM
PRDBearmore, another thing that would most likely help you in addition to giggling over jumps would be for you to add PINK tassels to your bars, assuming you don't already have them... Don't forget to take lots of pics and post them here.