Northwest Motocross Forum
MXGP needs our help

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Tue May 04 2010, 10:39 AM
The Shocker
MXGP needs our help
This just in from the Wa State MC Dealers Assoc.

Dealers – An opportunity not to be missed!

After several years of hard work, agony and expense, the group promoting the MXGP track in Granit Falls is very close to getting approved. A very critical hearing is scheduled for Monday, June 7th – and it is imperative that the motorsports community be physically present to show support – dealer staff and enthusiasts. For far too long we have been denied a proper motorsports competition facility in Snohomish County. The time is ripe to now have one. County Executive Aaron Reardon has been very receptive to expanding motorsports opportunities in Snohomish County – recognizing that there is a large motorsports enthusiast community underserved.

Dealers – please encourage your staff and customers to come to this hearing on Monday, June 7th , at 9:00AM, in the Snohomish County Administration East Building, First Floor, hearing room #2. The street address is 3700 Rockefeller – downtown Everett.

If you have questions about this matter, please contact:

Jason Sherman
(425) 503-8671

'08 CRF450R
Tue May 04 2010, 09:21 PM
Kind of thought we were gonna hang tight for a little bit longer before we busted this out.... Eek
Tue May 04 2010, 09:37 PM
The Shocker
BTW, I'm NOT Jason Sherman. This is his email that was forwarded asking to get the word out to shops and customers through the dealer network.

Aaron, Do I need to delete this info? I want what's best for MXGP.

'08 CRF450R
Wed May 05 2010, 07:09 AM
You may want to ask Gary, He told me to hang on for about 2 weeks, and I received his email on the 27th.
Wed May 05 2010, 08:44 AM
E.W. #849
This info is fine to be out.
I talked to Strode.
We can only dream another MXGP will be back!!!
Hopefully the dream will come true!
Wed May 05 2010, 05:10 PM
OK, coolio, here goes....


Local File Number: 07-101924-LU Project File Name: Granite Fall Motorcross Park

Applicant: Paul Thomas Motorcross Parks
11411 - 116th Place
Kirkland, WA 98034

DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Proposed rezone from F (Forestry) to F&R (Forestry and Recreation) and Conditional Use Permit for the construction of a multi-track motocross facility on the subject property that is 437 acres and currently zone Forestry. The majority of the subject property (approximately 3/4) is designated Commercial Forest (CF) on the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map (FLUM) and the remainder is designated Commercial Forest – Forest Transition Area (CF-FTA). A 75-acre area located essentially in the middle of the subject property will be the site for development of a proposed motorcycle and All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) riding and racing tracks and associated improvements. The proposal includes development of four outdoor tracks, associated grandstands, general parking, overnight RV parking/camping spaces and support facilities. The proposal also includes construction of an earthen berm at least 25-feet high by 70-feet wide around the motocross development site to buffer noise. In addition to the sound berm, a required native vegetation buffer with an average width of 1,000 feet and minimum width of 500 feet will be adjacent to surround the sound berm. The existing vegetation within the required buffer consists of evergreen conifer trees with a height of 25 to 45 feet tall and relatively dense understory vegetation. A 2.2 million gallon pond will be constructed for on-site stormwater detention. In addition to detention, the pond will be used to store water to be used for dust control. A 1,200 foot driveway will provide access to the motocross facility from Mountain Loop Highway. Up to 40 recreational vehicles could camp overnight in large gravel parking spaces at the motocross facility. Camping would occur primarily during local and regional competitive race events. The overall hours of operation for the facility are bookended from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and race weekend riding from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. However, actual recreational riding and racing will only occur from 10:00 a.m. to sunset on weekdays and from 9:00 a.m. to sunset on weekends. The facility will be designed, given proper weather conditions, to be operational throughout the year. However, it is likely the facility will not be open from December through February due to typical rainy conditions during these months. It is expected that a maximum of 220 people (riders and spectators) would use the facility on a typical non-race weekend day.

The proposal is to be constructed in five phases and the sound berm is to be constructed in stages during development of each phase. Phase development is summarized below:

Phase 1:
Phase 1 development includes construction of main track no. 1, associated grandstands, stormwater system, sign-up building, mobile restroom trailer, perimeter fencing, access driveway from Mountain Loop Road, gravel parking area with 74 large parking spaces, 4 paved ADA parking spaces and an ungraveled overflow parking area for 410 cars, and other improvements indicated on project plans received March 1, 2010. The parking areas will have lighting. However, no lighting is proposed to operate the tracks at nighttime. The poles for parking area lighting will be no higher than 20 feet and the fixtures will be shielded to direct light downward. Phase 1 includes installation of a group A Transient Non-Community public water well system to supply potable water for the facility. The well will pump no more than 5,000 gallons per day. The water supply system for the facility will be designed to comply with current Washington State Department of Health (DOH) Design Guidelines. Design of the system will require DOH approval and the system will be regulated by DOH. Phase 1 also includes construction of a 10-foot by 20-foot covered refueling area with a concrete floor designed to catch any fuel or oil spilled during refueling or maintenance. Construction of the sound buffering berm will begin during Phase 1.

Phase 2:
Phase 2 development includes construction of the beginner track, children’s tract, associated grandstands, and other improvements indicated on project plans received March 1, 2010.

Phase 3:
Phase 3 development includes construction of main track No. 2 track, associated grandstands, additional stormwater and drainage facilities, gravel parking area with 55 additional large parking spaces and 2 paved ADA parking spaces, 12,400 gallon above ground water storage tank and other improvements indicated on the project plans received March 1, 2010.

Phase 4:
Phase 4 development includes construction of the flat track, free style area, associated grandstands and other improvements indicated on the project plans received March 1, 2010.

Phase 5:
Phase 5 development includes construction of 35 additional large graveled parking spaces and 4 ADA parking spaces, and other improvements indicated on the project plans received March 1, 2010. Phase 5 also includes completion and landscaping of the remaining portions of the sound berm. It is anticipated that Phase 5 will be completed within 10 to 15 years after issuance of the grading permit to begin construction of the facility.

Sound berm
Construction and landscaping of the first (eastern) portion and second (southeastern) portion of the sound berm is to be completed prior to Phase 3 operation. The third (southern) portion of the sound berm will be constructed and landscaped prior to Phase 5 operation. Construction and landscaping of the fourth (northwestern) portion and fifth (northern) portion of the sound berm is to be completed prior to Phase 4 operation. The sound berm will be constructed as recommended in the Environ Noise Assessment dated January 2009 and as indicated on site plan set sheets #5A - #5E. It is anticipated that final construction and landscaping of the sound berm around the entire facility will be completed within 15 years of receiving a grading permit to begin construction of the motocross facility. Construction of the sound berm during development of the project phases together with the existing native vegetation within the required buffer surrounding the development site, as recommended in the Environ Noise Assessment, will mitigate noise generated by the multi-track motocross facility and ensure that noise complies with applicable Snohomish County noise standards of chapter 10.01 SCC (Noise Control). The project plans and Project Description and Operation Plan indicate that construction of the sound berm would be completed within 15 years of receiving a grading permit to begin facility construction. Once construction and landscaping of the entire sound berm is completed, the sound attenuation provided by the existing native vegetation in the required buffer surrounding the development site to the north, south and west will not be needed to comply with applicable Snohomish County Noise standards (Environ Noise Assessment, 1/2009). However, the noise assessment appears to indicate that the 500 feet of existing vegetation between the east sound berm and the easternmost property line may be needed to comply with noise standards. (See corresponding mitigation measure on page 7.) If development of the motocross facility should end at Phase 3, construction and landscaping of the sound berm shall be completed per the schedule in the noise assessment and as indicated on the project plans.

Critical Areas:
Canyon Creek, a Type S ESA stream, flows across the north margin the of the subject property. Canyon Creek and associated flood plain and wetlands are approximately 1,000 feet north of the project development site. An off-site wetland located south of the subject property is more than 800 feet from the project site. Canyon Creek, on-site and off-site wetlands and required critical area buffers are located beyond the proposed motocross facility development site.

An evaluation of the information submitted with the application coupled with an on-site investigation has resulted in a determination that the application complies with Chapter 30.62A SCC (Wetland and Fish & Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas) as it relates to stream and wetlands since there are no such features that exist within the development site pursuant to 30.91S.350 SCC, and the application is consistent with the purpose and objectives of the chapter in regulation of development activities in streams and wetlands to safeguard the public health, safety and welfare. However, the project development site is located within ¾ miles of a Marbled Murrelet detection sector. Marble Murrelets are listed as a threatened species under the Habitat Management Plan requirements of 30.62A.460 SCC. The applicant’s biologist, Talasaea has submitted information to indicate, and based on PDS staff’s previous site review, that it is unlikely that the project site contains all the listed criteria of WAC 222.12.090 to be considered a primary association area for the Marbled Murrelet. However, PDS has requested further assessment to determine if the proposed development site meets all the criteria to qualify as a primary association area. If further assessment by Talasaea indicates that the site meet all the criteria, then the project development site will need to be relocated and application materials revised as appropriate to avoid impacts to Marbled Murrelet primary association area.

The subject property is located within a moderate to high aquifer sensitivity area as identified on the Snohomish County Aquifer Recharge Areas map. The proposed motocross facility development site is located approximately 200 feet south of a steep north facing slope with seep areas observed on a portion of the slope. The slope meets the definition of a landslide hazard area pursuant to 30.62B.340 SCC (landslide hazard areas) and SCC 30.91.040 (Landslide hazard area definition). The development site, at the closest, is located approximately 190 feet south of the top of the slope and beyond the required setback for steep slopes pursuant to 30 62B.340 SCC.

An evaluation of the information submitted with the application has resulted in a determination that the application complies with chapter 30.62B SCC (Geologically Hazardous Areas) and chapter 30.62C SCC (Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas) as it relates to geologically hazardous areas, erosion hazard areas, landslide hazard areas, and critical aquifer recharge areas, and the application is consistent with the purpose and objectives of these chapters in regulation of development activities to safeguard the public health, safety and welfare. Critical area and critical aquifer recharge area protective measures required by chapters 30.62B SCC and 30.62C SCC shall constitute adequate mitigation of adverse or significant environmental impacts on geologically hazardous areas and critical aquifer recharge areas pursuant to chapter 30.61 SCC, to the extent permitted by RCW 43.21C.240.

Mobile Restroom Facility
The applicant has submitted an example of the type of mobile restroom facility that will be provided for the motocross facility. The example (Alpha Mobile Restroom Systems) has been reviewed and conceptually approved by the PDS commercial building plans examiner and the Snohomish County Fire Marshal’s Office.

PDS traffic engineers have reviewed the traffic impact analyses (12-3-07, 1-27-09 and 8-25-09) prepared by Fehr & Peers/Mirai and have determined that all significant traffic issues have been adequately analyzed and addressed in the traffic studies. The proposed development has been evaluated for concurrency under the provisions of 30.66B.120 SCC and has been deemed concurrent as of March 13, 2009.

Project Revisions
The scale of the original proposed project has been reduced to eliminate a proposed indoor race track, permanent restroom facility and septic system, and permanent concession buildings. With the elimination of the proposed septic system and drainfield, the proposal is no longer subject to the requirements of 30.63C.140 SCC (Hydrogeologic report) and 30.62C.340 SCC (Uses and development activities subject to special conditions). These changes have reduced the potential environmental impacts of the original proposal.

Mitigation Fees
Mitigation fees are to be paid in accordance with Chapters 30.66A, B, and C, SCC, for project impacts to community parks and nearby road system traffic.

Location of Proposal: in Section 3, Township 30 North, Range 7 East, W.M., Snohomish County, Washington.

Tax Account Numbers: 300703-001-002-00; 300703-001-001-00; 300703-004-001-00; 300702-002-003-00; 300702-002-004-00; 300702-002-001-00; 310734-004-001-00; 310735-003-001-00

Lead Agency: Snohomish County Planning and Development Services


The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable, significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is NOT required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review by Snohomish County of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with this agency and such information is adopted herein by reference. This information is available for public review upon request.

This Determination of Nonsignificance is issued under WAC 197-11-340 (2) and is subject to a 14 day comment period. Written comments may be submitted to the lead agency at the address below. Comments must be received by May 17, 2010.


This DNS may be appealed pursuant to the requirements of Section 30.61.300 SCC and Chapter 2.02 SCC. The fourteen (14) day appeal period commences on the date of publication of notice. Any appeal must be addressed to the County Hearing Examiner, accompanied by a filing fee of $500.00, and be filed in writing at the Customer Support Center on the 2nd Floor, County Administration Building East, Everett, WA. The appeal must be received by May 17, 2010. The appeal must contain the items set forth in 30.71.050(5) SCC as follows:

(a) Facts demonstrating that the person is aggrieved by the decision;

(b) A concise statement identifying each alleged inadequacy in the threshold determination;

(c) The specific relief requested; and

(d) Any other information reasonably necessary to make a decision on appeal.

Please note that failure to file a timely and complete appeal including all the above items shall constitute waiver of all rights to an administrative appeal under county code. In addition to the above requirements, SCC 30.61.305(1) also requires that any person filing an appeal of a threshold determination made pursuant to this chapter shall file with the hearing examiner, within seven days of filing the appeal, a sworn affidavit or declaration demonstrating facts and evidence, that, if proven, would demonstrate that the issuance of the threshold determination was clearly erroneous.

Contact Person: Darryl Eastin, Principal Planner, AICP

Responsible Official: Larry Adamson, Acting Director
Planning and Development Services

Address: County Administration Building East, 2nd Floor
3000 Rockefeller Avenue, M/S 604
Everett, Washington 98201

Signature: Date:
Darryl Eastin for Responsible Official


This threshold determination was reached on the basis of plans, supporting documents and mitigation offered voluntarily by the developer. Specifically:

1. Revised SEPA Environmental checklist received March 1, 2010
2. Revised Project Description and Operations Plan received March 16, 2010
3. Revised site plan set sheets #1 to #18 received March 1, 2010
4. Revised Preliminary site grading and drainage plans set received March 1, 2010
5. Critical Areas Review prepared by Williams E. Shields, Principal, Talasaea Consultants, Inc. dated June 5, 2007
6. Revised Traffic Impact Analysis by Fehr & Peers/Mirai dated December 3, 2007
7. Traffic Impacts Analysis - 2nd Revision prepared by Fehr & Peers/Mirai received January 27, 2009
8. Supplemental Traffic Analysis by Janet Hall (Fehr & Peer/Mirai) dated August 25, 2009
9. Turn lane and capacity analysis by Don Wisehart, Snohomish County DPW dated March 23, 2009
10. Targeted Drainage Report, downstream analysis & erosion risk assessment prepared by Flury-Wyrick and Assoc. dated December 3, 2007
11. Geotechnical Report prepared by Zipper Zeman Associates dated June 5, 2007
12. Native Vegetation Study prepared by Williams E. Shields, Principal, Talasaea Consultants, Inc. dated January 25, 2009
13. Critical Areas & Aquifer Recharge Study prepared by Williams E. Shields, Principal, Talasaea Consultants, Inc. dated 6/5/2009
14. Letter from Michael Doner, Snohomish Health District dated March 10, 2009
15. E-mail from Jolyn Leslie, WSDOH to Brant Woods, P.E. received May 4,2009
16. Geomatrix Noise Report dated June 2007
17. Noise Assessment - MXGP Granite Falls Track prepared by Environ International Corporation dated January 2009
18. Granite Falls Motocross Park Proposed Water Use Technical Memorandum prepared by Brant E. Wood, P.E. dated January 19, 2009
19. Sparling Granite Falls Motocross Park Noise Study Review prepared by Sarah Rollins (stamped by Michael Yantis, P.E.) dated July 2, 2008
20. Supplemental Geotechnical Considerations – Revised Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas prepared by Terracon dated June 30, 2009
21. Memorandum by Frank Scherf, PDS Senior Biologist dated August 17, 2009
22. Memorandum by Frank Scherf, PDS Senior Biologist dated December 8, 2009
23. Memorandum by Mark Brown, PDS Traffic Engineer III dated March 13, 2009
24. Memorandum by Mark Brown, PDS Traffic Engineer III dated November 19, 2009
25. Proposed Water Use Study prepared by Brant Wood, P.E. dated February 19, 2010
26. Motocross Racetracks Ordinance (06-137) approved December 13, 2006
27. Environmental checklist and DNS for amended Ordinance 06-137 (Motocross Race Track Ordinance) issued August 9, 2006
28. Amended Ordinance for Off Road Vehicle Use Areas (05-146) approved January 18, 2006
29. Environmental checklist and DNS for amended Ordinance 05-146 (ORV Park Ordinance) issued October 30, 2003
30. Forest Land Grades Map prepared by Snohomish County PDS printed January 12, 2010
31. MXGP Timber Management Plan received April 12, 2010
32. Granite Falls Motocross Park Drainage Addendum prepared by Brant Wood, P.E. dated April 1, 2010
33. Water Quality Treatment of Track Runoff by Williams E. Shields, Principal, Talasaea Consultants, Inc. dated March 25, 2010
34. Memorandum by Paul Dragoo, PDS Traffic Engineer III dated April 22, 2010
35. Letter from Mike Doner, R.S., Snohomish Health District dated April 21, 2010

The voluntary offers and documents listed above were considered and evaluated as part of this threshold determination, and are considered necessary to reduce the overall level of impact below that which is probable, significant and adverse, except as identified below under Mitigation Measures.


PDS staff has evaluated the environmental checklist, voluntary offers, plans and supporting documents submitted for the proposal and have determined that the proposal has the potential to create more than a moderate adverse environmental impact. The following mitigation measures are required to achieve acceptable project impact levels and are based on the County’s substantive authority under SEPA and Chapter 30.61 SCC to require such impact mitigation.

A. Adverse Impact - Noise
The Environ Noise Assessment dated January 2009 indicates that 500 to 656 feet of the existing native vegetation within the required native vegetation buffer pursuant to 30.28.105(2)(d) SCC surrounding the proposed edge of the development site is needed, prior to completion of the proposed sound berm, to comply with applicable Snohomish County noise standards pursuant to Chapter 10.01 SCC (Noise Control). Removal of evergreen conifer trees and other existing vegetation within the required perimeter buffer prior to completion of the entire proposed sound berm could create significant adverse noise impacts.

Mitigation Measures
The following mitigation is required to ensure that the motocross facility complies with applicable noise standards Chapter 10.01 SCC:

1. No harvesting or thinning of trees or clearing of native vegetation within the entire required native vegetation buffer surrounding the motocross development site pursuant to 30.28.105(2)(d) SCC shall occur until construction and landscaping of the entire sound berm is completed and approved by PDS.
2. The noise assessment appears to indicate that the 500 feet of existing native vegetation adjacent and between the east edge to the development site and the easternmost property line is needed, in addition to the sound berm, to comply with noise standards. Therefore, the 500 feet of vegetation described above shall be preserved within a Native Growth Protection Area/Easement recorded with the Snohomish County Auditor. Should noise monitoring required by this MDNS and 30.28.105(4)(e) SCC demonstrate that the sound attenuation provided by the sound berm alone is sufficient to comply with Snohomish County noise standards, the NGPA/E can be removed and the conifer trees in this area can be harvested.

B. Adverse Impact - Noise
The sound levels projected for the operation of the motocross facility in the Environ Noise Assessment are based on completion of specific portions of the sound berm prior to the operation of specifically identified motocross project phases. Operation of project phases, including racing on proposed tracks, prior to completion of specifically identified portions of the sound berm as recommended in Environ noise assessment dated January 2009 and as indicated on project plans received March 1, 2010 has the potential to create significant adverse noise impacts.

Mitigation Measures
In order to ensure compliance with applicable Snohomish County noise standards of Chapter 10.01 SCC, the proposed sound berm shall be constructed as recommended in the Environ Noise Assessment (January 2009) and as indicated on project plans (sheets #5A – #5E). In order to implement the recommended phased construction of the sound berm, separate grading permits will be required for construction of each portion of the sound berm as specified below:

1. The grading permit application submitted to begin construction of the motocross facility shall include construction and landscaping of the first portion of the earthen sound berm as indicated on site plan set sheet #5A. This portion of the sound berm (along the eastern edge of the development site and extending 150 feet west along the northern and southern edges of the development site) shall be completed and landscaped prior to submittal of development permit applications to begin construction of Phase 3 improvements.

2. A grading permit application for construction and landscaping of the second portion of the sound berm (along the east approximately 1,060 feet of the south edge of the development site and the north approximately 300-foot portion of the southeast edge of the development site) as indicated on site plan set sheet #5B shall be submitted prior to submittal of required development permits for Phase 3 improvements.

3. A grading permit application for construction and landscaping of the third portion of the sound berm (along the south approximately 500 feet of the western edge of the development site and extending along the entire southernmost and the remainder of the southeast edges of the development site) as indicated on site plan set sheet #5C shall be submitted prior to submittal of required development permits for Phase 5 improvements.

4. A grading permit application for construction and landscaping of the fourth portion of the sound berm (along the western approximately 680 feet of the northern edge of the proposed development site and the northern approximately 760 feet of the western edge of the development site) as indicated on site plan set sheet #5D shall be submitted prior to submittal of required development permits for Phase 4 improvements.

5. A grading permit application for construction and landscaping of the fifth portion of the sound berm (along the remainder of the northern edge of the development site) as indicated on site plan set sheet #5E shall be submitted prior to submittal of required development permits for Phase 4 improvements.

6. If development of the motocross facility should end at Phase 3, construction and landscaping of the remaining portions of the sound berm shall be completed within 15 years of the issuance of the grading permit to begin facility construction.

C. Adverse Impact - Noise
The sound levels projected in the Environ Noise Assessment dated January 2009 are based on the location and dimensions of the proposed sound berm, placement of track start lines and density of vegetation in the required buffer. Riding and racing at the facility without the monitoring of noise levels to ensure that operation of the facility complies with applicable Snohomish County and state noise standards has the potential to create significant adverse noise impacts.

Mitigation Measures
1. MXGP shall employ a professional environmental sound engineer approved by Snohomish County to take noise level measurements at receiving property boundaries during a typical summer day during peak time weekend recreation riding, and during the first local and regional race events after opening of Phase 1 of the facility. The measurements will be taken to determine if noise levels comply with applicable Snohomish County noise standards of SCC Chapter 10.01 and sound levels of RCW 46.09.120(1). MXGP will submit the noise level measurements to the County for review and corrective action if noise exceeds County and state standards prior to submittal of required development permits for Phase 2 and Phase 4 improvements.

2. Start lines for main track #1, main track #2, and beginner’s track shall be located as indicated on project plans received March 1, 2010 and placed to orient motorcycle and ATV tailpipes away from nearest residential property lines as recommended in the Environ Noise Assessment dated January 2009.

D. Adverse Impact - Noise
The sound levels projected in the Environ Noise Assessment (January 2009) are based on hours of operation that limit riding and racing to daytime hours only. Chapter 10.01 SCC (Noise Control) defines “day" or "daytime," as the hours between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. on weekdays and between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. on weekends. Additionally, the Project Description and Operations Plan indicates that recreational riding and racing at the motocross facility will only occur during daylight hours. Riding and racing during non daylight hours have the potential to create significant adverse noise impacts.

Mitigation Measure
In order to ensure that recreational riding and racing complies with applicable Snohomish County noise standards of SCC Chapter 10.01 and also only occurs during daylight hours, riding and racing shall only occur between the hours of 8:00 a.m and sunset on weekdays and between 9:00 a.m. and sunset on weekends.

E. Adverse Impact – Water Quality
Refueling and oil maintenance of motorcycles and ATVs at the motocross facility prior to completion of the refueling and oil chance station has the potential to create a significant adverse stormwater quality impact.

Mitigation Measure
In order to prevent the contamination of the ground with petroleum products during refueling and oil changing, the construction of the designated refueling and oil change station with roof and concrete floor and catch basin as indicated on project plans received March 1, 2010 shall be completed prior to operation of Phase 1 improvements.

F. Adverse Impact – Water Quality
Riding and racing of motorcycles and ATVs prior to completion of proposed rain gardens in low points along the edges of the proposed riding and racing tracks as described in the Granite falls Motocross Park Drainage Addendum dated April 1, 2010 and Water Quality Treatment of Track Runoff memo dated March 25, 2010 has the potential to create a significant adverse water quality impact.

Mitigation Measure
In order to ensure that storm water runoff from the proposed riding and racing tracks is treated before infiltration into the ground, construction and landscaping of rain gardens at appropriate locations in low points along the edges of the proposed tracks (to be determined at construction review) as indicated in the Water Quality Treatment of Track Runoff memo dated March 25, 2010 and Granite Falls Motocross Park Drainage Addendum dated April 1, 2010 shall be completed and approved by PDS prior to the operation of the project phase under which each track or tracks will be constructed.

G. Adverse Impact – Air Quality - Dust
Dust from created during construction and use and operation of the motocross facility, if not adequately controlled, has the potential to create a significant adverse air quality impact.

Mitigation Measure

In order to ensure that dust created during construction and use and operation of the motocross facility does not adversely affect facility users and surrounding properties, sufficient water shall be readily available on site and in the proposed stormwater detention pond to be used for dust control, as needed, to comply with state air quality standards as set forth by the Puget Clean Air Agency.

H. Adverse Impact - Traffic
The traffic impact analysis for the motocross facility dated January 2009 projected that the facility would generate approximately 150 average weekday vehicle trips at full occupancy and 500 average vehicle trips on a weekend race day. Traffic impact fees imposed by Snohomish County to mitigate impacts to County roads are based on average weekday vehicle trips. Use and operation of the facility, including the staging of competitive racing events, in a manner that could generate more than 150 average weekday vehicle trips and 500 average weekend vehicle trips has the potential to create significant adverse traffic impacts.

Mitigation Measures
In order to ensure that the use and operation of the motocross facility during the week and weekend for recreational riding and competitive racing events held periodically (up to 30 annually) does not does not exceed the maximum projected traffic volumes indicated in the 2009 traffic analysis and that serve as the basis for imposition of mitigation fees, the following limits are imposed:

1. The facility shall not be used or operated in a manner that would generate more than 150 average weekday vehicle trips and no more 500 average weekend vehicle trips.

2. No local or regional competitive racing event shall be held at the facility during the week and no national competitive racing events shall be held at the facility at any time.

I. Adverse Impact – Public Services – Emergency services
Snohomish County Fire Protection District No. 17 fire station is the fully manned fire station located closest to the subject property for the proposed motocross facility. However, the subject property lies outside the boundary of any existing Snohomish County fire district. Location of the proposed motocross facility outside an established fire protection district could create a potential significant adverse environmental impacts with respect to fire protection and emergency services pursuant to 30.28.105(4) SCC and chapter 30.53A SCC.

Mitigation Measure
In order to ensure that adequate emergency services and fire protection is provided for the motocross facility, the subject property shall be annexed to Snohomish County Fire Protection District No. 17 prior to issuance of the grading permit to begin facility construction.

Code Development Regulations and Requirements
The following Snohomish County code requirements, regulations and standards serve as mitigation of potential adverse environmental impacts of the proposal to achieve acceptable environmental project impact levels:

1. Grading activities associated with the proposal have the potential to create adverse on-site and off-site environmental impacts. Compliance with applicable requirements of chapter 30.63A SCC (Grading Code), 30.63B SCC (Drainage), 30.64 SCC (Groundwater Protection) and 30.65 SCC (Special Flood Hazard Areas) shall constitute adequate mitigation of specific adverse or significant adverse environmental impacts on-site and off-site from grading associated with this development activity. [30.63B.050(2) SCC].

2. Before and after issuance of a grading permit, the director may require modifications of grading plans, specifications and operations or impose additional or more stringent standards and requirements than those specified in this chapter or in any approved grading permit, to the extent necessary to protect public health, safety, and welfare. Such modifications, standards, or requirements may be necessary because of unusual or newly discovered site conditions including, but not limited to, soil type, topography, and weather conditions. Such modifications, standards and requirements may include, but are not limited to scheduling, phasing, or time restrictions. [30.63B.250 SCC]

3. Changes to storm water volume, release rate, erosion, sedimentation, and water quality associated with this development activity have the potential to create adverse on-and off-site environmental impacts. Compliance with applicable requirements of chapter 30.63A, 30.63B, 30.64 (Groundwater Protection) and 30.65 (Flood Hazard Areas) SCC shall constitute adequate mitigation of specific adverse or significant adverse environmental impacts on-site and off-site from grading associated with this development activity. [30.63A.060 SCC]

4. Mitigation measures required by chapter 30.66B SCC shall constitute adequate mitigation of adverse or significant adverse environmental impacts on the road system for the purposes of chapter 30.61 SCC to the extent that the director determines the specific impacts of the development are adequately addressed by this title in accordance with chapter 30.61 SCC. [30.66B.010 SCC]


The determination that an environmental impact statement does not have to be filed does not mean there will be no adverse environmental impacts. Snohomish County codes governing noise control, land use performance standards, construction and improvement of county roads, off site road improvement obligations, drainage control, fire protection and building practices will provide substantial mitigation of the aforementioned impacts.

The issuance of this Determination of Nonsignificance should not be interpreted as acceptance or approval of this proposal as presented. Snohomish County reserves the right to deny or approve said proposal subject to conditions if it is determined to be in the best interest of the county and/or necessary for the general health, safety and welfare of the public to do so.


Snohomish County Department of Public Works,
Snohomish County Fire District #17
Snohomish County Fire District #23
Snohomish Health District

Washington State Department of Ecology
Department of Transportation
Department of Fish and Wildlife
Department of Natural Resources

Utilities Public Utility District #1 of Snohomish County

Other Agencies Granite Falls School District No. 332
United States Department of Agriculture
Stillaguamish Tribe
Tulalip Tribe – Natural Resources

Adjacent Property Notice of the issuance of this Determination of Nonsignificance has been
Owners mailed to property owners of record within 1000 feet of the external
boundaries of this project and all parties of record

Parties of (See attached Parties of Record Register)


1. Environmental Checklist
2. Vicinity Map
3. Ownership & Zoning Map
4. Site Plan/Plat Map (reduced to 8 1/2 x 11 or 14)
Wed May 05 2010, 08:33 PM
Government at it's finest.
It says in part. Government will allow the track to be successful to a point. But you can't be real successful because the government won't allow that. Who are these people in government that they can dictate how successful you are allowed to be. Pretty crazy here in Washington.

This message has been edited. Last edited by: ted,
Fri May 07 2010, 05:45 PM
However, PDS has requested further assessment to determine if the proposed development site meets all the criteria to qualify as a primary association area. If further assessment by Talasaea indicates that the site meet all the criteria, then the project development site will need to be relocated and application materials revised as appropriate to avoid impacts to Marbled Murrelet primary association area.

So is there a freaking birdie or not? How can PDS run a hearing when they have an incomplete report? Isn't the Hearing Examiner gonna throw a hairy fit when he/she sees this?

Mon May 10 2010, 11:21 AM
The Shocker
DNR NW Region received their copy on April 30th. I haven't heard whether they have any issues with the plan. Their land is adjacent so they have a say in it. DNR has been getting an earfull lately from the Pilchuk Audoban Society regarding their ORV areas specifically Reiter and Walker Valley. These guys could be real bad news for Gary if they are involved at all.

BTW, The map of the tracks is freaking sweet!!!

'08 CRF450R
Tue May 18 2010, 05:33 PM
SEPA appeals were due Monday the 17th. Did MXGP get by with no appeals?

Tue May 25 2010, 09:33 AM
Hey everyone, just wanted to give you an update. The County has moved the court date to July 7th, 8th & 9th. Public comments will be heard on the 7th, so that is the day we need to plan to be there. It will be an all day affair, so plan accordingly. It looks like we are front page news, see the article here:

Notice the part where it states they have 800 signatures against the proposed track, I think it is time we let them know how we feel. We cannot afford to lose this fight, it is not just about MXGP, but about MX in Snohomish County and Washington as a whole. Please follow the progress and latest updates on the MXGP in Mt. Loop blog:
The blog will have the latest information regarding the track, an email address to send your letters to and the information it needs to include. Let's pull it together and make this happen!
Tue May 25 2010, 10:54 AM
Paul 061
That was a very well written article.

If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Wed May 26 2010, 09:22 AM
The Largest Construction Project in Snohomish County? I wonder where Bright Water falls in there.... last i checked, thats being built in Snoho County. Its hard to believe that a 50 acre mx track would be larger than that project...

"An attorney working for the conservancy has argued the berm would be among the largest — if not the largest — construction projects in Snohomish County."

I will do my best to be there (and spread the word)
Wed May 26 2010, 09:55 AM
Ha ha! I thought the same thing when I read that, it's going to be right there with the 1.8 billion dollar Brightwater project.

Well, the reporter said it, so it must be true I guess... Glad Gary has some deep pockets.

I will be there for sure.
Thu May 27 2010, 04:31 PM
Originally posted by Disturbed450:
Hey everyone, just wanted to give you an update. The County has moved the court date to July 7th, 8th & 9th. Public comments will be heard on the 7th, so that is the day we need to plan to be there. It will be an all day affair, so plan accordingly. It looks like we are front page news, see the article here:

Notice the part where it states they have 800 signatures against the proposed track, I think it is time we let them know how we feel. We cannot afford to lose this fight, it is not just about MXGP, but about MX in Snohomish County and Washington as a whole. Please follow the progress and latest updates on the MXGP in Mt. Loop blog:
The blog will have the latest information regarding the track, an email address to send your letters to and the information it needs to include. Let's pull it together and make this happen!

So if they have 800 signatures against the track then can we get signatures to show how we want the track? If so Im pretty sure I can get quiet a few.
Fri May 28 2010, 08:49 AM
So why hasn't Gary gotten 5,000 signatures in favor of a track?

And what happend with this rally someone talked about?

I've said it before and here it is again.
You win Politics with money or big numbers of people. That's it.

So what's it going to be? Garys not rich. So who is going to step up to organize what needed to be done 3 years ago.
Fri May 28 2010, 04:10 PM
B Sharkey
Originally posted by Porter:
Originally posted by Disturbed450:
Hey everyone, just wanted to give you an update. The County has moved the court date to July 7th, 8th & 9th. Public comments will be heard on the 7th, so that is the day we need to plan to be there. It will be an all day affair, so plan accordingly. It looks like we are front page news, see the article here:

Notice the part where it states they have 800 signatures against the proposed track, I think it is time we let them know how we feel. We cannot afford to lose this fight, it is not just about MXGP, but about MX in Snohomish County and Washington as a whole. Please follow the progress and latest updates on the MXGP in Mt. Loop blog:
The blog will have the latest information regarding the track, an email address to send your letters to and the information it needs to include. Let's pull it together and make this happen!

So if they have 800 signatures against the track then can we get signatures to show how we want the track? If so Im pretty sure I can get quiet a few.
there isnt even 800 people in that town what the hell?where do they get this
Sun May 30 2010, 11:43 PM
The Shocker
Here is some interesting info from

I noticed a new Proposed Land Use sign posted at the top of Sand Hill last time I was up there. Looks like there's another push to open a track on the Loop.

From The Herald:

Will motocross racers ride again?

Contentious proposal for motocross track will get hearing in July

By Noah Haglund
Herald Writer

BELLINGHAM — article inserted here>

As I write this, I'm sitting about two miles from the proposed track location. I personally think the track would be a great addition to the area. The piece of land they're wanting to use has been closed off to access for a number of years. It now sees use as a dumping ground for trash and target practice.

For the record, and since the article didn't really delve into the finer details of where this track will be situated and where everyone lives in relation to the track and other businesses, I thought I'd compile a little list of those involved.

To start, there are two mines which bookend the proposed site:
City Transfer, Inc. (CTI) operates a mine east of the proposed track site.
Snohomish County also operates a mine west of the proposed track site.
The major opposition to the site is a group calling themselves The Mountain Loop Conservancy. They recently adopted that name after running under the old Stillaguamish Citizens Alliance (SCA) banner, a group that was originally formed to oppose the building of a quarry on the Mountain Loop Highway. They were not successful.

The following is a list of Board Members for The Mountain Loop Conservancy.
President, Jeff Van Datta - address is 13602 278TH DR NE, Granite Falls WA 98252. According to donation records found online, Mr. Van Datta is an engineer with the Snohomish County PUD.
Vice President, Paul Sheppard - address is 13532 278th Dr NE, Granite Falls, Wa 98252.
Secretary, Siobhan Sullivan - address is 29021 Mountain Loop Hwy Granite Falls, WA 98252 and, according to, works for the Granite Falls School District.
Treasurer, Jim Dockery - address is 2407 117th Ave NE,Lake Stevens, WA 98258 and lists his occupation as a photographer.
Fifth Member, Bruce Barnbaum - address is 31417 Mountain Loop Hwy, Granite Falls, WA 98252 and is also listed as a photographer.
Advisory Board Member, Tom Matlack - address is 2504 112th Dr NE, Lake Stevens, WA 98258.
They claim this fight isn't about NIMBY, but when I look at where some of these people live I'm forced to conclude otherwise. I'm even questioning the validity of their group's 501c3 tax-exempt status ...and think the IRS should too.

'08 CRF450R
Thu June 03 2010, 12:48 PM
Originally posted by The Shocker:
Here is some interesting info from

I noticed a new Proposed Land Use sign posted at the top of Sand Hill last time I was up there. Looks like there's another push to open a track on the Loop.

From The Herald:

Will motocross racers ride again?

Contentious proposal for motocross track will get hearing in July

By Noah Haglund
Herald Writer

BELLINGHAM — article inserted here>

As I write this, I'm sitting about two miles from the proposed track location. I personally think the track would be a great addition to the area. The piece of land they're wanting to use has been closed off to access for a number of years. It now sees use as a dumping ground for trash and target practice.

For the record, and since the article didn't really delve into the finer details of where this track will be situated and where everyone lives in relation to the track and other businesses, I thought I'd compile a little list of those involved.

To start, there are two mines which bookend the proposed site:
City Transfer, Inc. (CTI) operates a mine east of the proposed track site.
Snohomish County also operates a mine west of the proposed track site.
The major opposition to the site is a group calling themselves The Mountain Loop Conservancy. They recently adopted that name after running under the old Stillaguamish Citizens Alliance (SCA) banner, a group that was originally formed to oppose the building of a quarry on the Mountain Loop Highway. They were not successful.

The following is a list of Board Members for The Mountain Loop Conservancy.
President, Jeff Van Datta - address is 13602 278TH DR NE, Granite Falls WA 98252. According to donation records found online, Mr. Van Datta is an engineer with the Snohomish County PUD.
Vice President, Paul Sheppard - address is 13532 278th Dr NE, Granite Falls, Wa 98252.
Secretary, Siobhan Sullivan - address is 29021 Mountain Loop Hwy Granite Falls, WA 98252 and, according to, works for the Granite Falls School District.
Treasurer, Jim Dockery - address is 2407 117th Ave NE,Lake Stevens, WA 98258 and lists his occupation as a photographer.
Fifth Member, Bruce Barnbaum - address is 31417 Mountain Loop Hwy, Granite Falls, WA 98252 and is also listed as a photographer.
Advisory Board Member, Tom Matlack - address is 2504 112th Dr NE, Lake Stevens, WA 98258.
They claim this fight isn't about NIMBY, but when I look at where some of these people live I'm forced to conclude otherwise. I'm even questioning the validity of their group's 501c3 tax-exempt status ...and think the IRS should too.

Just a quick comment. Smile Jim Dockery is not only a photographer but he is one of the Granite Falls elementary schools' PE teacher that a few years ago assigned his students to write a paper telling about their favorite sport, one student wrote about racing motocross and riding his dirtbike, Mr. Dockery refused to accept the paper telling the student that motocross and dirtbike riding were not a sport. The students parents protested and he had to accept the paper. This just shows you the type of people we are fighting against to get the track...people who do not consider motocross a sport but would never be able to physically do it themselves.
Mon June 07 2010, 09:50 AM
The Shocker
Originally posted by Disturbed450:
Hey everyone, just wanted to give you an update. The County has moved the court date to July 7th, 8th & 9th. Public comments will be heard on the 7th, so that is the day we need to plan to be there. It will be an all day affair, so plan accordingly. It looks like we are front page news, see the article here:

Notice the part where it states they have 800 signatures against the proposed track, I think it is time we let them know how we feel. We cannot afford to lose this fight, it is not just about MXGP, but about MX in Snohomish County and Washington as a whole. Please follow the progress and latest updates on the MXGP in Mt. Loop blog:
The blog will have the latest information regarding the track, an email address to send your letters to and the information it needs to include. Let's pull it together and make this happen!

Red Face JULY 7th! Red Face. Damn it I don't know how I read that as June. Frown At least I wasn't the only one though.

'08 CRF450R