Northwest Motocross Forum
Coyote moto?
Mon February 08 2010, 08:48 AM
TJ 755Coyote moto?
Anybody have the scoop on this track out by Monroe? I think that's what they call it.
Mon February 08 2010, 09:00 AM
moderbike xyes you have to be a member to ride there or know someone you can become a member by going to the meetings 3rd wen. of the month @ alfys pizza in monroe and doing work parties
Mon February 08 2010, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by moderbike x:
yes you have to be a member to ride there or know someone you can become a member by going to the meetings 3rd wen. of the month @ alfys pizza in monroe and doing work parties
7:00 pm meeting, I might add. And your bike must pass 96db to ride.
Mon February 08 2010, 06:45 PM
Paul 061Aaron can you bring a guest to ride?
If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Mon February 08 2010, 07:48 PM
Workman #21Don Cote did for me Paul, place was a hoot!
Alfy's Pizza 19121 State Route 2
Monroe, WA 98272-1531
[Track Location - Google Maps, Satellite],0.009323&t=h&z=17Mon February 08 2010, 08:37 PM
AaronYes Paul, just let me know.
Tue February 09 2010, 04:42 AM
Paul 061I think I can stuff a rag in the exhaust and get to 95 db
If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Tue February 09 2010, 09:49 AM
moderbike xthe club does not allow quads paul sorry!
Tue February 09 2010, 02:42 PM
TJ 755I want to check it out. pacote pmed me his #. Looks cool.
Wed February 10 2010, 01:23 PM
kolbyWhat is the cost? Do they charge an annual rate? Making it out to Monroe on a Thursday night is a bit challenging...
Wed February 10 2010, 01:57 PM
B AndersonIt costs me a modest $325/yr and the enjoyment of working the parties or whatever needs to be done each weekend.
"If life is the face of a rutted jump, will you pick the line that drags your footpegs?"
Wed February 10 2010, 03:58 PM
AaronHere's the deal.
We only have 35 members. (that's families)
In order to become a pledge member, you show up at the Alfy's in Monroe at 7:00 pm, the third Wednesday of every month, and then you attend the work party on the weekend following that meeting. You get two points for every meeting, and a point per hour per person for every work party. Then when it comes April, and October, we take new members, assuming that old ones vacate the positions, remembering that there are only 35 total members. If no one vacates, no one is admitted. If some do vacate, we admit the same amount. Those chosen are those who have the most points.
As far as admitting new folks, we see new faces every meeting, and usually at one work party. It always seems that is the end of the line for most, so for those committed enough to attend and put in their time, it's not super tough to get in. (Again, assuming that someone vacates their position) Finally, when you do get picked, you buck up $325 bucks for the year. A new requirement of membership for this upcoming year will also be mandatory attendance at two races that we are going to be promoting, and attendance at a pre-required number of work parties. Finally, your bikes (and all guests you bring) must pass 96db.
Wed February 10 2010, 06:53 PM
MX516Don't forget about the new rule for the mx track. The one that you have to have a spotter at the entrance if you want to ride mx (trails do not require the spotter). And the kicker for this former member was that the spotter had to be a member. So if you have a member buddy that can meet you when you want to ride, you can sit there and watch them ride and take turns maning the gate... Work parties were fun and usually consisted of a good ride aftewards!
Other than that, the club is cool, people are nice and Alfy's Pizza kicks A$$ all over a subway any day!

Wed February 10 2010, 07:42 PM
Workman #21quote:
Alfy's Pizza kicks A$$ all over a subway any day!
MX516 - Dude, why you gotta go and say all that smak about Subway. Aint Subway a "Stand-Up" dealy thing? You wanna sit down and talk girly then ok I guess Alfy's will do.
Thu February 11 2010, 05:50 PM
kolbyAnyone head over there from the eastside? I used to work in Monroe and lived in Sammamish, the commute was easy for me go oposite direction but watching the folks going into Monroe seemed painful. So in theory you could work for a year and not get a membership? Does that happen? Sorry for so many questions, I just want to understand the details before I commit to showing up.
Thu February 11 2010, 11:13 PM
Originally posted by kolby:
So in theory you could work for a year and not get a membership? Does that happen? .
a year ago it took me about 9mo to get in but it took a friend of mine like 3mo... it just depends on who drops out and how many people with points are ahead of you. One thing that wasn't mentioned is that it is a family membership so if you're married and have kids you can bring them out and get their points too.
The commute wasn't that bad but i was coming from MV.
If you are serious, just check it out. just going there for the work parties and riding was worth it. You work for a couple hours raking rocks and trimming brush, then you ride for as long as you can.
Fri February 12 2010, 04:46 AM
Paul 061I'd rather have generous friends

If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Mon February 15 2010, 04:28 PM
Vern#119Rode there the week before my knee surgery. Had a blast a the track and the trails were fun and easy Paul would like them.

Mon February 15 2010, 05:52 PM
Paul 061hmmm, should I be happy or pissed?
If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...