Originally posted by MX516:
It's hard to explain, but from what I've heard... you start out down a 3rd gear straight with a dog leg right (soon to change)... drop down a small hill, down shift and hit a 110deg Left over a small double down to an option line, straight ahead is a lump with a sweeping downward fading on the gas left hander or hang a harder left over a small table, Back on the gas straight to another bending left sweeper (the Tone Show likes Lefts,.. on the track that is

), straighten her up and start heading up again, bending to the right a little up a 70'ish step up triple thingy past the Huge Maple, on the gas straight to 100deg R berm, and back down hill to a step down 90'ish triple/table or double the table (if you triple you better be ready for the turn), then bend R over an off camber double, straight to a "tone show" one way (only way) rhythm section (double, triple) to slam into an uphill 70deg berm to a rightward aiming double, blip the throttle over a double to a 50’? triple but you better be ready for a Hard 180deg left or you’re in the stickers (all bikes lost and left over 24hrs are donated to the track), head up a small hill to a flat 70deg Leftward turn, just after the turn there is a bump… go to far and you can't get on the brakes hard enough for the hard 180 right hand S option line or be lazy and go straight to a right hander and pour on the power, not to much though or you might be rubbing some bark off of the trees in the next corner (one inside, one outside, perfectly placed). The option sets you up straight for the next section, going straight makes you turn Left around the tree where the two meet... They are about even but I got Brenden covered there. Then you head into the forest on the gas straight, to a L & R switchback, keep bending right to a 130deg left hand berm (if your hooking up, just cut the corner and stay on it and if your buddies kids in front, you can Park him!) head back up the hill to a 65’+ step up (as far as you want)... back on the gas straight to Left hand up hill S turn, leveling out as you turn right, back on it hard up the hill to the front long left hand sweeper (start), short shift 4th if your ballsy down the straight or rev out 3rd to PO the neighbors... and that is a lap (or so I’ve been told)