Northwest Motocross Forum
A2 mudfest
Sat January 23 2010, 08:21 PM
Paul 061A2 mudfest
Originally posted by Workman #21:
By 45-riders in 450 class and 56-riders in 250 are you saying that for each class that is/was the total count of entry's. Is 56 250 class riders all the AMA can attract for the big-show. I'da hoped for a hundred in each class (450 and 250) especially considering it's Anaheim and west coast.
PS - still getting 404-file-not-found messages and now add on to that the dreaded "connection broken" stuff. Perhaps maybe the AMA might consider hook'n up to an old 286 PC I got hanging around. Evan a 16-bit-286 gotta beat the beginner class effort I'm getting from amapromail. Note .. as far as I know hell hasn't frozen over and I still can't get any meaningful data out AMA live.
Last year was a hoot for live data this one is lacking. I'm a data monster and hungry.
my live timing is working?
If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Sat January 23 2010, 08:23 PM
Workman #21have ya got a link you can send my way
Sat January 23 2010, 08:27 PM
MX FamilyKW
I get on Vital mx ,go to the forum,scroll to SX links,click results,check class entry list.Hope it gets you there,also a call from guys down there keeps my in the loop. JR
Enjoy Racing & Riding for Fun!
Be a Good Sportsmen (or women)!
Sat January 23 2010, 08:28 PM
Paul 061try this
If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Sat January 23 2010, 08:35 PM
Workman #21Thanks MX,
That's exactly what I was looking for!
Manay, many, many thanks! January 23 2010, 08:39 PM
Paul 061uh dude, look right above you

If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Sat January 23 2010, 08:50 PM
Workman #21Guess what? As soon as I clicked on a link to I crashed again.
Beginner class web. So how much would I $pay for a service like this - zip, nada, nut'n.
wire.ama seems good enough but refresh rates are wanting (I'm logged on and streaming Jim Holly and Jason Wygant? - via Comcast so gotta wonder about the hood bandwith too) but is...well aint no Subway!
Sat January 23 2010, 09:15 PM
Paul 061Ken what did you do? livewire isn't working now?
If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Sat January 23 2010, 09:40 PM
Workman #21Whew! Paul, dude 250 class just finished and web wire.ama was just seconds behind live Holly/Wygant cast. Gotta thank those guys for a most wondrous talk-through and I gotta tank Subway for all their support - the bestest-most-tasteful-sandwiches-ever and the wire.ama for all their support cause without them I wouldn't be writing this and to all you MX fans because without you I'd be nothing.
Good small bike race fer sure can't wait to see live reruns on TV tomorrow.
Sat January 23 2010, 09:42 PM
Paul 061I'll be playing golf tomorrow :-)
If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Sat January 23 2010, 09:49 PM
Paul 061I am surprised that Suzuki is letting Stroupe contend in the top. Seems dangerous for Dungeys chances.
If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Sat January 23 2010, 10:08 PM
Workman #21Play'n golf, me too on XBox360 maybe. For now 450 SX class is about to end with a Dungey taking a win but what about that #75 Hill Oregon dude put'n it down. Holly Freak'n ...!
Go ahead and swing yer clubs and golf-da-golf but for me...I can't wait to see todays races on TV tomorrow.
Sat January 23 2010, 10:17 PM
MX FamilyWait to hear whats wrong with RV! JR
Enjoy Racing & Riding for Fun!
Be a Good Sportsmen (or women)!
Sat January 23 2010, 10:29 PM
Workman #21Ok so what can you tell us MX that's wrong with RV without divulging any confidences?
Sun January 24 2010, 02:09 AM
McGinnis_339A3 predictions...J law returns to action takes dungey out the first lap in the main. dungey dnf's while stewart finishes decent and finishes up in vegas with the points lead. not a stewart or lawrence fan, just dont wanna see dungey do the somewhat impossible...championship on the big bikes in supercross on the first try?
Sun January 24 2010, 09:17 AM
Pike 62First off I think alot of riders didnt show up because of all the rain that we got down here last week......mistake! The track was perfect!
Hill looked good all night but no one on the track looked as good as Dungey. The kid is for real.....he has the speed and the endurance to run the complete race. As for matter what anyone thinks of the guy he is the fastest rider at the show...even hurt he showed speed in places that the other guys looked slow in. His bike hooks up and out pulls all the others! Not sure if its him or the bike but its impressive.
The other good thing that I saw last night was that Dungey wont take any crap from those guys. He took his time behind Stewart and Hill but then made the pass....only to have Hill run him high in a corner and try to put him down....he came right back and returned the favor to hill and made the pass and just ran away. All in all it was a great night at the races!!!!
PS. Was that Nick Schmitt I saw????
Sun January 24 2010, 01:44 PM
MX FamilyKW
I agree rain and thoughts of a SanFran type track may have stoped some ,but also think reality for some is more about the money . If you make the night show not sure if you break even this year,how possible is it for a local pro rider to get in to the main,reality is not too likely.Flip side to this 'IF YOU DON"T TRY HOW DO YOU KNOW"!!JR
Enjoy Racing & Riding for Fun!
Be a Good Sportsmen (or women)!
Sat January 30 2010, 09:53 AM
yes, That was Schmidt.....he is #867
and is in SF with his dad. maybe he can get a better gate pick this week.
Sat January 30 2010, 09:20 PM
Workman #21#758 makes night show and circulating on lap 2 at 3/4. Am I the only one the was watching Discovery Channel HD and noticed the number of the ocean trans fishing boat - also #758?
Lap #5 (live) and #758 is back a ways. Make-da-night-show in American SX and yer pretty good by my count.
Sat January 30 2010, 09:23 PM
Workman #21Argh! #758 crashes!
...what (3 laps later) looks and sounds like - out.