Northwest Motocross Forum
Seattle SX - What locals are racing?
Thu April 14 2011, 10:56 AM
Vetmx808Seattle SX - What locals are racing?
So I can look for your number and give a cheer!

Thu April 14 2011, 07:27 PM
ryan625I believe Kevin Urquahart will be there...
625 mom
Thu April 14 2011, 07:57 PM
Workman #21Crater (Greg) sounded like Death-Warmed-Over Monday on phone but by Wednesday 100x times better.
I'm dressing for wet-weather and looking forward to good-conversations
Thu April 14 2011, 08:19 PM
B Sharkeychris howell for sure and im sure jake A too.i seen brad nauditt and tommy weecks are coming. abrigo and ruminer and ulrich are in vegas at world mini. not sure which oregon guys yet
Fri April 15 2011, 05:34 AM
MX FamilyThink Erick Meusling is the only Oregon rider going. Haven't seen Mike Horban,Whitlow is doing trainning,Metzler is MIA,Lacey???,just not many guys riding from down here right now.
Went to L.V. then a couple days in LA doing Milestone for Sx practice.Travel cost is so high($4.65 for diesel)Weather for this weekend,total lack of any possibility to earn any money,all make it harder and harder for riders to make these races.
Would think Jackson would ride this one as we saw him a lot in SoCal.
Haven't heard anything on Tapia after he was hurt,riding? gettin ready for outdoor?
Enjoy Racing & Riding for Fun!
Be a Good Sportsmen (or women)!
Fri April 15 2011, 07:11 AM
Originally posted by MX Family:
Think Erick Meusling is the only Oregon rider going. Haven't seen Mike Horban,Whitlow is doing trainning,Metzler is MIA,Lacey???,just not many guys riding from down here right now.
Went to L.V. then a couple days in LA doing Milestone for Sx practice.Travel cost is so high($4.65 for diesel)Weather for this weekend,total lack of any possibility to earn any money,all make it harder and harder for riders to make these races.
Would think Jackson would ride this one as we saw him a lot in SoCal.
Haven't heard anything on Tapia after he was hurt,riding? gettin ready for outdoor?
Tapia posted on facebook that he is riding.
Fri April 15 2011, 07:58 AM
Vetmx808Awesome...hope some of these guys get in the main! Gonna be tuff though...especially if it does rain.
Fri April 15 2011, 12:19 PM
racerx43yzJ Potter?
Sat April 16 2011, 07:33 AM
TRA-742Born and raised Northwest VILLOPOTO!!!
Sun April 17 2011, 07:48 AM
Paul 061Some gay super hero in pink tites kidnapped Crater last night. He did great in the LCQ, Maybe if he would have dayglo boots on he might have won!

We had a whole section rooting for ya Greg.
If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Sun April 17 2011, 10:17 AM
MX FamilyOregon count went up to three,Horban,Lacey,joined Meusling at the race.
Amount of injurys on the rutted launch tripple was very high. From local tallent Jackson and as high in the ranking as Jimmy Decotis suffered injury on this jump. Track crew rebuilt it several times,but soil condition had it repeatedly rut up to a hazard condition,more so in the 250 class.
Shot at making the main was as good as it gets for local riders. Depends on who you think of as local. Tommy Weeks,Tapia,Ben Evans,RV,Urhquart all have lived here but do we think of them as local?Horban,Lacey,Meusling are OR guys but do you Wa ,Seattle guys think of them as local?
Were two potters racing back in the day,whats up with Jason P.
Talked a lot with "old" guys from two years ago and surprized how many riders from that short of past history that have retired! JR
Enjoy Racing & Riding for Fun!
Be a Good Sportsmen (or women)!
Mon April 18 2011, 12:16 AM
216's dadquote:
Originally posted by Paul 061:
Some gay super hero in pink tites kidnapped Crater last night. He did great in the LCQ, Maybe if he would have dayglo boots on he might have won!

We had a whole section rooting for ya Greg.
OMG! That was awesome. I didnt make it to the actual race but was watching it live at home with my girlfriend. I could not stop laughing. Emig and Shaheen couldnt stop taking about him. It was so funny to see 1st and 2nd place battling and all you could really see was this pink suit in the background. Ahhhaaahahaha. You are the man Greg. That was sooo funny.
Mon April 18 2011, 09:50 AM
153Thanks guys. I just thought it would be funny to bring out team hurricane. My mechanic had a hurricane pit shirt too. It was just for fun but it turned into a much bigger deal. Haha lots of press so that's good right? There are a couple haters over on thumpertalk and vital. You guys should help me out and go shut them down a little bit.
Mon April 18 2011, 10:09 AM
E.W. #849There will always be haters... no matter how good you do. Laugh about it!
Mon April 18 2011, 12:22 PM
34's mechanicThat post on thumpertalk is up to 4 pages now, with most all the posts a + and from all over the country.
Mon April 18 2011, 04:44 PM
B Sharkeyquote:
Originally posted by 153:
Thanks guys. I just thought it would be funny to bring out team hurricane. My mechanic had a hurricane pit shirt too. It was just for fun but it turned into a much bigger deal. Haha lots of press so that's good right? There are a couple haters over on thumpertalk and vital. You guys should help me out and go shut them down a little bit.
i think most people thought it was cool and you were riding great. i think if you didnt fall you could have got 2nd. pretty funny watching greg kill a guy in the whoops who has a bike worth 10 of gregs
Mon April 18 2011, 04:47 PM
B Sharkeyquote:
Originally posted by MX Family:
Oregon count went up to three,Horban,Lacey,joined Meusling at the race.
Amount of injurys on the rutted launch tripple was very high. From local tallent Jackson and as high in the ranking as Jimmy Decotis suffered injury on this jump. Track crew rebuilt it several times,but soil condition had it repeatedly rut up to a hazard condition,more so in the 250 class.
Shot at making the main was as good as it gets for local riders. Depends on who you think of as local. Tommy Weeks,Tapia,Ben Evans,RV,Urhquart all have lived here but do we think of them as local?Horban,Lacey,Meusling are OR guys but do you Wa ,Seattle guys think of them as local?
Were two potters racing back in the day,whats up with Jason P.
Talked a lot with "old" guys from two years ago and surprized how many riders from that short of past history that have retired! JR
anybody from this state should be considered local. its great how everyone likes to dismiss someone since they dont live here anymore you have to live somewhere else just to get ride time with the way the weather is around here. can you blame them. all of the people you mentioned have spent serious time out of state at one time or another. but not as far as the bonus money being haneded out to riders thats a seperate deal
Mon April 18 2011, 04:48 PM
Pike 62Great job Greg! The gear was great...only problem is now my wife thinks I should get some like it. I told her I am not fast enough to wear something like that. LOL You made it look good!
Mon April 18 2011, 05:49 PM
T-MONEY 117Here is the link to VitalMX and the posts about Greg. I think everyone loved it!. They also have the Team Hurricane You Tube link, Pretty
Funny.,1215935Mon April 18 2011, 08:46 PM
motokidsThe amount of press time you got Crater should have been worth listening to the haters, they were not blown up large on the big screen (jealousy is a bitch)! Was awesome for a NW privateer to get that much time, way to rep the NW! You rode great too, so close to the night show. Keep working hard man, it will come!