Tue April 19 2011, 05:02 PM
Kimball #126Seattle SX - What locals are racing?
Dude, Crater, ur gear was siiiak! We could totally follow u around the track and u battled tough in the LCQ before that mishap....U got mad airtime on TV too! I watched it!! Good ride!
Tue April 19 2011, 07:05 PM
tedGood for Greg. The TV coverage is always so shitty for non factory big shots. Greg is smart enough to see that option and look at the result. Next time Greg I will get you a set of our 1986 Flo-pink fork guards. Yes we have a large stock of them still.
Tue April 19 2011, 07:58 PM
AaronHey Crater, I heard over on Vital that they were looking for your contact info for an interview on DMXS. Did they get ahold of you?
Found this on Kickstart.
Wed April 20 2011, 10:52 AM
153Yeah they did aaron. I will be on the show tonight I'm guessing around 6 or so. Everybody listen in.
Wed April 20 2011, 02:10 PM
153Looks like about 645 I will getting a phone call from the dmxs radio guys.
Thu April 21 2011, 07:28 AM
mx45That was a great interview last night... So funny. Props! I think your interview was the longest of the night.
Thu April 21 2011, 06:27 PM
Vetmx808Yes it was.

You have to switch it with a different color every weekend!
Sun April 24 2011, 10:08 PM
MX516From Racer X Observations! Crater "best dressed!"
"Local rider Greg Crater had many of us old-timers tearing up in the press box as he ran Team Hurricane gear from the mid-80’s movie Winners Take All. Like, it was pretty much the same stuff and I have no idea where he found the hot pink pants and jersey but God bless him, he found it somewhere. He didn’t make the main event but he was definitely number one in my heart. I don’t do the best-dressed award anymore but if I did, Greg Crater, you won it in a runaway!"