Northwest Motocross Forum
Tapia's move at Houston???

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Mon April 12 2010, 08:03 AM
Tapia's move at Houston???
Feel bad for the rider he slammed...I would have been pissed if I was that guy, being he was in a transfer position.
Mon April 12 2010, 09:42 AM
I dont think Tapia could of laid the bike any flatter while attempting to make that pass Awesome!
Mon April 12 2010, 10:33 AM
That was a bone head move that had no other outcome but taking them both out... rubbings racing but... really? I like chearing on the local boys but he's been doing rough riding. Probably not impressing to many folks on the circuit.

Sure hope he cleans it up...
Mon April 12 2010, 05:02 PM
516, he is far from the only one doing it this year. Is just me or has the racing this year seamed a little more agro than usual. I know back in the day they had some real knock down drag outs but it seems like that is what we are heading back to. For me though, man is it FUN to watch!
Mon April 12 2010, 06:58 PM
It's fun to watch for sure...till someone gets seriously hurt. I have been on the receiving end of a T-Bone that caused injury, just a sign of poor sportsmanship. These kids have been pressured to win, at all costs or they are failures. I hope this philosophy changes soon, I know I will do all I can to make sure my 5 year old doesn't have this mentality...

Alright, alright, I am off my soap box! Sorry guys...
Mon April 12 2010, 07:32 PM
Kimball #126
I watched it and my mouth was wide open and confused..Total takeout..I woulda clobberd the kid for jackin up my transfer spot! However, if it stuck and he parked him and transferred, it woulda been a siiiiick move! lol

Mon April 12 2010, 08:28 PM
Last corner in an lcq-and he left the inside open? What does he thinks gonna happen?
Mon April 12 2010, 08:47 PM
Originally posted by mx510:
516, he is far from the only one doing it this year. Is just me or has the racing this year seamed a little more agro than usual. I know back in the day they had some real knock down drag outs but it seems like that is what we are heading back to. For me though, man is it FUN to watch!

Its been GREAT to watch!!! just would like him do it right... great block pass or even a total park over the berm would have been epic! unfortunatly he didn't have chance... rubbins racing but a no holds bar take out which has no other conclusion but both in the dirt is poor sportsmanship...

I hope to See our NW boys representing in Seattle!!!
Mon April 12 2010, 10:12 PM
It was a badass move showing great effort! These guys are not racing for ten dollar plastic trophys they need to get paid. The dood he tried to pass left the door open and looked to me Tapia laid it totaly flat trying to avoid taking them both out he could of just hit him straight on and punted him off the track but he didnt- it was good agressive attempt to make a pass on the last lap of a lcq! Bummer it didnt workout but he had to go for it! If he was my kid I would of been proud of him! Of course if I was on the other rider's team I would of been pissed!lol Several races back maybe it was atlanta the lcq race where Tapia came up short on the tripple an jumped off the bike the Suzuki rider he was chasin that cat slammed Tapia hard to get by that looked wayyy more agressive!

This message has been edited. Last edited by: TRA-742,
Tue April 13 2010, 08:28 PM
WOW! TRA get real he had no chance he was a douche bag. If he was my kid I would have made him walk over to the pits of the other rider just to let him get his ass kicked cause he would deserve it. That was a ruhtardededededed move. He needs to learn that there is a time and place for block passes. He blew his shot when he couldn't get through the whoops. It was over.
Tue April 13 2010, 09:13 PM
B Sharkey
i heard from a few of you guys EW taught him those moves from hids old days ha ha. if you watch it again youll see the guy he hit was already out of the corner, like crater said it was over
Tue April 13 2010, 09:54 PM
What?!!! I am the best armchair quarterback there is!
I need to see it again can somebody post it on here?
Of course I prolly only see it one way since Tapia's a NW kid! lol
Wed April 14 2010, 11:02 AM