Northwest Motocross Forum
2012 Pacific Racing Organization Schedule
Tue January 31 2012, 11:03 AM
Auzzi1522012 Pacific Racing Organization Schedule
Ha ha mx510 that song is exactly what was going thru my head...
Tue January 31 2012, 05:55 PM
B Sharkeyquote:
Originally posted by Auzzi152:
Sharkey if I drive 1 1/2 hours I can hit Pala, Perris, Milestone, Elsinore, Starwest, Glen Helen and Cahullya Creek all which have multiple tracks and half of em have lights. Plus there are about twice as many tracks that I haven't made it to cause, well those ones are so awesome! Then there is the free riding places, the trails, the desert and oh yea the dunes... Did I mention it was 74 degrees today? Damn it feels good to be a gangsta

Originally posted by B Sharkey:
Originally posted by mx510:
I am on the side of I think Straddleline could handle it. Also we would finally get something close to home.
i think i might pass out if i only had to dri

ve 1 1/2 hrs
maybe you can hook me up down there this summer. i think we need to make a visit
Wed February 01 2012, 06:57 PM
tedHa human nature a lot of the time looks for the bad before the logical.
Here's the deal. Some track owners don't need or want a big event at their track. Some can make more money on a big practice day so they don't want to bother with a big event. It's their track to do as they wish and I totally respect whatever business decision they make.
As far as Straddleline: #1 I asked for Elaine to contact me when she thinks Straddleline is ready for a P.R.O. event. This hasn't happened.
#2. Many of our customers have been down to Straddleline and say it's a lot better but still to many rocks for any 25 or more rider gate.
#3 Our customers say it's not as good as the tracks we are using now. I will add "Yet".
Maybe next year they will invite us down there.
We have to be able to put on the best events possible. We listen to all of our customers and do everything possible to give them the best event possible.
I've been to Woodland this season and it's got plenty of parking now. Woodland has the best dirt anywhere.
We will have water trucks and their system to water with during the event. Woodland is one of the best tracks in the Northwest and always run by the nicest people in the business for, what, 35 years. It will be a great event.
Thu February 02 2012, 06:30 AM
Paul 061Well all right then. Thanks for the reply Ted.
If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Mon February 13 2012, 11:25 PM
spin05Hey Ted What about this new track in Eugene,OR Territorial MX????? Heard they had a CMC race last weekend and it went well. Kinda has a Cadillac Ranch look to it. I may go take a look at it this weekend
#329 40+ class
Tue February 14 2012, 08:50 PM
AaronLooking forward to the opener.
Wed February 15 2012, 02:05 PM
E.W. #849So Ted,
The people have spoke. Are you going to make some changes in the classes like many wanted. Get rid of the unlimited class and make a 2 stroke only class.
Less classes and longer races!!
3 lap motoss for $35 are lame.
Wed February 15 2012, 05:05 PM
Paul 061quote:
Originally posted by Aaron:
Looking forward to the opener.
Aaron are you going to be there? I'm debating between this one and the Goldstar at PA.
If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Wed February 15 2012, 05:52 PM
gmoney1234I agree with Eric's proposal to have a two stroke only class and having more than 3 lap motos. 4 laps minimum but preferably 5-6 laps. This is based on our 1 minute and 49 second lap time last week at HRMC. Think about this, even if race 4 laps per moto at 2 minutes a lap, you are getting 8 minutes of riding. Pay 35dollars per class for 16 total minutes of riding (from two motos).
Wed February 15 2012, 06:23 PM
AaronPaul, I'm going to be there so Brendan can race. I'm not going to race at PRO, but will be doing the OTMX races at Spokane, Straddleline, and maybe Agassiz. Hook that trailer up sucka, let's go!
Wed February 15 2012, 07:30 PM
Paul 061I'm pretty sure I will be there racing. I'm going to try and hit up the Straddline and Washougal OTMX races. I'm going to try and get to Toes this Saturday for at least a bit of seat time. I haven't ridden since Clark County.
If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Wed February 15 2012, 08:45 PM
B Sharkeypaul you should race at rd 3/4. im trying to get back in shape and do a few races again. probably wont be in good shape til may or so but im trying. might try it at those rounds though. its been 3 years
Thu February 16 2012, 08:10 AM
spin05yup see ya there paul...You atleast got come see the shark out of the water.......
#329 40+ class
Thu February 16 2012, 08:17 AM
I think this guy is all talk! He got tired starting an 84 CR500.
Put your running shoes on Sharkbait!
Scott is going to wax ya!
Everyeone better watchout for the Sharkbaits pink hair!
Originally posted by B Sharkey:
paul you should race at rd 3/4. im trying to get back in shape and do a few races again. probably wont be in good shape til may or so but im trying. might try it at those rounds though. its been 3 years
Thu February 16 2012, 08:31 AM
Dogz450Fyou know what the Bad thing is here..The PINK hair will probally look good on Sharkey!
Originally posted by E.W. #849:
I think this guy is all talk! He got tired starting an 84 CR500.
Put your running shoes on Sharkbait!
Scott is going to wax ya!
Everyeone better watchout for the Sharkbaits pink hair!
Originally posted by B Sharkey:
paul you should race at rd 3/4. im trying to get back in shape and do a few races again. probably wont be in good shape til may or so but im trying. might try it at those rounds though. its been 3 years
Thu February 16 2012, 01:52 PM
B SharkeyFirst of all scott has " never beat " me- so im not going to let that happen. I learned that lesson with marks kid. I wont race til im ready. I love how since this happened everyone thinks they are gonna kick my ass. Well ive got news for yah. Im going to be doing the a$$kicking. But i am glad you guys got me fired up. And eric how many of your friends tryed and failed to get that bike to run before i came over??? Thats what thought
Thu February 16 2012, 02:51 PM
spin05Rumur is shark lost to LJ on purpose cause he loves the color pink....This could be your coming out party!!!!!!
#329 40+ class
Thu February 16 2012, 04:09 PM
AaronWhen Sharkey asked me if he and Spencer could stay in my trailer, he never said anything about pink hair!
Thu February 16 2012, 04:56 PM
Paul 061I haven't heard anything about pink hair, what's the deal?
I'm planning on getting my butt kicked by everyone, I just wanna come home in one piece.
If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Thu February 16 2012, 05:24 PM
spin05Well...I was not there,but. I guess he had a bet will LJ at Horn for the fastest lap time.The Person who lost,colors there hair pink at the 3rd and 4th round of the P.R.O. series. I think i heard he beat Brian by 2 seconds a lap.That was on his 85.He had fater laps Mark said on his 65.So LJ was going easy on him...
#329 40+ class