Northwest Motocross Forum
Sun January 11 2009, 07:12 PM
M & Hrules
will the 250 2-stroke be allowed in the small bore class this year or not?
Mon January 12 2009, 11:58 AM
..::MOTOX155::..No the 250cc 2-Stroke will not be allowed in the 250 class. That will be stated in my updated '09 Rules and Regulations for all P.R.O. events.
Mon January 12 2009, 05:47 PM
motox247Sweet! Maybe we'll see more 125s out there this season. Nothing like the smell of pre-mix in the morning

two4seven (or his mom)
Mon January 12 2009, 05:54 PM
Steve_will you have a 2-stroke only class?
Mon January 12 2009, 09:59 PM
..::MOTOX155::..Yes, just like we did at Top Gun this year. Should be a good competitive class for all the 2-Strokes still wanting to race.
Tue January 13 2009, 02:14 PM
Woolley_241Ummmm I say let them in the small bore. I just got a kx250 for that reason.... So now Im shit out of luck or what?
Tue January 13 2009, 07:49 PM
Workman #21No is what I say - don't "...let them in the small bore".
250's (2&4 stroke) aught'a race the 250 class and in the 250 shouldn't mean that 450s are allowed. What the freak is that! Think that your 250F is so good then I say put it up against the same size two stroke and if ya get beat you not allowed to say anything...nothing! nothing! nothing! is what should be coming out of your mouth. Nothing!
Got a 125 guess what..there's 125 class, race it. I think they call it Schoolboy.
251cc or more ... there's a class for you too it's called OPEN - for a reason. Want big, step it up. Open is big torque and big HP. Step it up.
P.S. These 09 machines. Well they don't seem to be so big to me. Seems more like half way between 250 & 450 (ex 500's). Winners they are for sure but "big bike like" the "arm wrenching", "bone breaking", "outta control" big I don't think so. More like good race bikes but maybe not so legendary as bikes of yore.
Not like Spam-in-a-can good or toasted jalapeno sandwich good.
Wed January 14 2009, 03:42 PM
David Rose SR.Ken you have it right.
Wed January 14 2009, 03:47 PM
moderbike xfor sure! i rode a 86 cr500 once i tried to carve a corner and it just stood up out of the corner!and went witch ever way it wanted! iam having a easier time with the 450
Wed January 14 2009, 08:37 PM
ParkerToo many whiners getting beat complain?
Big deal.
A few years ago you didn't hear the guys on 125s complain about the 250F's, or the guy's with 250 2 strokes cry this much about racing with the 450. Got beat, ya got beat, accept your spot, find a way to get it done or go get one of those bikes too.
For all the huge advantages given to the 4 stroke riders, what's the problem with giving a little one to the handful of guys with 250 2 strokes?
You run an AWESOME series. The best for sure. The AMA can be stupid as we all know. But what's your reasoning for not going with the rule besides to be "PRO" and different from them? Serious racers, they get 5 weekends with you a year..that leaves a lot of other weekends they're racing somewhere. For the sake of the riders (your customers) wouldn't some consistency in class structure make sense?
Wed January 14 2009, 10:25 PM
216's dadNone of them are really comparable in a fair way. I Will never understand the AMA and some of their asinine decisions. As for the P.R.O. series hey its Devols baby and they can run it how they want. I will admit that in the past I have critisized different promoters tracks, rules and how they have run things but as I grow in this sport I am more thankful that we even have these promoters to set up these events. I think on an outdoor track a 125 2 stroke has a hard time keeping up with a 250F and 250F has a hard time keeping up with a 250 2 stroke and a 250 2 stroke has a hard time keeping up with a 450F assuming a rider of the exact same speed and ability. I personally dont care if my son has to race against a 250 2 stroke with his 250f. Its just going to make him work harder to win which in turn will make him a better rider. I have one request for the P.R.O. series if I may and you read this Ted. Please please make sure there is more than one or 2 port-a-potties at Horn this year. Last year it was rediculous. Within half a day the 2 that were available were tapped out and rank. Not all of us have motor homes or weekend warriors with bathrooms.
Wed January 14 2009, 11:00 PM
Disturbed450I agree with moto67 here, I never did understand why the smaller bikes could ride the big bike classes, but not vice versa. They have open classes set up: BTH, UTH, VET, etc. which allow you to run what you brung. Otherwise I am old school, I think the 125/250F run in the same class and the 250/450F run in the same class, period.
Wed January 14 2009, 11:23 PM
Woolley_241I am probably slower on my kx250 than a crf25o a lot of the time but being a broke college kid i went for the kx. Now I cant run it in both pro classes. Hrrumph! Its not like Im top of the pack by any means but I still like to race as much as I can.
Let them run Garrett!
(I cant replace another 4 banger motor at 2 G's a pop)
Thu January 15 2009, 08:34 AM
DanPOne gripe I have had as a 2 stroke rider is that when most places now offer a 2 stroke class, it is not broken down by skill level. Of course I don't like this because I'm pretty slow...and I don't like lining up against Jr's and Int's.
I understand you can't have 3 seperate 2 stroke classes by skill level either as there wouldn't be enough entries...that is why I just don't understand not letting them run against similar sized bikes.
It really makes me laugh when the 4 stroke guys gripe about a 250 2 stroke having too much power...those guys seemed to be pretty quite when they had an advantage over 125 2 strokes...Also, don't forget that while the 250 2 stroke has a HP advantage, it has a traction and "ease of riding" disadvantage.
Plain and simple, the sport needs an affordable bike for the common man and I wish promoters would be doing all they could to encourage people to race 2 strokes and right now I feel like it is discouraged.
In these tough economic times, more and more new people to the sport need to buy 5 or 6 year old bikes because they are affordable. How many of those folks will stay with the sport when they buy a used 04 250f and it blows sky high the first month they have it? Especially when they find out the repair bill is more than what they paid for the bike?
I'm really nervous about racing in 4-5 years...we think that local track bike counts are going down now...just wait a few more years when less and less new folks are entering the sport.
I know racing is and never will be cheap, but we need to do all we can to keep racing at the local level affordable.
Thu January 15 2009, 01:08 PM
..::MOTOX155::..Everyone can thank the AMA and it's board of manufacturers when they killed the 2-stroke.
Then there awesome way of trying to raise the 250 2-Stroke from the dead for letting them ride the 125/250F class. And basically killing and stomping on the 125 2-stroke.
I know how a lot of people feel, but as a promoter/series we need to be close to what everyone else runs, or we become too much of an outsider. Believe we have tried other things.
AMA really screwed with the classes and should have thought it through, it is what they do for a living??? But we will make it as fair as we can.
Thu January 15 2009, 07:17 PM
tedAre you guys thinking you can't ride a 125 2-smoke in the 250 (F) class. Or a 250 2-smoke in the 450 class. YOU CAN!

So now a 125 or a 250 2-smoke can ride in a minimum of 3 classes each day. Its' logical and fair for all of our customers.
Fri January 16 2009, 01:22 PM
DanPNo,I think the gripe is that a 250 two stroke against a 450 4 stroke isn't a fair fight, riders being equal. I know it isn't your fault...the AMA simply has screwed up the rules so many times, it will likely never be fixed. If 250 2 strokes are really super competetive with 450 4 strokes, why aren't they selling?
Unfortunatley this debate has been beaten to death on this board...I just want to personally thank the AMA for continually putting nails in the 2 stroke coffin (tongue in cheek of course...).
Fri January 16 2009, 04:26 PM
ParkerYeah, Ted was being a Politician and avoided the topic we were discussing which was regarding a 250 2 stroke in the 250 (250F, Lites) whatever you want to call, the Class that 450's are NOT in, and is mostly made up of 250 four stroke motorcycles.
Fri January 16 2009, 07:56 PM
Workman #21Ted, Sounds like Parker has just about summed it up with his ... "Yeah, Ted was being a Politician and avoided the topic we were discussing which was regarding a 250 2 stroke in the 250 (250F, Lites) whatever you want to call, the Class that 450's are NOT in, and is mostly made up of 250 four stroke motorcycles."
Sat January 17 2009, 04:41 PM
mx510I am with Parker on this one. I think that there is no reason why a 250 2-stroke should not be able to ride in the "lites" class. If for nothing else it helps to try to keep the sport somewhat on the cheaper side for people trying to get in and for purists that still love and race 250 2-strokes. I do think that the 250 2-stroke is still competitive with 450s but is better suited to match up against 250fs. After all mx is 90 to 95 percent rider. And I think that there should be a 125 2-stroke only class which I think PRO and the AMA already have.