Wed April 13 2011, 07:57 PM
Paul 061Reminiscing
Originally posted by B-rad:
Here are some pics of Spanaway fall 79 It was the benifit race held for Pat Jacobson Team Suzuki Riders, Shults and others attended dont remember their names, Great turn out. I crashed early in the race loosing my viser Ha!
I was the finish flagger for that race
Wed April 13 2011, 08:03 PM
Paul 061quote:
Originally posted by whoopss:
Great pics of Spanaway and Jolly guys. Me and Mike raced at spanaway when Rob Manning was hauling ass...I knocked myself senseless there once after starting dead last with only one glove on and working up through the pack!
I gated next to Rob at the last P.R.O race at horn. He was one of my favorite riders. I felt kinda stupid, being a 46 year old man, telling him that but I had to tell him that I had a crush on his sister :-) My other favorite racer was Rick Beneck(sp) Older guy at the time but seemed the consumate proffesional. Much like Greg Crater is today.
Thu April 14 2011, 09:03 AM
B-radGun club 1981 Yamaha Gold Cup Series I made a couple hun that wk end. being local sure helped I'm eating dust behind Jim Anderson 244 Golf Course in way back RT.
Thu April 14 2011, 09:04 AM
B-radGun Club 81
Thu April 14 2011, 09:52 AM
moderbike xi truly love all those pics! loved jolly and those bikes are awesome!! all of them
Thu April 14 2011, 12:26 PM
B-radPerhaps You Where There. 1980 Dealers Challenge SIR I had a big get off over finish line jump a lap into the first 125 Pro Moto. Was told I was running in top 10, waded and many landed on me Medic One from Harbor View was called in I was in ICU four days in a coma pic of helment cruched on left side,broke front piece.and what was left of my bike My Dad was in Japan at the time.Put my folks through hell then But thanks to family and friends pulled through. No broken bones so was ridding a few months later. Posting a clip from Cycle News about the Race. Unless You are a Transplant, Maybe you will reconice some names. Enjoy Brad Bolmes
Thu April 14 2011, 12:29 PM
B-radCycle News Clip
Thu April 14 2011, 07:28 PM
BearmoreB-Rad; kind of ironic that my Dad was in Japan when I destroyed my bike at Jolly back in '89 over the finish line jump.
I called my Dad and said: "I destroyed my bike yesterday" He said "what exactly do you mean DESTROYED? I'll be home in a month and we will take a look at it."
He gets home and I open the shed and he says "YUP you destroyed it". The main weld where all three pieces of the frame came together under the triple tree was separated at all welds and an inch gap was between it all. The gas tank had popped all the plastic hold downs and was hanging there. Suspension had been crushed to the extent that the rear fender was permanently smashed onto my rear tire. It had to be carried off with the rear held up off the ground. To which I say another thank you to ALL that helped with that.
I luckily was able to let go of the bike prior to its LAUNCH!!! so I faired just fine. I managed to get a brand new '89 YZ125 to replace the '86 though

I was just hoping my Dad would have brought one right from Japan.
Sat July 30 2011, 01:33 AM
74 elsinoreNew member here Jerry bawyn I think I see Brad B And Rod C, I hope to hear more from you. I wish I could add pictures but my paRENTS HOUSE burned down, with my pictures
Sat July 30 2011, 10:35 PM
whoopssHey Jerry so cool to hear from you. Sorry to hear about your parents house, that's terrible. Hope everything else is going ok........Here's one for you. Recognize the paint on the green one?
Sun July 31 2011, 02:58 PM
Kimball #126quote:
Originally posted by moderbike x:
i truly love all those pics! loved jolly and those bikes are awesome!! all of them
Tue August 02 2011, 04:09 PM
blazeMc Minnville Ore 1978-79 We raced Woodland then Mulky or Fox Hollow on Sunday. If I remember Fox Hollow had a trick auto water syste, set up.
Wed August 03 2011, 09:09 PM
Workman #21[1976 Puyallup, The Legend track][1976 Maico - Coffin Tank, Proud American][GTO Pulling Dirt-Bike, Detroit Power, Tired MXer][Hero's I have mine - Pat Jackobsen. Gold-Bar WA. 1976] to All...
I Re-Discovered (found) an Old Photo Album hence the 1976 Dates.