Sat February 14 2009, 10:30 AM
Mark HNew to MX racing
I have son, who is 16, who has ridden for years but never raced. He has always had a set of brass balls and good natural ability. He has been begging me to get him into racing MX for the past couple of years and he hit a rough spot in his life and I think now would be the time. We live in Portland, OR area and close to tracks. Any words of wisdom on how to get started? I know dollars are involved and we got that one covered, but I am clueless on how to get involved. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Sat February 14 2009, 10:39 AM
Paul 061Get him all the proper gear and go to the track. Try and hit a practice day first to get used to the feel of the track and bike. I would suggest Woodland as a first race. The folks running the races are top notch and open to any questions. Also don't be afraid to pit next to someone and ask them questions. MXers are a very friendly bunch and you may get more stories and help than you really bargained for

Here is Woodlands site February 14 2009, 10:46 AM
Mark Hquote:
Thanks. He has all the gear and has spent a lot of time at Longview MX Track. It looks like Woodland would be a good starter. How does the system work for getting numbers on plate?
Sat February 14 2009, 10:52 AM
spin05I suggest tacking a few training sessions.Not sure who for the portland area thou
Sat February 14 2009, 09:21 PM
Disturbed450No system for numbers, just pick a few and stick them on. Plan on getting to the track early to sign up for your classes. Grab a schedule and don't miss your moto. Woodland is a great first place to race, that is where I popped my racing cherry. Good luck and have fun.