Northwest Motocross Forum
So do you still think we should let big corps fail?
Tue June 16 2009, 10:51 PM
Justin AndersonSo do you still think we should let big corps fail?
Originally posted by Aaron:
Originally posted by Justin Anderson:
Originally posted by Aaron:
...My point is that most will only see the side they are rooting for. Very few are willing to admit that the middle (moderate) is where we all need to be, not at extremes. (right or left)
One of these days everyone on this board might realize that we are all probably a little more center of left or right, we just like jabbing at each other.
Ok, here we go, follow alongCall me a radical, but I disagree
Big surprise there.This whole idea of right/left is garbage, what it comes down to is individualism and the fight against it.
Ok.....You would classify me as a "right-winger" because I happen to agree with a lot of what the republican or liberatarian parties preach (practice is another issue).
Justin, I classify you as nothing more than an arguer. Is that a word?I classify myself as an individualist both politically and philisophically. I believe that individualism, free thought and implementation thereof always will come forth with a better solution than being limited by some other factor.
Wait.....I look at life and make decisions based on how I can better myself as an individual, with no need for help from others.
KEEP WAITING....Everything that the neo-liberal/progressive/socialist movement stands for limits the individual, some people such as you
here it comes......view that as a good thing because you have been brainwashed
BAM! There's the insult! into thinking that some sort of collectivism is the only way to solve problems, though collectivism has never solved one problem ever.
I was waiting for this post, saw you lurking for some time and knew it would be a good one. As for your point addressing mine, read what Mark and I have been discussing before you post next time.
Oh wait. You're not just saying all of this stuff to get me worked up are you????
It may have been taken as an insult, but it wasnt meant as an insult.
The public in general has been brainwashed to think it.
The only reason I commented was because of what you said that I quoted.
I dont think we should move to the "center".
BTW- You say arguer like its a bad thing!

Tue June 16 2009, 10:55 PM
Justin Andersonquote:
Originally posted by mx510:
Well Justin you can say all you want about left and right being garbage but, when you immediately turn around and say that you agree with most right sided views doesnt that make you right handed. Thats like saying I bat right handed, throw right handed but really I am ambidextrous! Come on brotha just admit it, your a right winger! And why so many insults, relax people we are not talking about flaggers here!
Ok Robert, give me the definition of "right-wing"
And Ill tell you how much I have in common with it.
And which "right-wing" are you talking about, the so-called fascist "right-wing" or the Libertarian "right-wing"?
... ... ...?
Wed June 17 2009, 07:41 AM
motodad642As for Reagan, well here is my take on him. He may have been a great actor, but a great President he was not. One of his first tasks after he was inaugerated was to break the air traffic controllers union. This ten year old (at the time) even knew that was wrong. Reagan was a great face man, and the RNC marketed him brilliantly. That's it.
I think what gets lost in the whole strike deal is the fact that the air traffic controlers union had been trying to negotiate with the government before Carter left office. Times were bad, the Country was in deep debt and the union was trying to get a pay increase + better bennies. That was all well and good ...but... at that time the government had no money. So they were just ignored and left to whom ever took office after the election (pass the buck kinda thing). As you would guess that pissed them off... so they tried the hard line on the incomming president. Now these are government workers, not private businesses. In the government contracts, they are not allowed to strike. Also as bad as the economy was at the time, this would have put the Airlines out of business as well as millions of people screwed out of tickets, business deals, vacations, funerals, and whatever else people travel for. Dont forget overseas incomming flights, and Cargo. As I remember it, they gave them an offer of increased pay and bennies, but not what they were asking for and rejected the offer. Then seeings how they were not allowed to strike and the air travel industry was at a stand still....and the union wouldnt budge..what would you do? Remember, the bank is busted flat and the economy is dead. Also the Air traffic contolers are still a union shop.
I dis-agree (now) with the policies he had (then). Heck, I was just 10 years old you know. You guys might have a better idea about Reagan though, you guys were what, in your 40's when he was Prez???
MAAAAAN! about below the belt

in my 40's during that time...sheeezs...mumble mumble...........someone get me my Geritall....and I need a diaper change...

Wed June 17 2009, 04:56 PM
AaronLOL. Just a jab... Again trying to be funny.
And Justin, of course being an arguer (hey that is a word) is a good thing.
See you guys.
Wed June 17 2009, 07:40 PM
747HeavyJustin, don't be afraid to admit that you're conservative. MOST of America IS TOO!
Gallup has been tracking Libs vs. Moderate vs. Conservatives for over 17 years now and the majority of Americans say they're Conservative.
And even better yet, look at the
Table at the end of the article that shows the trends for age groups. No doubt that people get smarter as they get older. . . . Well most do.
Wed June 17 2009, 09:21 PM
Workman #21Can anybody really tell me (in exacting terms) the true delta (end-of-day-stuff) in GDP when it comes to Reducing Taxes vs Raising them.
No first generation/turn stuff or talk about how a man working adds to the tax base. I want to know in exact terms and by how $much how each job saved adds to the overall good (and by how much per turn) and just how many turns it takes to match the tax-and-spend method. Me, I'm of the opinion that tax-and-spend is immediate (sometimes painful) where tax reduction takes time sometimes more time than is available.
Anybody got a pointer to a computer model that will (in my real time) compare the two? Something where I can input my own variables and it'll predict an outcome.
Wed June 17 2009, 10:21 PM
AaronI don't know about any computer simulators KayDub, but sometimes a picture speaks a thousand words. I'm just sayin.....
Of course I'm guessing that the surplus Cigar boy had was really from the two yahoos before him, and the deficits after him were his right???
Wed June 17 2009, 10:54 PM
Scot 284Aaron,
The best part of America is the fact we can all have our own opinions.. The problem is that our country was founded on freedom and free market..When the goverment takes over there is loss of freedom. YOU if you really are on the liberal side then you beleive that loss of freedom is acceptable to protect our enviroment, our kids, our selves and that you are not capable of doing this your self so you rely on the goverment to do it.. Once you are ok with the loss of freedom then it goes away little by little till you dont have any..
As for who I have talked to.. Well I have talked to people all over the country, From all sides of the political spectrum and not just MX people I have also talked to a few off-road guys and 1 supermoto guy..
Look the bottom line is that you will have a hard time being a true liberal and ride a motorcycle in the woods or race.. you may be a Dem but even that sometimes is a stretch.. It is as simple as this..
If the races were run like our politcal parties the republican promoters would have big pro purses and dash's for cash and the rules would be put in place and you would have to follow them no matter what..
If the races were run by democrates then everyone would always get a trophy and if you won more then 3 races in a row you would have to pay more to race the next weekend and you would have to pay for the guy that got last, oh and his buddy that couldnt afford a bike, well you will have to let him use yours, Because that just wouldnt be fair for him not to ride.. Oh and no kids riding because motorcycles are dangerous, oh and dont forget no more the 50cc on any bike, no double or triples ( Just Like Canada ) those are also dangerous..
Man I love to ramble
Wed June 17 2009, 11:04 PM
Scot 284As to your cartoon.. you really are not going to tell us that you believe that Clinton had anything really to do with the budget surplus.. It simple economics that were in play before him, the fact that he cut spending on our armed forces that lead to Sept 11th. Also the fact that Clinton is the biggest disgrace that this country has ever had and he is so errogant that he still shows his face is beyond me..
Just a quick note I am not a rep or dem I am mainly in the middle when it comes to most issues.. but full on liberalism / socialism is wrong for this country..
Oh you forgot the last part of your cartoon...
Obama 7 Trillion.. That is more money then all of the past president combined..
Thu June 18 2009, 01:16 AM
Originally posted by Scot 284:
Oh you forgot the last part of your cartoon...
Obama 7 Trillion.. That is more money then all of the past president combined..
HAHAHAA hes got you by the short and curlies on that one aaron
Thu June 18 2009, 02:20 AM
TRA-742Its just commen sense that as you get older you generaly get wiser from your lifes past history of exsperiance. Some catch on sooner than others and some never do... The graph plainly shows it. Its okay to be alittle slow and not get it not everybody can. Again its just one of the many ways nature cuts the weak from the herd... just drink another beer on that one to! It might make ya feel better being a liberal...LOL
Thu June 18 2009, 08:01 AM
AaronYou guys make me smile when I read your posts, no doubt about it.
Scott, as I have stated in many posts, I too agree with a more moderate approach to EVERYTHING in life. Extremes are never the answer. However Politics has a propensity to get the two sides extremely polarized, similarly to turning two magnets on each other. I agree with a good portion of what you say, in theory. While extreme regulation is not good, you can't believe that complete de-regulation is healthy. Greed is far too common.
Crater, arguing politics is like mud wrestling, you can't even hang on to the shorties....
And TRA, the older I get, the more I realize that I have to vote around my ability to earn a livable wage, put my kids through school, provide them with health care and even have enough left to play at the track on the weekend. What kind of provider would I be if I voted my right to play on my dirtbike?? Cmon!

OK, gotta go to work!
Thu June 18 2009, 03:15 PM
Justin Andersonquote:
Originally posted by Workman #21:
Can anybody really tell me (in exacting terms) the true delta (end-of-day-stuff) in GDP when it comes to Reducing Taxes vs Raising them.
No first generation/turn stuff or talk about how a man working adds to the tax base. I want to know in exact terms and by how $much how each job saved adds to the overall good (and by how much per turn) and just how many turns it takes to match the tax-and-spend method. Me, I'm of the opinion that tax-and-spend is immediate (sometimes painful) where tax reduction takes time sometimes more time than is available.
Anybody got a pointer to a computer model that will (in my real time) compare the two? Something where I can input my own variables and it'll predict an outcome.
I havent ran across anything out there like that. But From what I have read and heard from economists, a tax rate of around 20-25% would produce the most amount of economic output at the most amount of revenue the government could take in. Any more than that and your loosing economic output, any less and your affecting revenues.
Thu June 18 2009, 08:21 PM
tedI have to dissagree with Clinton being the biggest disgrace as a president. Carter wins that title hands down. Has anyone heard the stuff he has said lately.
Absolutely unbelievable!!!
Clinton was classless but Obama and Carter will go down in history as degrading America more than any president in recent history. (The last 50 years)
Aaron is this extreme?
I don't think fudge packers should be able to get married.
The borders should be way tighter than a fudge packers exhaust pipe.
ACORN should not be getting taxpayers money to do the censes.
Doctors should not be able to take a baby that just had an attempted abortion, and lived, and be placed in a room all alone until it dies.
Indians should not be able to place hundreds of nets on all major rivers in Washington.
Indian Casinos should pay taxes like all other businesses.
Aaron are those all extreme positions?
Thu June 18 2009, 10:09 PM
747HeavyThese guys Ted?