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Engine Ice

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Sun February 22 2009, 04:13 PM
Engine Ice
Does anyone use it? If so, what do you think?

Sun February 22 2009, 04:29 PM
Paul 061
I use it, I'm not that impressed. for $20 for a half gallon it's expensive. When I use this up I'm going to try water wetter.

If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Sun February 22 2009, 05:02 PM
Can you elaborate Paul? I have never had any problems with coolant, just wondered what the bid deal is with it. The KTM was low on coolant last night and I drained it and used some Engine Ice. I didn't know if its any better or worse than the regular coolant.
Sun February 22 2009, 06:15 PM
Paul 061
I started using it because my bike was having cooling issues. It ended up being that I had a broken head gasket and that was causing the coolant to comeout the overflow. I don't think it is any better or worse than regular auto antifreeze. The one thing I do like about it is that it is non toxic and won't harm the environment or animals should they get into it. I have heard good things about water wetter for helping with overheating issues.

If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Sun February 22 2009, 07:03 PM
i use water wetter in all my bikes
works good for me
Sun February 22 2009, 07:28 PM
B Sharkey
Originally posted by Aaron:
Can you elaborate Paul? I have never had any problems with coolant, just wondered what the bid deal is with it. The KTM was low on coolant last night and I drained it and used some Engine Ice. I didn't know if its any better or worse than the regular coolant.
ive used it for over a year now and it seems to work good. Coolanol by maxima is also good and a bit cheaper
Sun February 22 2009, 07:56 PM
Is'nt it just poly glycol? available in auto stores.
Also when you use it you must flush the old fluids out completely and let dry or it is worse then plain water.
Sun February 22 2009, 11:00 PM
had issues one time, switched to Ice and worked great... I use water wetter now, cheaper and the ratio you use it... i will have enough to last forever. if your ride hard and are in the heat, your bike may not run at its peak performance but for an MXPPA guy its probably not that big of a deal... Big Grin

Cooler is better... run it
Mon February 23 2009, 08:11 AM
I get hot long before she (My Kawy) does......
Mon February 23 2009, 08:28 AM
R Hosmer
I use to run ice in my sons 50s. It worked better than reg antifreeze. Im now useing two2wet and it works good also.
Mon February 23 2009, 10:40 AM
Originally posted by Aaron:
I get hot long before she (My Kawy) does......

I agree Cool

I've only ever had overheating issues when I've taken a 450 out on tight trails that the bike really isn't geared low enough for. Clutch slipping in 1st gear = hot! Although that was on a YZ450 so maybe with the Honda the clutch heat wouldn't transfer to the engine side as much because of the independent oil chambers?
Mon February 23 2009, 12:51 PM
JosH yz250f
At least five of my friends use Engine Ice. I think that I was the last to switch. I switched after I did some mods to the bike. It seemed to help keep the heat down. Also my buddy's rmz250 was overheating and we put it in there and it hasn't overheated since, but he ride better now
Mon February 23 2009, 06:10 PM
Thanks for all the input guys.
Mon February 23 2009, 06:30 PM
B Sharkey
Originally posted by Levi:
i use water wetter in all my bikes
works good for me
i used to use that alot in my old drag car because they wont let you run antifreeze at the track because its to hard to clean up on pavement, never tired it onbikes though
Tue February 24 2009, 04:31 PM
M & H
Red-line Water Wetter is the way to go. Straight water will cool better than an antifreeze mixture, and water with W/W is even better.
Tue February 24 2009, 10:16 PM
I used that water wetter stuff and not sure if it cooled any better but it is nasty when you drain it. I havent figured out how to not make a mess when draining coolant and this stuff made it worse. when all the water evaporates it leaves behind the minerals maybe? whatever it left behind it wasn't pleasent to clean up.

Wed February 25 2009, 06:45 PM
The problem with normal automotive coolants is they contain silicats that over time create corrosion and oxidization of a motorcycles aluminum engine and radiators. Which in turn can cause waterpump failure. On top of that a vast majority of people mix these coolants with household tap water which has even more trace minerals that can cause water pump failure, corrosion, and oxidization. I use Engine Ice. Stick an adhesive thermometer to your engine and radiator. Run normal coolant and then Engine Ice. You will see a temp. drop with the Engine Ice. For the 4-strokes I have found no matter what coolant you run you will always over heat to some degree. The only true fix is to ditch the stock radiator cap 1.1 for a higher pressure 1.4(20 psi) or a 2.0(30 psi) radiator cap. I run a 20 psi and never lost a drop! Maxima, Silkolene, Motorex, etc. all make excellent coolants specifically for Off-Road vehicles that will not cause internal damage. All are great products. If I wasn't running Engine Ice I would be running Pro Honda Coolant. It's good stuff. Comes pre-mixed and at 4.95 a quart you can't beat the stuff.I would not run Prestone, Peak, or any other automotive coolants in my bikes. If you insist on Prestone or whatever atleast go to your local grocery store and spend the .99 for a gal of distilled water to mix it with! Just my .02
Wed February 25 2009, 07:10 PM
Workman #21

Dude you are so busted!

I've been wondering who that 911 guy was...know I know (grins)

Engine Ice huh? sounds good but for me and my red wonder machine I think I'll pick up the Honda stuff and at the same time pick up Pike 62's honda parts. Local shop of course.
Thu February 26 2009, 06:32 AM
if you go to Napa or any other autoparts store you can ask for the low silicate antifreeze (recomended for all diesel engines) i personally run engine ice in all my bikes, but if you want to use normal antifreeze get the low silicate because it causes less corossion.
Thu February 26 2009, 08:55 AM
You are right Steve, that is a good option that I forgot about those, but what I was getting at is most people wouldn't look for that. Or know about it for that matter. Low Silicate is a better option than your standard Prestone, but I believe the Pro Honda, Engine Ice, Maxima, Silkolene are silicate free. Good info though!