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National Tea Party

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Tue April 14 2009, 06:17 PM
National Tea Party
Hey Ted,

I did listen to the video. There are definitely things that I agreed with, and some that I don't. As for the state of the economy at the end of his term, that might turn out to be kind of a subjective opinion. I don't know about you but we all have not been able to agree much. Big Grin

And MX516, I like the new "Tone Show" avatar!
Tue April 14 2009, 06:57 PM
That video was AWESOME!
Tue April 14 2009, 07:23 PM
Paul 061
Sorry Ted, once again you are talking out your ass.

Here are the facts:

You may have read that Members of Congress do not pay into Social Security. Well, that's a myth.

Prior to 1984, neither Members of Congress nor any other federal civil service employee paid Social Security taxes. Of course, the were also not eligible to receive Social Security benefits. Members of Congress and other federal employees were instead covered by a separate pension plan called the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS). The 1983 amendments to the Social Security Act required federal employees first hired after 1983 to participate in Social Security. These amendments also required all Members of Congress to participate in Social Security as of January 1, 1984, regardless of when they first entered Congress. Because the CSRS was not designed to coordinate with Social Security, Congress directed the development of a new retirement plan for federal workers. The result was the Federal Employees' Retirement System Act of 1986.

Members of Congress receive retirement and health benefits under the same plans available to other federal employees. They become vested after five years of full participation.

Members elected since 1984 are covered by the Federal Employees' Retirement System (FERS). Those elected prior to 1984 were covered by the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS). In 1984 all members were given the option of remaining with CSRS or switching to FERS.

As it is for all other federal employees, congressional retirement is funded through taxes and the participants' contributions. Members of Congress under FERS contribute 1.3 percent of their salary into the FERS retirement plan and pay 6.2 percent of their salary in Social Security taxes.

Members of Congress are not eligible for a pension until they reach the age of 50, but only if they've completed 20 years of service. Members are eligible at any age after completing 25 years of service or after they reach the age of 62. Please also note that Member's of Congress have to serve at least 5 years to even receive a pension.

The amount of a Congressperson's pension depends on the years of service and the average of the highest 3 years of his or her salary. By law, the starting amount of a Member's retirement annuity may not exceed 80% of his or her final salary.

According to the Congressional Research Service, 413 retired Members of Congress were receiving federal pensions based fully or in part on their congressional service as of Oct. 1, 2006. Of this number, 290 had retired under CSRS and were receiving an average annual pension of $60,972. A total of 123 Members had retired with service under both CSRS and FERS or with service under FERS only. Their average annual pension was $35,952 in 2006.

If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Tue April 14 2009, 07:31 PM
There you go again muddying up the waters with facts again....
Tue April 14 2009, 09:19 PM
Originally posted by Aaron:
I love this country for many reasons, one of which is the right to speak our minds in just about every forum from the editorials to the WWW.

With that being said, I am not sure what is tougher for me as a middle class supporter of the working man. During the Bush Admin, the working class had to constantly worry about what foreign object was going to get stuck up thier collective rear ends. Now we have to listen to "the world is coming to an end" exclamations that make Chicken Little look like small potatoes. Wink

Hey Ted, when B.O.B's (that's yours and verns term, not mine) approval rating hits 70%, do Paul and I get to collect our Ruth's Chris and a beer?

And TRA, if I do chose to come out of retirement and race at Ted's race in Spokane, I just want to make sure that you know that I ride a White Honda and my number is 160.

Thats good info Aaron- you will be racin a white honda #160 at Spokane- got it! - I will use that info at the Tea Party tomorrow- that should help bring some big CHANGE! Thanks!
Tue April 14 2009, 09:51 PM
B Sharkey
hey TRA look at my avatar(white honda 160)you need to look for a guy with napoleons disease riding a kawi with the number 392 Wink
Tue April 14 2009, 10:40 PM
Nice work Paul.. Google 'Senators Pensions' and the first site that comes up is word for word your post...heres the link ... thats what i did...

There are a lot of 'facts' out there bouncing around.. some are true, some are not so much... it depends on where you get your info sometimes... (This is part of the problem.
It's to bad that this thread has been hacked by bipartisan BS (and i hate that word). The truth is this 'Tea Party' is about "Taxation Without Representation" which I believe we are all in for very soon (i.e More Taxes where ever the gov can find them).
This thing is supposed to bring both sides together to basically tell the gov. to 'live within its means' like we are all supposed to do. Gov. spending is out of control. If you don't like the idea of increasing taxes to expand gov. and all the pet programs and pork spending in all areas of gov. then support this 'Tea party'.

At the rate we are going... we are all in for some real tax hikes to support our governments lack of controlled spending, rubber stamping program after program, approving more spending until we (as a nation) are on the verge of bankruptcy...
Tue April 14 2009, 11:19 PM
Originally posted by TRA-742:
Why are you so excited for me to look at your bikes? Is there something very special about them? I promise I will take a real close look at them in staging. Or are you saying I need to look at your bikes out on the race track? If so then do you have a set of big rear veiw mirrors I can borrow for my bike? LOL Braaaap!!!

Originally posted by B Sharkey:
hey TRA look at my avatar(white honda 160)you need to look for a guy with napoleons disease riding a kawi with the number 392 Wink

This message has been edited. Last edited by: TRA-742,
Wed April 15 2009, 06:21 AM
Paul 061
Originally posted by MX516:
Nice work Paul.. Google 'Senators Pensions' and the first site that comes up is word for word your post...heres the link ... thats what i did...

There are a lot of 'facts' out there bouncing around.. some are true, some are not so much... it depends on where you get your info sometimes... (This is part of the problem.
It's to bad that this thread has been hacked by bipartisan BS (and i hate that word). The truth is this 'Tea Party' is about "Taxation Without Representation" which I believe we are all in for very soon (i.e More Taxes where ever the gov can find them).
This thing is supposed to bring both sides together to basically tell the gov. to 'live within its means' like we are all supposed to do. Gov. spending is out of control. If you don't like the idea of increasing taxes to expand gov. and all the pet programs and pork spending in all areas of gov. then support this 'Tea party'.

At the rate we are going... we are all in for some real tax hikes to support our governments lack of controlled spending, rubber stamping program after program, approving more spending until we (as a nation) are on the verge of bankruptcy...

That is exactly what I did. OK back to the subject then; taxation without representation, the gov't officials were elected to represent you, not you singulur but a group of people. You are not being taxed without being represented. Remember this is a majority rules country. Second, please give me specific taxes that have been added that you don't agree with? The bailout and higher debt are not taxes and if you look at the larger picture you will see that they were necessary to keep this country out of a depression. I don't have a degree in economoics, I'm sure no one on this board does. I don't argue with the doctor when he is in fixing my knee why argue about something that has not had it's full course of action? The problem is I'm not from the "I want it now" generation. I think you need to let things run their course more than 2 months before throwing up the red flag. I have some concerns, yes, but I don't subscribe to the "world is going to hell" group. That happens on December 21, 2112. Google that and see what you get Big Grin

This message has been edited. Last edited by: Paul 061,

If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Wed April 15 2009, 06:45 AM
The Tea Party is about over taxation. Yes taxes are needed to run this country, BUT, with representation. (IE) your cell phone bill, we just got a new one added, what that makes 8 taxes? How about (unfortunately I know about) unenployment income tax? We pay into unemployment your employer pays into it and then, if you need it, you pay a income tax again. The government changed the status of your unemployment to a 1099? How in the hell does unemployment fit a 1099 status? Sneeky ba$turd$. I belive in a fair taxation that will cover our needs in this country. But to devise programs that wont even cover US citizens and expect us to pay for them, something is wrong. Our Four Fathers knew about this first hand when they came together to build this country. They wrote the Constitution to protect the citizens from this type of missuse of Government power. So I dont care if you are a DEM, REP, INDP, it really dosent matter at this point, we need to stop the huge over spending that will lead to even more Taxes and another collapse in the economy. If we dont get spending undercontrol get prepared to learn another language.
Wed April 15 2009, 06:57 AM
Paul 061
You just hit the point of what I have been trying to say about keeping GM and the other large corporations, especially banks afloat. Let's look at the numbers:

Your employer pays 1.7% into unemployment, if you make $40k a year, that is $680 a year. Max payment is 541 per week. You make damn near in a week what is paid into the system in a year. Now think about 100K more on the system! How much is that! Save those jobs so they can pay taxes, their employers can pay into unemployment. Look at the BIG picture.

If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Wed April 15 2009, 07:53 AM
GM and the other large corporations are one point and the Banks are another. GM and the workers have been paying their unemployment taxes, so they would be only getting what they already paid in. The Auto Union has a great deal for their people, they continue to recieve a full paycheck for a alloted time (I dont remember how long.. to lazy to look up lol). Also the point I was making on GM, there is no reason to belive that they were going to go completely under... so 100,000 people out of work really is just speculation, worst case senario. Also GM reacted only looking at short term and now will be drudging along with government control... long term problem. GM's fault. That also pertains to the other large corporations that took the monies that were handed out. I see what you are thinking for long term, but, I thinking long term that the recovery time of these companies is now hampered by government intervention and will be unable to make the needed changes and adjustments to recover stronger. Not just the recovery time but why should we as tax payers bear the bourden of bad business decisions. Is'nt it possible that they could have simply over built their empire and needed to trim down to fit the economy? Banks on the other hand are a different problem altogether. The government has to cover 100,000 (now 250.000), bad investments made by the banks should be looked into carfully and prosecute wrong doing.
Wed April 15 2009, 08:41 AM
Paul 061
So the 100K employe figure is not just GM employees, it's suppliers, suppliers of suppliers, local retail businesses. Kind of like an iceburg. The biggest hit is "under the water"

I had a funny ppt. that my brother the CFO sent me that explains the banking deal. Basically homeowners were told by banks you can afford this loan, homeowner bought the house, bank sold the loan to another bank who sold it to another bank. The last bank is left holding the loan. The only true criminal activity was guys like Bernie Madhoff and their ponzy schemes. Those guys should be hung.

If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Wed April 15 2009, 08:59 AM
UI rate in wa state is 2.2% I got a nat Smile
If you want a good one check your phone bill . For example if your address says ciy of Auburn and you actually live outside the city limits your provider still charges you the city tax about 10% of the bill
Wed April 15 2009, 10:05 AM
Originally posted by Paul 061:
So the 100K employe figure is not just GM employees, it's suppliers, suppliers of suppliers, local retail businesses. Kind of like an iceburg. The biggest hit is "under the water"

I had a funny ppt. that my brother the CFO sent me that explains the banking deal. Basically homeowners were told by banks you can afford this loan, homeowner bought the house, bank sold the loan to another bank who sold it to another bank. The last bank is left holding the loan. The only true criminal activity was guys like Bernie Madhoff and their ponzy schemes. Those guys should be hung.

We all know a company looks for a profit margin to operate as well as to keep investors investing into the company. The beauty of this is when a company begins to loose invester confidence restructure begins to happen. Renegotiation process with subcontractors,Office personal, Blue collar, supply purchase, and investers start and a good company spreds this throughout the company... weeding out the waste. Best case scenario. This creates a stronger company and increases investor and consumer confidence. The economy takes an initial hit but recovers quickly. On the flip side, the government interceeds, gives a company tax dollars to keep afloat. Lost consumer confidence, lost investers, lost is the option of renegotiation. Most of all lost is the company to have the control to ballance out its problems. Then to top it off, we are stuck with the bill. That is long term.

Yea the bank deals out there were way out of hand! Madhoff well, dare I, Oh hell, no self control.... Maddoff took money and did invest but only for himself, gave a portion back to his investors and kept the rest, a scam that was working till the money ran out. dumb ass thief.........huuummm sound familiar..... So we,ll put money in the economy buy taking money out of the economy, then put it back in the economy, and then taxing it as it passes through..... Eek Dont kill the messenger Smile
Wed April 15 2009, 04:15 PM
Just returned from the Puyallup Tea Party at the city hall on S Meridan. About 15 people were there some would leave after an hour or so but others would show up to take their place. Maaaan lots of traffic.... lots of people many that they had people closing all the windows in city hall along the street. A handful of people stopped in and asked what we were doing. One gent came out of city hall and asked what was going on and when he found out it was the tea party protest he picked up a sign and stayed for 2 hours. A group of young high school students stopped asked what was up and one grabbed a sign and told me that his parents have been talking to him about the tea party protest for almost a week. He stayed until his friends made him leave. All and all it was a small turn out but alot of positive response. We only got the finger once Big Grin
Wed April 15 2009, 08:18 PM
OK,so what is the point of a "tea party" anyway? You don't like paying taxes?Who does,but if your house is on fire,don't call the fire dept,someone breaking in to your house?don't call the cops,don't send your kids to school,don't drive on the streets,all paid for with taxes.
This whole thing has been set up and pushed by the Repblican party to trash the Democrats and promote their candidates. It has been advertised on the Fox noise network,all to push the right wing agenda. Non partison...right.
The Bush administaration got us into this beautiful mess and left it for Obama to try and fix. He is doing the best that he can to save our economy and this country and our jobs. How about being a real "patriot" and support your country. Don't be a tool.
Wed April 15 2009, 08:41 PM
Workman #21
Alex..dude, that's pretty good! I'm in 100%,

Nuttn's free.

GM, Banks, G20 and Bandit's on the high seas. I'm just wondering when this pres will expire from overload.


Multiply by 3x and double, for Six, as-in-sigma, and calc the statistical delta. Had to use it had to memorize what it meant and why.

It's been a decade-or-two since I had to do the calc's but as I recall that equated to 99.997% statistical accuracy measure. Nothing real just statistically significant. Sorta like racing around the Isle-of-Mann (QA budd of mine) and wondering...what if?

I...could be wrong but then maybe Subways most delicious "Toasted Jalapeno, Onion and Olive Steak & Cheese topped with Chipotle sauce sandwich" aint the best sandwich in the world, or the 09 red wonder aint so good as a Green Monster either.

Statistically both are significant, but then again ... maybe not!

Wed April 15 2009, 08:52 PM
Alex, here's the point. I live in Stevens County north of Spokane and my property taxes have gone up every 4 yrs (went up 34% one year) yet Steven County has cut back on the very services you just talked about and one is the Sherrifs dept (the amount of deputys on duty. The roads here suck especially the rural gravel roads a good percent of us live on over here. Graded maybe twice per year. I attended the tea party in Colville today and its far from a bunch of right wingers pushed by the republicans. Its ordinary middle class folks that are at or near retirement and can longer longer afford increasing taxes on everything. They also want to increase the sales tax here too. Our wages are not going up enough and thus spending goes down thus the tax situation is one reason why the economy is going to have a tough time grabbing hold.
Wed April 15 2009, 09:07 PM
Workman #21
Its ordinary middle class folks that are at or near retirement and can longer longer afford increasing taxes on everything. They also want to increase the sales tax here too. Our wages are not going up enough and thus spending goes down thus the tax situation is one reason why the economy is going to have a tough time grabbing hold.
Sorry Blaze but "Spokane'um" is targeted! It's targeted by people like me that are feed up with King.County.WA and taxes and roads and traffic and punks and and and.

Peeps like me are heading out of states like WA for all the same reasons people on-this-board are complaining about.. period. No reason going into the why's-or-the-where-fores ... just to many excusses.

Suffice it to say...I've spent a lifetime (55+ years) boating Puget Sound and I'm feed-up with what I refer to as "Greenees" and clean water pigs.

"Head East-young-man-head-East" is about all I have to offer these days for anybody seeking freedom.

Well..Clams, Subs, and good eats (grins) are always a draw but those "greenies" sure do seem to suck the life outta nature.

This message has been edited. Last edited by: Workman #21,