Northwest Motocross Forum
National Tea Party
Tue April 21 2009, 03:49 PM
Justin AndersonNational Tea Party
Originally posted by Aaron:
...With that being said, I am not sure what is tougher for me as a middle class supporter of the working man. During the Bush Admin, the working class had to constantly worry about what foreign object was going to get stuck up thier collective rear ends. Now we have to listen to "the world is coming to an end" exclamations that make Chicken Little look like small potatoes.

Im no defender of the Bush administration, but Id like to know how the middle class was damaged by the bush administration. I know the financial sitiuation of my family only got better during the bush administration and is only worsening everytime B.O. or one of his cabinent members reads a teleprompter.
Tue April 21 2009, 03:55 PM
Justin Andersonquote:
Originally posted by Paul 061:
Sorry Ted, once again you are talking out your ass.
Here are the facts:
You may have read that Members of Congress do not pay into Social Security. Well, that's a myth.
Prior to 1984, neither Members of Congress nor any other federal civil service employee paid Social Security taxes. Of course, the were also not eligible to receive Social Security benefits. Members of Congress and other federal employees were instead covered by a separate pension plan called the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS). The 1983 amendments to the Social Security Act required federal employees first hired after 1983 to participate in Social Security. These amendments also required all Members of Congress to participate in Social Security as of January 1, 1984, regardless of when they first entered Congress. Because the CSRS was not designed to coordinate with Social Security, Congress directed the development of a new retirement plan for federal workers. The result was the Federal Employees' Retirement System Act of 1986.
Members of Congress receive retirement and health benefits under the same plans available to other federal employees. They become vested after five years of full participation.
Members elected since 1984 are covered by the Federal Employees' Retirement System (FERS). Those elected prior to 1984 were covered by the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS). In 1984 all members were given the option of remaining with CSRS or switching to FERS.
As it is for all other federal employees, congressional retirement is funded through taxes and the participants' contributions. Members of Congress under FERS contribute 1.3 percent of their salary into the FERS retirement plan and pay 6.2 percent of their salary in Social Security taxes.
Members of Congress are not eligible for a pension until they reach the age of 50, but only if they've completed 20 years of service. Members are eligible at any age after completing 25 years of service or after they reach the age of 62. Please also note that Member's of Congress have to serve at least 5 years to even receive a pension.
The amount of a Congressperson's pension depends on the years of service and the average of the highest 3 years of his or her salary. By law, the starting amount of a Member's retirement annuity may not exceed 80% of his or her final salary.
According to the Congressional Research Service, 413 retired Members of Congress were receiving federal pensions based fully or in part on their congressional service as of Oct. 1, 2006. Of this number, 290 had retired under CSRS and were receiving an average annual pension of $60,972. A total of 123 Members had retired with service under both CSRS and FERS or with service under FERS only. Their average annual pension was $35,952 in 2006.
Originally posted by Aaron:
There you go again muddying up the waters with facts again....
Facts, excellent.......... Doesnt change the fact that congress makes too much money for the job they do, and have to much oversight on the amount of money they do make.
Tue April 21 2009, 04:05 PM
Justin Andersonquote:
Originally posted by Alex:
OK,so what is the point of a "tea party" anyway? You don't like paying taxes?Who does,but if your house is on fire,don't call the fire dept (your right, put it out yourself, by the time the FD get there anyway, your house will be gone),someone breaking in to your house?don't call the cops (Thats what guns are for),don't send your kids to school (Send your kid to private school),don't drive on the streets all paid for with taxes.
The Bush administaration got us into this beautiful mess and left it for Obama to try and fix. He is doing the best that he can to save our economy and this country and our jobs. How about being a real "patriot" and support your country. Don't be a tool.
That last quote shows how misinformed you are about EVERYTHING. You sir are worse than a tool, your a useful idiot.
Tue April 21 2009, 04:28 PM
mx510Justin I think you need a valuum, or some sort of relaxing medicine. You have to remember not everyone can be as smart as you, and see things the way you do.

Tue April 21 2009, 05:50 PM
Originally posted by mx510:
Justin I think you need a valuum, or some sort of relaxing medicine. You have to remember not everyone can be as smart as you, and see things the way you do.
Maaaaaaan I was thinking prozac.... Justin you know me and Im not dissing on you but maaaaan you are fired up!!! LOL I was telling your dad on the phone just a few minutes ago that we wont be at the trac tonight Kenneth is doing a job for someone that was already planed and I made him uphold his obligation. Does this mean im addicted to this forum if im typing from a laptop in someone elses back yard while my son is mowing their yard

Tue April 21 2009, 06:25 PM
tedYOU GO Justin!!! Thank you for telling it like it is. Let's here your comments on Justin Brett? I'm sure Brett has some one liner swipe about Bush.
Justin who let you out of the cage? I'm bringing you to Olympia next time I go to bitch at the morons.
Motodad did the someone else give you a brewski while overseeing 642?
Tue April 21 2009, 06:48 PM
Originally posted by ted:
YOU GO Justin!!! Thank you for telling it like it is. Let's here your comments on Justin Brett? I'm sure Brett has some one liner swipe about Bush.
Justin who let you out of the cage? I'm bringing you to Olympia next time I go to bitch at the morons.
Motodad did the someone else give you a brewski while overseeing 642?
Naww Ted but that sounds like a good idea!! I just have to wait till hes done and drive him home.... no brewskis till i get home..

Tue April 21 2009, 07:07 PM
AlexWhat really is the point of responding to Justin? Winning an Internet arguement with him would be like winning an event in the special olympics. Sure there is some satisfaction,but in the end,all you really did is beat a retard.
Tue April 21 2009, 09:11 PM
bwiseTed, I have a hard time debating with someone who makes a grammatical error just before calling another person an idiot.
Tue April 21 2009, 09:21 PM
Justin Andersonquote:
Originally posted by Alex:
What really is the point of responding to Justin? Winning an Internet arguement with him would be like winning an event in the special olympics. Sure there is some satisfaction,but in the end,all you really did is beat a retard.
Lol, and thats what you have to beat a retard with?????
Listen, Im all about debate, you got some stuff you wanna throw my way??? Wanna beat the retard????
Do it then... Ill hit the shit right out of the park.
Tue April 21 2009, 09:25 PM
Justin Andersonquote:
Originally posted by bwise:
Ted, I have a hard time debating with someone who makes a grammatical error just before calling another person an idiot.
Oooooooooo sorry I didnt pass your little test...
Next time I'll use THE instead of THAT, I really didnt think it mattered that much.
Just like ALL liberals, you cant debate, so you point out the little useless garbage.
Ive been down that road many times, I dont need to tear peoples sentences apart to make my points.
Tue April 21 2009, 09:27 PM
Justin AndersonCmon you liberal Fools

Bring it on, what ya got?????
Tue April 21 2009, 09:30 PM
AlexIsn't it past your bedtime?
Tue April 21 2009, 09:39 PM
Originally posted by Justin Anderson:
Originally posted by bwise:
Ted, I have a hard time debating with someone who makes a grammatical error just before calling another person an idiot.
Oooooooooo sorry I didnt pass your little test...
Next time I'll use THE instead of THAT, I really didnt think it mattered that much.
Just like ALL liberals, you cant debate, so you point out the little useless garbage.
Ive been down that road many times, I dont need to tear peoples sentences apart to make my points.
I'm not a liberal, but thanks for trying to pigeonhole me.
Tue April 21 2009, 10:22 PM
Justin AndersonQuit acting like a liberal and I wouldnt have to pigeonhole you!
Tue April 21 2009, 10:41 PM
Justin Andersonquote:
Originally posted by Aaron:
The Boston Tea Party, the historic event in which this Fox News driven bullshit fest is supposedly modeled after, had people who were protesting the East India Tea Company and the fact that they were getting tax BREAKS (importation without any tarrif). They were importing their tea, and consequently undercutting local tea vendors. The colonists were actually protesting TAX BREAKS, and the effort by the Parliament to drive the local vendors out of business. Additionally, if they paid for the cheaper tea, they would be acknowledging Parliaments tax.
Fast forward 230ish years, and you have the Ultra right wing conservatives stirring the pot, claiming some connection to taxation without representation. Taxation is not the issue here. They care about nothing but Laissez-faire capitalism. Completely unchecked, unregulated, and uncontrolled growth of the big corporations at the expense of the middle class. Alex, you nailed it.
Then I read about people who are out of work, cussing governments involvement in social problems, all the while drawing unemployment checks and heading in to the doctor on state assisted medical. They don't think twice about the fact that they drive a publicly maintained road, call police officers everytime their neighbor has a party, or God forbid if their dumb asses crash on their bikes, and the Fire Department doesn't get to them sooner.
I have never heard as much crying in my life. Its probably because we have been in a predominantly right, conservatively controlled government for the majority of my life. Our country has been steered by the conservatives for a long time, and they can no longer deny any responsiblity as to why we are in the dire postion that we are in now.
It is truly amazing how so few can be so loud. I watched the news tonight to see protests of 10-15 people in most municipalities, with the biggest show up at our Capitol. (about 200) Its a joke. But I guess it's no different than the minority and relative few that control the wealth in our country, along with the media.
I saw a gallup pole today though that said Obama's approval rating was right at 70%. Must not be too bad out there I guess.
Quit your crying, and get out and vote in 2012. Until then shut your pie holes.
The TEA parties you saw last week had nothing to do with the same circumstances of the boston tea party, its simply using a play on words to get peoples attention, but the principle behind all of it is the same.
The government has gotten out of control, and you might as well have no representation. All you have to do is look at this lead ban issue and the stir its caused, yet nothing has changed.
The reason B.O. was elected was not because people wanted his vision for america, it was because they were told by every idiot under the sun, that things were going to be different, and are they??????? No, they are the same only worse.
Tue April 21 2009, 10:48 PM
Justin Andersonquote:
Originally posted by Alex:
This whole movement was planned,organised and paid for by conservitive right wing agenda neo cons. They hate being out of power and this is the start of the next political campain. Fox news does their bidding for them. This was perpously made and disguised to look like a bi partisan protest,it wasn't.It was organised and paid for by corporate lobbying groups.
Read these articles and open your mind.
Who gives a crap who it was organized by??? If the TEA parties were organized by flaming gay socialists, I couldnt care less, id still support it! It was about government getting too big, and its something I believe is going on, I dont care who is organizing the whole thing.
Tue April 21 2009, 10:53 PM
Justin Andersonquote:
Originally posted by Alex:
Ok,you win.
I will glue my tv channel to fox news and my radio to Rush Limbaugh. Then I will surely be as smart as you and become an expert at insulting people like you.
Thats ok, you can stick to all the rest of the news channels on TV, they'll feed you what you wanna hear, right??? I mean who needs people to call them out if they are wrong, at least fox is decent enough to have liberals on there as well...... isnt that something?
Tue April 21 2009, 11:13 PM
Justin Andersonquote:
Originally posted by Alex:
I try not to be defined by a party or a news channel. I am not a liberal but I am a realist.As a dirt bike/MX rider since 1970,I don't think that I would be invited to many liberal gatherings. After 8 years of George and Dick running this country into the ground,I am hopefull that the new administration can pull us out of this hole that we are in. I have read both sides of the "tea party" and i simply see it as a covert atempt by the neo-cons and their lobbiests to bash the Obama administration and set the stage for the next elections. I am not willing to be manipulated by "big money". I consider myself well informed ,listen to all sides and form my own opinions.
No sir, I am a realist, you are a liberal. I base my opinions on rationality not preconceived notions and hatred such as yourself.
I wish Liberals, or should I say commies (thats right, I used the C word), such as yourself would explain how the Bush administration (In which I have been critical of) ran this country into the ground???
Overall President Bush had a decent couple of terms, he had to deal with Clintons recession, managed to fix that, even in the wake of 9/11, saw the stock market reach the highest it has ever been as well as GDP growth. Where bush went wrong, Aside from the first bank Bail out, is he wanted to have his cake and eat it too. You cant spend to oblivion and expect to cut taxes and make a budget work.
Barack Obama took the worst part of the Bush administration, and multiplyed it by 4 in his first 100 days.
So you can go around saying -Bush this/Neo-Con that all you want and let the rhetoric fly, but what it comes down to is Barack Obama just made the problem worse, and its not going to get better anytime soon.
At least I felt free when bush was president, I didnt feel like I was going to be forced into giving more of my hard earned money away to an out of control government. I didnt feel like tomorrow I would be forced by the government into doing work for free just because its the noble thing to do and its that "change" we need to see. I didnt feel like everything the country stood for was in jeopardy because the president was a student in everything that was "revolutionary" and chose to befriend those who believe in the exact opposite of the ideals this country was founded on.
So if 8 years of bush bashing wasnt enough for you, go ahead and give me some more, Id like to hear some cold hard facts from you commie-asses.
Wed April 22 2009, 05:13 PM
tedAlex. Stop with the "I'm not liberal talk."
Your talking points are word for word what I've heard on MSNBC during the Rachael Maddow show, Keith Oberman and Chris Mathews. They spew exactly what you have printed here. Why are you afraid to admit you are a liberal? Brett. You too. Get real.