I am a liberal, the financial crisis occured on Bushes watch, the buck stops with him. The current administratin may have swung the pendulum a bit too far, however they are trying to fix the problem. Give them a chance with the plans being implemented. It took Bush 4 years to create the problem, what makes you think it can be fixed in 100 days? I would bet the majority of folks on this board complaining about the bailouts do not understand how we got into this mess or the importance of not letting the financial institutions and mega corporations fail. Do some real research. Ted, we spew MSNBC doctrin to combat your Fox doctrin. Do your own research, use your own brain and understand the problem.
------------------------------------ If you wanna live life on your own terms you Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Wed April 22 2009, 06:00 PM
What I dont understand is why you guys just cant agree to disagree? It is plain and obvious that NO ONE on here is going to swing a person to view something either to the left or the right!!!Just let it go people, its okay that Ted and Justin are WAY out on the right side, and pretty much the rest of the group is all the way over on the left! As for me I fall right in the middle and just find this entire thing comical!
Wed April 22 2009, 06:03 PM
Paul 061
What else would we do if we couldn't argue? I'm sitting in a hotel in Toronto with nothing to do but watch Hockey. I don't really like Hockey
------------------------------------ If you wanna live life on your own terms you Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Wed April 22 2009, 06:22 PM
Rays Dad
Hey Paul was that crazy last weekend or what I have never seen so many bikes on a track at the same time almost all fast riders I got pushed out of the inside and the outside of the same turn you were rippin
Wed April 22 2009, 07:25 PM
510 is right. There is no way Conservatives will ever make crazy people think that putting us 10 trillion in debt is wrong. I'm done with this post because the IRS is up my ass for their taxes. I'm actually not joking here!
Wed April 22 2009, 07:55 PM
Workman #21
I'm done with this post because the IRS is up my ass for their taxes
Dang! Ted that sounds bad. Please no thanks required for my contributions to the fed on your (and about everyone else's behalf) no need because that's how I roll, happy to do it.
Anymore though it seems as though I'm paying everybody's taxes, mine, yours, the neighbors even the guy down the street's. I've done the basic's (percentage calcs) and wish things could be different but the economy's in a wreck and peeps are hurting so I do what I can. So please no appreciation necessary, no thank yous required, not even a tip-of-the-hat will do. Nope not for me because I'm glad to do so. I'm ok putt'n out a couple extra $bucks out for my buds but more importantly I'm glad to have you on here sport'n an alternative point of view (grins). It's a bit Conservative for my tastes but hey it's Ted.
All you gotta do is be you!
Thu April 23 2009, 05:23 AM
Paul 061
Originally posted by ted: 510 is right. There is no way Conservatives will ever make crazy people think that putting us 10 trillion in debt is wrong. I'm done with this post because the IRS is up my ass for their taxes. I'm actually not joking here!
Ted I thought you were cranky becasue you were constipated, guess we know the real reason now
------------------------------------ If you wanna live life on your own terms you Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Thu April 23 2009, 08:13 AM
Justin Anderson
Originally posted by Paul 061: I am a liberal, the financial crisis occured on Bushes watch, the buck stops with him. The current administratin may have swung the pendulum a bit too far, however they are trying to fix the problem. Give them a chance with the plans being implemented. It took Bush 4 years to create the problem, what makes you think it can be fixed in 100 days? I would bet the majority of folks on this board complaining about the bailouts do not understand how we got into this mess or the importance of not letting the financial institutions and mega corporations fail. Do some real research. Ted, we spew MSNBC doctrin to combat your Fox doctrin. Do your own research, use your own brain and understand the problem.
Again, how did bush create this mess????
I explained what would happen if we didnt bailout the corps, its not over my head. Your just to busy Heil-Obamaing realize what is going on here, we are being ripped off about as bad and anyone or anything for that matter could be ripped off.
Thu April 23 2009, 08:24 AM
Justin Call me about some SMC Stuff. Paul I know you are not afraid to call yourself a liberal. It's the other 2 that won't.
Thu April 23 2009, 08:39 AM
Ted, I know you are not talking about me, because I know you don't think I am afraid to say I'm liberal.
As far as Justin, well this is what I think:
I have tried to engage Justin on the facts, and time and time again, he has been unable to do so. He is here to argue. Nothing more.
We all have differences of opinion, and I must admit I love the "tactical verbal sparring" that we do.
Justin just stated it clearly. He loves to argue. If you went up to him and told him that you knew his name was Justin, I have no doubt he would argue it in some way or another. As far as backing up anything with fact, well he has shown time and time again that he has the gift of gab, with nothing behind it.
Case in point, the statement "I know hard core union guys who have done apprenticeships blah blah blah blah blah."
Response: "Justin, who are they?"
Answer: I don't know their names, but it sure sounded good at the time."
I particularly liked the comment about liberals being hateful. You base your opinions on rationality right, not preconceived notions and hatred right? Of course in your next statement you called these guys (who hurt your feelings) Commies.
Justin, I realize that Alex hurt your feelings, and his comment was pretty harsh, no doubt. But in the last upteen posts, you have done nothing but make yourself look bad.
Bring the facts, or just stop talking. Might (even on the internet) doesn't make right. You can yell loud, but it does not make you sound any smarter. And remember, getting the last word (or post) doesn't always make you right.
Before you lash out at me, think about what I have posted.
Now in the words of the great Ted Devol, "I'm done with this subject."
Argue away. (as if I need to prove my point.)This message has been edited. Last edited by: Aaron,
Thu April 23 2009, 09:10 AM
I chuckle every time someone in the far right labels anyone that disagrees with any of their "Republican" values a liberal Commie.
Thu April 23 2009, 10:14 AM
Justin Anderson
Originally posted by Aaron: Ted, I know you are not talking about me, because I know you don't think I am afraid to say I'm liberal.
As far as Justin, well this is what I think:
I have tried to engage Justin on the facts, and time and time again, he has been unable to do so. He is here to argue. Nothing more.
We all have differences of opinion, and I must admit I love the "tactical verbal sparring" that we do.
Justin just stated it clearly. He loves to argue. If you went up to him and told him that you knew his name was Justin, I have no doubt he would argue it in some way or another. As far as backing up anything with fact, well he has shown time and time again that he has the gift of gab, with nothing behind it.
Case in point, the statement "I know hard core union guys who have done apprenticeships blah blah blah blah blah."
Response: "Justin, who are they?"
Answer: I don't know their names, but it sure sounded good at the time."
I particularly liked the comment about liberals being hateful. You base your opinions on rationality right, not preconceived notions and hatred right? Of course in your next statement you called these guys (who hurt your feelings) Commies.
Justin, I realize that Alex hurt your feelings, and his comment was pretty harsh, no doubt. But in the last upteen posts, you have done nothing but make yourself look bad.
Bring the facts, or just stop talking. Might (even on the internet) doesn't make right. You can yell loud, but it does not make you sound any smarter. And remember, getting the last word (or post) doesn't always make you right.
Before you lash out at me, think about what I have posted.
Now in the words of the great Ted Devol, "I'm done with this subject."
Argue away. (as if I need to prove my point.)
What facts dude???? I dont think I have ever read one FACT from you that has defended your viewpoint!
I dont know what I said, (Aside from your puny little example, Which I fully admit I couldnt "buck up" and defend, which is why I said take it for what its worth) That hasent been factual???? Can you give me an example of where I have just spewed garbage here???
I stand by my words in calling you guys commies, and it wasnt meant as an insult, it was meant in a true sense.
And your right, I love to argue, thats when the real facts come out, and its usually when the commies are proven wrong.
Again, quote me responding to a meaningful post without facts.
Thu April 23 2009, 10:16 AM
Justin Anderson
Originally posted by bwise: I chuckle every time someone in the far right labels anyone that disagrees with any of their "Republican" values a liberal Commie.
I AM NOT a republican, dont believe me???? Ask people who know me.
If anything Id consider myself a Libertarian.
YOUR VALUES are a direct representation of collectivism, so dont give me crap when I call you out for the Commie you are!
Thu April 23 2009, 11:38 AM
Justin Anderson
Ted, ill give you a call after work.
Thu April 23 2009, 11:44 AM
Originally posted by Justin Anderson: [QUOTE]YOUR VALUES are a direct representation of collectivism, so dont give me crap when I call you out for the Commie you are!
Dude, you don't know anything about me. All you know is I don't agree with some of you and Ted's viewpoints.
Thu April 23 2009, 11:50 AM
Justin Anderson
Originally posted by bwise:
Originally posted by Justin Anderson: [QUOTE]YOUR VALUES are a direct representation of collectivism, so dont give me crap when I call you out for the Commie you are!
Dude, you don't know anything about me. All you know is I don't agree with some of you and Ted's viewpoints.
Exactly, just like you dont anything about me. Your also assuming that I agree with Ted in lock step, Which I could just about gaurantee isnt the case.
Thu April 23 2009, 11:56 AM
B Sharkey
what do you do where you can post every hour all the time.
Thu April 23 2009, 12:01 PM
Justin Anderson
Originally posted by Aaron:
...Fast forward 230ish years, and you have the Ultra right wing conservatives stirring the pot, claiming some connection to taxation without representation. Taxation is not the issue here. They care about nothing but Laissez-faire capitalism. Completely unchecked, unregulated, and uncontrolled growth of the big corporations at the expense of the middle class. Alex, you nailed it.......
Was this one of those FACTS you so proudly set forth??
Since when has there been a laissez faire capitalistic system EVER in this country???
What gives you the idea the laissez faire capitalism would be a bad thing for the "middle class"
I for one would love to see a completely free market system in the country, an actual separation of economics and state.
Your basing your "facts" off of a prejudice that you have for individual freedom, and thats what it comes down to. Its not a fact, its an opinion.
Thu April 23 2009, 12:02 PM
Justin Anderson
Originally posted by B Sharkey: what do you do where you can post every hour all the time.
Its called break times and lunch dude
Thu April 23 2009, 12:05 PM
Justin Anderson
Originally posted by Aaron:
With that being said, I am not sure what is tougher for me as a middle class supporter of the working man. During the Bush Admin, the working class had to constantly worry about what foreign object was going to get stuck up thier collective rear ends. Now we have to listen to "the world is coming to an end" exclamations that make Chicken Little look like small potatoes. ....
This another one of those great facts??
Id love for you to show me that is one, and im serious.