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The Boston Tea Party, the historic event in which this Fox News driven bullshit fest is supposedly modeled after, had people who were protesting the East India Tea Company and the fact that they were getting tax BREAKS (importation without any tarrif). They were importing their tea, and consequently undercutting local tea vendors. The colonists were actually protesting TAX BREAKS, and the effort by the Parliament to drive the local vendors out of business. Additionally, if they paid for the cheaper tea, they would be acknowledging Parliaments tax. Fast forward 230ish years, and you have the Ultra right wing conservatives stirring the pot, claiming some connection to taxation without representation. Taxation is not the issue here. They care about nothing but Laissez-faire capitalism. Completely unchecked, unregulated, and uncontrolled growth of the big corporations at the expense of the middle class. Alex, you nailed it. Then I read about people who are out of work, cussing governments involvement in social problems, all the while drawing unemployment checks and heading in to the doctor on state assisted medical. They don't think twice about the fact that they drive a publicly maintained road, call police officers everytime their neighbor has a party, or God forbid if their dumb asses crash on their bikes, and the Fire Department doesn't get to them sooner. I have never heard as much crying in my life. Its probably because we have been in a predominantly right, conservatively controlled government for the majority of my life. Our country has been steered by the conservatives for a long time, and they can no longer deny any responsiblity as to why we are in the dire postion that we are in now. It is truly amazing how so few can be so loud. I watched the news tonight to see protests of 10-15 people in most municipalities, with the biggest show up at our Capitol. (about 200) Its a joke. But I guess it's no different than the minority and relative few that control the wealth in our country, along with the media. I saw a gallup pole today though that said Obama's approval rating was right at 70%. Must not be too bad out there I guess. Quit your crying, and get out and vote in 2012. Until then shut your pie holes.This message has been edited. Last edited by: Aaron, | |||
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I've heard multiple reports of thousands of people (4-5k) at the capital... not a small protest... "One state trooper said the crowd of 4,000 was eight times larger than what rally organizers planned for. The trooper said it was the largest rally at the Capitol in years." http://seattletimes.nwsource.c...852_webrally15m.html And your last comment... didn't you have a voice when "conservatives" were running this country? Thats one thing about differing opinions and America... You should always have your VOICE. Something to do with the first amendment I think and a little thing called the Constitution. Well, I guess we can just re-write that thing now that we are under liberal control. It's out dated anyway... I mean, it was only the Foundation to building the greatest, free-est, most successful country in the world... who needs a Foundation anyway. Everyone that dis-agrees with anything going on right now is just un-American... (can you really be that?)... C'mon Aaron! I know my personal approval rating of B.O.B went up a little when I found out he ok'd the SEALS to take necessary action. I thought for sure he'd want have a face to face with the pirates (aka terrorists) first and that captain would as good as dead. God Bless the SEALS! | |||
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God bless the SEALS,...who pays them??ohh ya,our taxes. | |||
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Tone Show...HE HE HE.... I did have a voice, and I used it to lobby congress, do labor to neighbor, picket, hand bill, call the legislative hotline, etc... Oh yeah, and I voted. People need to express their outrage or approval the way this citizens of this country always have. Get involved, or STFU. Actions are worth a 1000 words right? Get off the boards, and get on the street. And in my opinion, do it because you truly believe in it, not because you want to make a media side show. The public is not as stupid as some may think..WE have seen a revolution, and it wasn't this Tea Party. It was back in November, and it's growing day by day. Yeah, the Seals helped, but cmon.....We've dug a huge hole, and arguing on how to get out will just keep us at the bottom of the hole. While the cons are crying about what to do, the rest of us are already climbing out. This Tea Party was an act, pure and simple. Now I gotta go to bed. Im feel like $hit (can't you tell by the tone (no play on words) of my posts?) and I gotta save my energy for Friday! Braaappp! | |||
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QUOTE]Originally posted by Alex: OK,so what is the point of a "tea party" anyway? You don't like paying taxes?Who does,but if your house is on fire,don't call the fire dept,someone breaking in to your house?don't call the cops,don't send your kids to school,don't drive on the streets,all paid for with taxes. This whole thing has been set up and pushed by the Repblican party to trash the Democrats and promote their candidates. It has been advertised on the Fox noise network,all to push the right wing agenda. Non partison...right. The Bush administaration got us into this beautiful mess and left it for Obama to try and fix. He is doing the best that he can to save our economy and this country and our jobs. How about being a real "patriot" and support your country. Don't be a tool.[/QUOTE] Stop drinking the Cool Aid!!!... It's not about not paying taxes JA! it's about no 'new' taxes, no 'new' wasteful programs and to stop wasting our money... I think the majority of tea totelers (I didn't make it so I'm not sure if I can have an opinion anymore) would support more tax dollars going to schools, roads, transit, ect but the gov has become so much bigger and more Inefficient that 'some' of the people are fed up (one sign I saw said 'long time tax payer, 1st time protestor). The point is that the gov should have to live within its means like the rest of us and balance their budgets. That may mean slimming/cutting some gov jobs, programs, offices (I vote to boot out some of the 'greenies' holed up in gov offices that ken refers too) not necessarily schools, cops, FD, roads ect. | |||
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The Tri-citys party was good. It looked like all walks of life were there checking it all out. It was not like a wild protest thing. I think people just want to be heard. Alot of veterans and people with American flags. Had to be a thousand plus there. I enjoyed it. Nice to hear Collvile had one to blaze...A good freind of mine I grew up with Keith Kendal lives up there works as a police officer. He rode for team green growing up. Races jet boats now and sleds although he rides with me at horn when he comes down and trains at the hammer police facility. He still goes fast on a yz250 2smoker. Have you ever rode bikes or sleds with checkers or wreckers Keith? He's told me he totaled a few cop cars over the years- Keith's alot of fun...
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So, lets look at the tax issue another way. If I spent way more then I earned last year, should I be able to go to my employer and tell them I need more money because I spent too much last year? Why don't you try that with your supervisor's tomorrow and see what they do. Why should the federal government be any different? Why is it ok for them to overspend and then tax us more to foot the bill? Then they tell us they are going to cut all these state programs, jobs in education and state employees, etc. boy this is going to be really bad. ![]() Now, everybody panic (that is what they want and are expecting). At this point everyone is wondering what can we do to save all these jobs???? ![]() Government: HMMMM, boy we really better think about it...any ideas? Anyone? Well, I know I said we wouldn't, but we could raise taxes? ![]() Public: Yeah, yeah that will do it, that will save all those jobs, lets raise taxes. ![]() Government: Well ok, but only because you want to ![]() Lastly, anyone who sits here and blames one party or the other for the current economic state is a moron, plain and simple. Was GW Bush an idiot, well yeah he was. Did the Democrats have anyone worthwhile run for President against him? Gore and Kerry, please after someone like Clinton was in office, get real, they knew those guys would never win. Dems had control of the House/Senate 2006-2008, no change. The Repubs had complete control 2000-2006, still nothing worthwhile happened. There is plenty of burden for both parties who have gotten us in this mess, not to mention the greedy banks and mortgage lenders. Our country was heading for a recession in 2001, but we refused to let it happen, give them some tax money to spend was the answer. A recession is a normal trend in the economy, look at the history of the stock market, it looks like a wave. Instead of accepting the normal, we pushed off the inevitable. Now, add the housing bubble on top of the deeper then normal recession and here we are. So, the most important thing is what we do from here and quite frankly I can say I don't know, I don't have the answer. All I can do is keep plugging along and hope the government doesn't tax me to death. Good night all. | ||||
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Oh and Alex when I was standing with the twelve or fifteen people in puallup holding my sign, I was the ONLY Republican..... Your simple mind dosent allow you to see that no one on this post has ever mentioned not paying taxes.. you just blow in here spouting stupid coments and trash on some good debate and good people. Arron I am unemployed because of this economy and I dont get state assisted medical nor do I ask for any help... I am intitled my unemployment benefits I have been paying into it for over 25 years without a claim. I get involved in all sorts of ventures and i vote on all elections and I thought that this is what this thread was all about, discussing the issues not degrading people for their comments and their belives (like i just did to Alex.. calling people a tool com'on) This thread makes it clear what it is... you dont want to read about the National Tea party then dont enter the thead your choice that is what the USA is all about ....Freedom. Or now is it only freedom for some? Now I did it again.......maan I really have to work on this self control thing. Seriously Arron I do hope you feel better and you dont have that nasty flue thats been going around. | |||
I think the biggest thing is, that we are a country of laws. I obey them, you obey them, right? EVERYONE needs to obey them and stop being rewarded for breaking them. This goes for congress, big business, ILLEGAL immigrants, etc. Seems right now your treated better if you are a f#@% up. And the rest of us who are obeying are footing the bill. Time to stop. I think the constitution does need revision it was written in a very different time by very different people. People who actually cared about making a difference for others. Tea Party Rock On! | ||||
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This whole movement was planned,organised and paid for by conservitive right wing agenda neo cons. They hate being out of power and this is the start of the next political campain. Fox news does their bidding for them. This was perpously made and disguised to look like a bi partisan protest,it wasn't.It was organised and paid for by corporate lobbying groups. Read these articles and open your mind. http://thinkprogress.org/2009/...-clients-teaparties/ http://www.vancouversun.com/Ne...s/1499732/story.html http://blog.seattlepi.com/davi.../archives/166572.aspThis message has been edited. Last edited by: Alex, | |||
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Put down the nipple and get your info from multiple sources and TRY to form an un-biased opinion. Lets see... your examples are from a Strong Liberal site and from Canadia (socialists)... interesting... like I said before "There are a lot of 'facts' out there bouncing around.. some are true, some are not so much... it depends on where you get your info sometimes... (This is part of the problem)." Almost all media can not be trusted these days (very biased) and you will only find bits if Truth in every article (for both sides). It is your job as an intelligent person (big assumption) for you to gather those tidbits and form an opinion... or just keep on inhaling garbage... Thanks for re-affirming the obvious.... | |||
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Ok,you win. I will glue my tv channel to fox news and my radio to Rush Limbaugh. Then I will surely be as smart as you and become an expert at insulting people like you. cheers | |||
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Actually Josh, you can point the finger. Facts are facts, and while Clinton was far from perfect (NAFTA), the middle class was forced backward during the last Republican controlled terms. As far as the Dems having someone to beat Dubya, need I remind you that Gore beat him by 543,895 votes? (That's over a half a million, for those interested.....) Now Alex and Tone Show, please carry on...This message has been edited. Last edited by: Aaron, | |||
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Thanks for the pass Aaron ![]() Alex, here is a little background info on me… I do not have TV (cable or local, haven't for ~6 years now) so fox news is not a regular station I tune into... however I do read/visit, cnn, fox, Seattle times, komo, ect (.com's) and I use my neighbor/youtube to watch SX/MX. I no longer visit MSNBC because I am tired of hearing about what Michele is wearing today... I also tune into 770 (not rush), 710 and NPR (as well as those godforsaken country & rock stations ![]() All I am saying is try to get some of your info from some other news sources other than full-on far left sites, Canada (not sure why) and/or 'blogs'... Aaron and Paul are not even that audacious to post those links (although they are probably in their favs ![]() You can have the last word... | |||
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I try not to be defined by a party or a news channel. I am not a liberal but I am a realist.As a dirt bike/MX rider since 1970,I don't think that I would be invited to many liberal gatherings. After 8 years of George and Dick running this country into the ground,I am hopefull that the new administration can pull us out of this hole that we are in. I have read both sides of the "tea party" and i simply see it as a covert atempt by the neo-cons and their lobbiests to bash the Obama administration and set the stage for the next elections. I am not willing to be manipulated by "big money". I consider myself well informed ,listen to all sides and form my own opinions. | |||
Alex not a liberal, I don't care who you is, that's funny! Alex you crack me up you're are so ignorant. If Fox news was the ones that fully set up this Tea Party then did NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, CNBC NPR and every big city news paper in America have anything to do with getting B.O.B. elected? Even with all this help and support B.O.B. barely won against McCain who was disliked by hundreds of thousands of Republicans. Anyone notice that Sara Palin is getting beat the hell out of by the Liberal media on a daily basis? Why would they do that? Hmmmmmmm. KING 5 news made no mention of the Tea Party at 11:00 or in the morning news. The entire State had Tea Parties which totaled over 10,000 people during a work day. You think maybe its one sided? Just maybe? We did learn on 5 news that our State is much closer to real Gay marrage now. Oh hurray I'm tho happy. Ith wonderful. I have said for years that if the media was really fair and hard on both sides of the Lib. Con. thing, a current Democrate would rarely be elected. Sorry that is a fact. Another fact for Aaron and Alex our happy good natured Liberals.. The Tea Parties were very successful! | ||||
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when clinton was in office i made the most money those years and over 400k in 4 years in the stock market. life was good back then, i never had less than 30k in the bank and i bought what i wanted. granted my wife only works part time now so we make about 50k less a year. shit i have a 05 450 now but back then i would have had 2 new bikes every year and now im living paycheck to paycheck. what happened | |||
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Well Aaron, I somehow feel like I've reached a new height...I have been called ignorant by Ted! Seriously Ted,if you ever get out of the parts business,I see comedy in your future. Gee,we even got Sarah Palin into this conversation. ![]() | |||
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Keep up the good work Alex. It's nice having the heat off of me every once in a while. | |||
Alex when you join the "moron" club you know you have truly arrived as a liberal wacko. So far only Aaron and I are members. Keep up the good work and I see your acceptance soon. ![]() ------------------------------------ If you wanna live life on your own terms you Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ... | ||||
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