Wed November 23 2005, 09:41 AM
ParkerOld School Horn Pics
Some of you asked for them....
Horn 1989, YZ 80, age 9, tunnel jump area a year before they put the tunnel jump in.
Wed November 23 2005, 09:42 AM
ParkerFall 1992...RM 80.
Wed November 23 2005, 09:43 AM
ParkerPac West 1995...check it out...a real whoop section....not only one, but two!
Wed November 23 2005, 09:44 AM of the only pictures of me in front of Dan, he passed me a few laps later and then I took us both out.
Wed November 23 2005, 11:24 AM
JonA539gezzz what happened???
it was soo sick back in the day.
thanks for the pics.
those whoops are gnarly. they left the ones on the right there for a long time, but where the big whoops are they added the grand stand was it? i dont no, just wish it was like that again.
Wed November 23 2005, 01:36 PM
thanks for sharin wes! in that first pic, you can really see hom much its changed. i didnt even know horn was that old. kepp em coming if you have them.
Fri November 25 2005, 06:25 PM
NaPalmcool topic, makes me want to ride again looking at the pics!
Sun November 27 2005, 10:14 PM
PorterI was down at horn today. Track was fun until my bike went to shat on me. The layout is getting a little old tho. The two table tops in the back could be switched, and the table top in the middle needs to be a rythem section.
Mon November 28 2005, 02:15 PM
motodrew295yeah its getting old for you and you dont even live here. imagine how old it is for us who ride there almost every weekend sometimes twice, unchanged for about 3 years now.
help us out and write a letter to the city.
Wed November 30 2005, 08:45 AM
tedHay you guys. You own that park, not the city of Richland. They work for you. Go to the city council meetings and the Park Board meetings and tell them what you think about how the park is run. That is the only way thing will change.
Stand up for yourselves guys. Go in as a group.
You all will have fun. Talking in front of people like that for the first time is like your first race. Adrenalin pumping and you will all laugh about the event when it's all over.
Of course we all want to hear all the details afterwards.
Wed November 30 2005, 09:57 PM
motokidsI am game! I would even go do the talkin' (I aint scared), but I would need to have all interested people let me know what they want me to say along with my feelings.
Dru, you got my back brother?
Tue January 31 2006, 10:41 PM
Osaka #627are these oldschool enough???
notice my dad in the backround haha in the yellow jt gear... he use 2 ride.. how unbelieveable!

Wed February 01 2006, 03:27 PM
ParkerNice Pics Brett...
I had fun riding with you at RMC before Christmas on Crater's 250.
Wed February 01 2006, 09:43 PM
Lee LiveseyNice pics Wes, It ain't the same without you.
Danny don't look happy in the pic with you out in front..........look at how far he's railed trying to get you

Fri February 17 2006, 09:48 AM
bjmorgan228Nice pic's wes! Uncle mike and i were laughing about the old morgan designs paint job.