Northwest Motocross Forum
Stimulus... Part Deux
Fri February 06 2009, 07:10 PM
Disturbed450Stimulus... Part Deux
Originally posted by ted:
Actually if everyone that disagreed with what is going on, would write letters to their politicians, we would not have to bitch like we do. But most of you won't so the politicians will keep doing their best to make us a socialist country. If you don't know what that means then by all means keep playing your video games. It's hard to relax when you see what is happening to America. Here is a little tiny example of socialism. "You can't ride your motorcycle here." Why you ask. "Because government says you can't".
I don't think Ted is jumping your s*** mx510, he is just very passionate about what he believes in and will not settle for anything less. I agree with him in regards to everyone writing their politicians about what they agree and disagree with. If we all did it, I bet things would be much different. What he gets tired of is everyone complaining and not taking action. It is one thing to say you don't like something, it is something entirely different to do something about it.
Although, I would like to know what his blood pressure is when he is typing on the board, LOL!

Fri February 06 2009, 07:27 PM
747HeavyThis will make it easier for all that have an opinion but never get around to telling people who can make it happen. Here are email and phone numbers for our Most High Senators. Call them and tell em what you think. They won't talk to you, of course, but you can leave a msg and they tally the number of people who say Yea or Nay to issues. Makes a difference. (Except for Patty Murray - she shows up and asks Lib leadership which box to check and thats it.) But its still important to tell her that her ideas are idiotic. Go fer it!
Maria Cant-Workwell with others
Patty Tennis Shoes Murray 224-2621
I email AND call. Get a 2fer on each issue.
Fri February 06 2009, 07:56 PM
Workman #21quote:
Unions were not at the heart of our success after world war II
Ted this one's for you (and DON'T call me "kenny"! - grins)
Point: “America imported very very little manufactured goods..”
Counter Point: Might wanna check out what was going on just prior to WWII with regard to manufactured goods and Japan. (me I had Pop a WWII Vet living it back then)
Point: “We import shit..”
Counter Point: Just like we did from Japan pre Toyota and Deming days (look'em up) Edward Deming.
Point: “Give aggressive tax breaks to businesses. Not all businesses! Only businesses that manufacture their product in the United States of America..”
Counter: None
Point: “There is no way a conservative or Liberal can argue this..”
Counter Point: I agree with ya cept I take tend it take it to extremes to make a point. I say we stop all labor, stop all finance, stop all social services, stop all agriculture as in farming. Stop it all and OUTSOURCE the aforementioned everything to anybody that'll bid it lowest. Lowest is good right ...cept when it's YOU at the bottom making the bid. Dudes signed a contract right! and if so then in the end the only thing that matters most is the ink on the paper.
So how much does ink $cost these days. Can you say Trillions like Thousands-of-Billions, like Thousands-of-Thousands-of-Millions like Thousands-of-Thousands-of-Thousands-of-Thousands-of-Hundreds. When does it freak'n END!
When I was a kid “trill”ions was only true in comic books.
We need a Super Hero!
P.S. 747Heavy I got their numbers, they mine.
Fri February 06 2009, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by 747Heavy:
This will make it easier for all that have an opinion but never get around to telling people who can make it happen. Here are email and phone numbers for our Most High Senators. Call them and tell em what you think. They won't talk to you, of course, but you can leave a msg and they tally the number of people who say Yea or Nay to issues. Makes a difference. (Except for Patty Murray - she shows up and asks Lib leadership which box to check and thats it.) But its still important to tell her that her ideas are idiotic. Go fer it!
Maria Cant-Workwell with others
Patty Tennis Shoes Murray 224-2621
I email AND call. Get a 2fer on each issue.
747, I've called and spoken with Cantwell, Murray, and Rick Larson. Ive met the Governor, the Mayor (Seattle) and countless state Senators and Reps. Ive met and conversed with my state Reps McCoy and Sells, along with my Senator Jean Berkey. I actually even know what my district is. (I'm guessing most on here dont even vote let alone know anything about where they reside or who their elected officials are) I have access to these folks not because I am some corrupt "union boss" or a flaming right wing commie fascist like Ted calls me. I have access because I take the initiative to access these people. That is their job. Most like to talk the talk when it comes to debating or bitching about politics, but few walk the walk.
See ya at the track.

Fri February 06 2009, 08:20 PM
747HeavyAaron, you are a great American. Thanks for taking on the responsibility that our founding fathers knew that would be necessary to preserve our freedom. Knowledge of the issues, speaking your mind and taking action.
See you out there. Where? Thinking about it hard tonite. Maybe Toes Sat . . . ?
Fri February 06 2009, 08:23 PM
AaronI don't know about a great American, maybe a master debater..... LOL.
I love Toes, and I would go but I have a 4 year olds basket ball game first thing in the AM.
My boy and I will be headed to Jokewood as soon as we are done.
I think Brendan is going to be racing the PRO race in Horn in a few weeks, then on to Toes for Huckfest Sunday morning though. We are going to stay on this side of the mountains for a couple of weeks, then make the loop at the end of the month.
Fri February 06 2009, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by Disturbed450:
Originally posted by ted:
Actually if everyone that disagreed with what is going on, would write letters to their politicians, we would not have to bitch like we do. But most of you won't so the politicians will keep doing their best to make us a socialist country. If you don't know what that means then by all means keep playing your video games. It's hard to relax when you see what is happening to America. Here is a little tiny example of socialism. "You can't ride your motorcycle here." Why you ask. "Because government says you can't".
I don't think Ted is jumping your s*** mx510, he is just very passionate about what he believes in and will not settle for anything less. I agree with him in regards to everyone writing their politicians about what they agree and disagree with. If we all did it, I bet things would be much different. What he gets tired of is everyone complaining and not taking action. It is one thing to say you don't like something, it is something entirely different to do something about it.
Although, I would like to know what his blood pressure is when he is typing on the board, LOL!
What scares me is Ted had aneurysms popping out of his head when Dubya and a Republican congress were in control! What is 09 and beyond going to hold for Ted??? Hold it together buddy, I plan on colleting that Ruth's Chris steak and Brew.
Plus, I don't want to retire from the MXPPA for the Ted Devol memorial race.
Fri February 06 2009, 09:39 PM
mx510I thought this was a mx message board?

I am still in disbelief on this whole mini bike thing. I honestly cant believe that they are going to force dealers and manufacturers from selling kids bikes. Absolutely retarded! Last I checked I had never heard of anyone getting lead poisoning from mx.
Fri February 06 2009, 09:55 PM
Workman #21mx510 .. Dude I was thinking about this very thing while listening to NPR (National Public Radio) on the way to werk this morning. Kids licking a gas tank that happened to have Lead in the paint.
Is it MX or is is PolitCS. I'm all for supporting my fellow MXer's but I truly gotta wonder about my tree-hugger dudes sport'n ten's of childs and claiming gas guselers (cars) are the eveil empire. Dude...I'm pay'n fer yer kids College with my Taxes. Green house gasses and me. I'm one he many. Who's contributing more?
Who is more a tree-huggy me as one or he as many?
P.S. I am trying to get my bike population down to a 1:1 ratio.
Maybe that whole China birth rate control thing can help me make the Planet greener. Or not.
Sat February 07 2009, 09:02 AM
mx510Ya last night I went into the bike shop and was reminded about this whole thing by the owner of the shop and the parts manager and it really kinda fired me up. It really just doesnt make any sense???? Someone without a brain thought this one up.
Sat February 07 2009, 11:29 AM
mattuI heard that they have put this lead law off for one year. The tree huggers have talking to our faces with lawsuits and then slamming us with the lead law as a flank attack.
The eco's have the hollywood types with all the money
Sat February 07 2009, 04:48 PM
tedAaron I never called you a flaming anything. Maybe a bloody something, but certainly not a flaming something.
P.S. Aaron what was the bet? You never specified the bet.
P.P.S. How in the world does a 4 year old play basket ball? That has got to be entertaining!
Sat February 07 2009, 06:05 PM
MX516I was thinking that at the rate Mr. O's approval rate is dropping in just a few weeks, Ruth Chris will be on the MXPPA!!!
You can write that off,... right?
However, I must say that the hole the "left" is putting us in is not going to be worth a steak...
Mon February 09 2009, 11:19 AM
tedYa but don't forget that B.O.B. has a place set at the table for union guys. On the menu? PORK!
A big huge one with more fat than your grandkids can eat. Aaron will be able to buy as long it is within the next 2-3 years.
Mon February 09 2009, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by ted:
Ya but don't forget that B.O.B. has a place set at the table for union guys. On the menu? PORK!
A big huge one with more fat than your grandkids can eat. Aaron will be able to buy as long it is within the next 2-3 years.
I don't know if I can make it. Most days I am the kid with the marker, today, I was definitely the little guy in the bouncy chair....
Tue February 10 2009, 02:45 PM
MX516It passed!!! We are SAVED!!! yeah!!!!
I wonder how the markets will react...nothing but sunny days from here

... wait... stocks dropped almost 400pts today.
I don't understand...

... i thought for sure that purchasing debt with more debt would work... the 2nd time.
better start working on part 3... do i hear $1,000,000,000,000 (that's trillion with a capital T) that should do it!
Tue February 10 2009, 03:55 PM
MX516I guess he is right maybe we don't (or shouldn't) care...
check out the link if you want to see what "they" really think of us... fishy fishy...

Tue February 10 2009, 05:28 PM
34's mechanicStimulus passed, stocks dropped and mini's, parts and gear are being removed from sales.
Change is here
Tue February 10 2009, 06:53 PM
Workman #21quote:
Originally posted by ted:
Ya but don't forget that B.O.B. has a place set at the table for union guys. On the menu? PORK!
A big huge one with more fat than your grandkids can eat. Aaron will be able to buy as long it is within the next 2-3 years.
Dude I like ya, have known ya for what - a hundred years - but dude who's gonna do the planting of seed, the tilling of the soil and who's gonna harvest the crop because that's where yer taking us with your NOBODY PAYS TAXES thing.
We pay for our roads, bridges, electricity, water, sewer, fire-fighters and police and countless more with tax. We pay for the defense of our Nation, and lately (past few years) we've been paying for it in more than $Dollars. So what would happen if we all decided to stop paying for those things. HuH? Who's gonna $buy your products when they can't even be delivered. Remember - no roads cause we didn't pay, guess what, for'em.
So before you answer this I'd ask only this. There is a Maxima-Minima when it comes to paying taxes so exactly $what's the range. Max-Min. No approximations, no guesses, no hums and butts no just-abouts. I wanna know exactly how $much you'd be willing to sacrifice on behalf of your fellow human being. How much for the social good would you be willing to give. Would you be willing to give as much as much as our Soldiers. Would you give-till-it-hurts?
Tue February 10 2009, 07:43 PM
tedAaron are those your kids?

That is the funniest thing I have seen since viewing the "Sticking us Package". LOL

Ken. Your last post. ??
I sent a blood vessle popping letter to the senators and congressman about the mini bike thing. Anyone else?