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Trey Canard
posted Thu January 12 2012 08:06 PM
After much consideration prayer and riding I was wondering if Trey will keep it together for the whole season. I always seem to watch and wait until he pushes to hard and wads himself up and wonder why he refuses to back it down a notch at times to fight again another day.

I like Trey but damn how much church talk can a guy take.. I know some will probably slam me for saying that but I have thick skin and do have faith in God I just don't throw it out every chance I get.
Posts: 229 | Location: Auburn WA | Registered: Tue November 16 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Justin Anderson
posted Sun January 15 2012 09:50 PMHide Post
Well Ill tell you straight out (And no, I dont care what Ted, Vern, and My Dad think about it) I am an Athiest, and I think that you are wasting your time believing in such nonsense... However, if thats what you wanna do, than by all means, pray to whichever extent you deem necessary... If that gives Trey Canard the confidence to go out there as give it hell (sorry, no pun intended...) than so be it...

Ive evolved past the witch doctor stage in humanity, I have a brain... Ill use that instead. Thanks.
Posts: 403 | Location: Auburn, WA | Registered: Sat December 30 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of J Mull
posted Mon January 16 2012 06:26 AMHide Post
Ive evolved past the witch doctor stage in humanity, I have a brain... Ill use that instead. Thanks.

Ha. Apparently not.
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Picture of Paul 061
posted Mon January 16 2012 08:09 AMHide Post
Oh crap here we go Big Grin

If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
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Picture of Justin Anderson
posted Mon January 16 2012 10:10 AMHide Post
Paul, I think this subject may just be a bit too touchy. Politics is one thing, but people are way too emotional when it comes to their religious beliefs. I generally keep quiet when it comes to religion, I know I am a minority...

That still doesnt make my point any less valid...

This message has been edited. Last edited by: Justin Anderson, Mon January 16 2012 11:23 AM
Posts: 403 | Location: Auburn, WA | Registered: Sat December 30 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Kimball #126
posted Mon January 16 2012 10:29 AMHide Post
It takes balls to speak out about your beliefs..People can frown about whatever they want. Trey Canard believes in a God who can, and does answer prayers. Yes, It seems redundant at times when thats what they say when interviewed. But committing your works to the Lord is something Christians believe. Whether you fail or win, Commit your works to the Lord. I see nothing wrong in believing in a God who asks you to love your brother, live a clean life, do unto others as you'd have done unto you, and to be a little different than the world deems acceptable.. More power to them.
Posts: 1187 | Location: Spokane | Registered: Wed November 12 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of J Mull
posted Mon January 16 2012 11:17 AMHide Post
Originally posted by Kimball #126:
It takes balls to speak out about your beliefs..People can frown about whatever they want. Trey Canard believes in a God who can, and does answer prayers. Yes, It seems redundant at times when thats what they say when interviewed. But committing your works to the Lord is something Christians believe. Whether you fail or win, Commit your works to the Lord. I see nothing wrong in believing in a God who asks you to love your brother, live a clean life, do unto others as you'd have done unto you, and to be a little different than the world deems acceptable.. More power to them.

Well said Kimballer...well said.
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Picture of Paul 061
posted Mon January 16 2012 11:46 AMHide Post
Originally posted by Kimball #126:
It takes balls to speak out about your beliefs..People can frown about whatever they want. Trey Canard believes in a God who can, and does answer prayers. Yes, It seems redundant at times when thats what they say when interviewed. But committing your works to the Lord is something Christians believe. Whether you fail or win, Commit your works to the Lord. I see nothing wrong in believing in a God who asks you to love your brother, live a clean life, do unto others as you'd have done unto you, and to be a little different than the world deems acceptable.. More power to them.

Yes but what if he were praising Allah or a Hindu god. Would the response be the same?

If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Posts: 3122 | Location: Puyallup | Registered: Wed August 04 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Kimball #126
posted Mon January 16 2012 02:17 PMHide Post
Everybody has different beliefs, so yes Paul, they would have different responses. Boner.
Posts: 1187 | Location: Spokane | Registered: Wed November 12 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of mx510
posted Mon January 16 2012 06:08 PMHide Post
Originally posted by Justin Anderson:
Well Ill tell you straight out (And no, I dont care what Ted, Vern, and My Dad think about it) I am an Athiest, and I think that you are wasting your time believing in such nonsense... However, if thats what you wanna do, than by all means, pray to whichever extent you deem necessary... If that gives Trey Canard the confidence to go out there as give it hell (sorry, no pun intended...) than so be it.

Ive evolved past the witch doctor stage in humanity, I have a brain... Ill use that instead. Thanks.

Witch doctor stage, really?
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Picture of Paul 061
posted Mon January 16 2012 06:40 PMHide Post
Originally posted by Kimball #126:
Everybody has different beliefs, so yes Paul, they would have different responses. Boner.

No Brian my point was everyone wants to say let the person say what he believes. What if Weimer for example came out and said Allah be praised that I made it through and won the race. How would that go over. Not well I think.

If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Posts: 3122 | Location: Puyallup | Registered: Wed August 04 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of J Mull
posted Mon January 16 2012 07:12 PMHide Post
Originally posted by Paul 061:
Originally posted by Kimball #126:
Everybody has different beliefs, so yes Paul, they would have different responses. Boner.

No Brian my point was everyone wants to say let the person say what he believes. What if Weimer for example came out and said Allah be praised that I made it through and won the race. How would that go over. Not well I think.

You're correct it probably wouldn't...because you live in a country that includes God in it's beliefs and many other may have heard of the pledge of allegiance for one. Big Grin
Posts: 271 | Location: Marysville | Registered: Sat March 28 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Justin Anderson
posted Mon January 16 2012 08:56 PMHide Post
Yes Robert, "The Witch Doctor" stage...

Why is it that modern religion should be excluded from that characterization? Its the same Mumbo-Jumbo thats been preached from the dawn of civalization, "You cant do that because..." And then followed with a bunch of mystic BS... Religion is nothing but behavior control on the Macro level, anybody who has thought about it, without the blinders on, for more than 60 seconds, realizes this.

"If you are not a well behaved child, Santa will fill your stocking with coal".... Sound Familiar?? Its the same tactic, on a lower level...

Now I dont know about you, but I dont go around saying I believe santa, so why would I go around saying I believe in a god??

Jews, Christians, and even Muslims for that matter, all solidified their beliefs in a time where human intelligence was not a fraction of what it has become today, other religions, even before that... Why do you think that, for some reason, THAT is the "end all be all" as far as a supreme sense of control is concerned?? I hate to break it to you, but that is only a footnote in human history, just as the extinct religions of past, and the current "spear-chucking" religions of primal earth... The only thing that will live through is The human brains ability to reason... Look at history.

Now we can all sit here and badger back and forth about the different religions, but what it comes down to, is that they are all a way for humans to escape using rationality and reason to form thought, and act upon it.

Stupidity, or Laziness... Take your pick...
Posts: 403 | Location: Auburn, WA | Registered: Sat December 30 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Justin Anderson
posted Mon January 16 2012 09:04 PMHide Post
Originally posted by Mull#13:
Originally posted by Paul 061:
Originally posted by Kimball #126:
Everybody has different beliefs, so yes Paul, they would have different responses. Boner.

No Brian my point was everyone wants to say let the person say what he believes. What if Weimer for example came out and said Allah be praised that I made it through and won the race. How would that go over. Not well I think.

You're correct it probably wouldn't...because you live in a country that includes God in it's beliefs and many other may have heard of the pledge of allegiance for one. Big Grin

Last time I checked, the "pledge of allegiance" was a pledge to the nation that we live in, not to a particular god... It wasnt until the eisenhower Administration that the "under god" line was added... And I have no problem with that... The fact that this country "lncludes" god in its beliefs is completely separate to the reasons that support its individual freedoms, as that is the exact antithesis of what the "christian" religion preaches, "Self Sacrifice"... This nation wasnt based off of self sacrifice, it was based off of self reliance... God didnt make this country great, individualism did...
Posts: 403 | Location: Auburn, WA | Registered: Sat December 30 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
posted Mon January 16 2012 09:46 PMHide Post
I was wondering when anyone would answer on this one. Figures it was not until after a Phoneix LOL.

In case you didn't see it I was taking a jab at Treys quote he tweeted before Phoneix SX With the prayers and consideration bit. Not that Brayton went out and went P4 at A1 I'm sure that had nothing to do with it if hes in a contract year.

What I am growing more tired of hearing is riders thanking God or Jesus for the fact that they did well in a race.... WOW
For me it's on thing to ask to be kept safe and for the safety of others but to ask for help in winning seem pathetic at best. I would hope that God or whatever or who ever you belive in has more pressing things to deal with than a motorcycle rider asking to win a race.

As far as people not beliving in a supreme being well I'm always amazed at how many people find belifes in something or someone when the day of reckoning comes around.
Posts: 229 | Location: Auburn WA | Registered: Tue November 16 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of TRA-742
posted Mon January 16 2012 10:16 PMHide Post
TC41 is my favorite rider I'm pretty sure he could walk on water I luv that kid!!!
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Picture of Justin Anderson
posted Mon January 16 2012 10:36 PMHide Post
Originally posted by Hutchracer:
...As far as people not beliving in a supreme being well I'm always amazed at how many people find belifes in something or someone when the day of reckoning comes around.

That is pretty amazing isnt it?? Better safe than sorry I would assume...
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posted Tue January 17 2012 08:14 AMHide Post
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posted Tue January 17 2012 10:17 AMHide Post
To each his own, but trey canard is a super nice kid!
Posts: 83 | Location: brush prarie | Registered: Sat March 05 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of mx510
posted Tue January 17 2012 01:43 PMHide Post
You know Justin for someone that didnt want to talk about religion you sure have held back on your "opinion".
Posts: 435 | Location: Puyallup | Registered: Fri August 01 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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